Sabre's Journey 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CLUTCHnFOREVER, Aug 12, 2008.


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    Ok me ClutchNForever aka born perfect 06 and Sabre88 deciced that i would post this map for him. I was there in the room when he made the first and there for this one(for company and contructive critism). ​
    I am going to be copying and pasteing the description from with the link to the thread. Hope you guys enjoy the new Sabre's Journey. Also any comments made will be pasted on to Sabre88 or you guys can message him on live on SABRE88.

    -------------------------------------------------I am proud to present to you-------------------------------------------------
    ----=========================SABRE’S JOURNEY 2================---------[​IMG][​IMG]
    The long awaited sequel to Sabre’s Journey is finally here!!! More twists, more turns, more surprises, MORE TERRIFYING!!!
    ***All the “problems” there were in Sabre’s Journey have been addressed in SJ2. ***

    There are some new additions to SJ2 and some returning classics, with a few twists, literally. There is a new zig zag pallet section, a new dumpster door, crawl spaces, and even a few surprises ;).​

    Returning Classics.............................................. ..................Crawl Spaces
    A new Dumpster Door............................................................A few Surprises
    -The first barrier that the Alpha zombie breaks through used to get stuck and hold the alpha zombie back for too long, giving the humans an advantage. It was a nuisance and ruined some of the games. Now, after 30 seconds, if the barriers haven’t been moved by the zombies, a man cannon spawns to push them away, and give the zombie a boost to make up for lost time.​

    Man Cannon
    -The teleporter that takes you into the map was always a problem because people would stand behind it and assassinate the zombies. Now there is a man cannon fixed behind a wall behind the teleporter, so no one can assassinate the zombie. ​

    -A big problem in Sabre’s Journey was the loooong walk for the zombies to get to the end, although, if you used my game settings the custom power-up allowed you to get through it quickly. With SJ2, there are more barricades and obstacles, so the humans don’t get to the final holdout very often. The custom power-up comes in handy when the humans are halfway through the map. I have made obtaining the custom power up much easier. Inside the zombie spawn are two teleporters marked by signs A and B. Teleporter A takes you to a small enclosed room where there is a custom power-up; however, it is not accessible for the first 3 minutes of the game. After 3 minutes a man cannon will spawn that will launch you straight up into the power up and out a sender node. It respawns instantly, but no more than one person should go at a time, so that each person can get a custom power up. Teleporter B takes you to the final hallway, where a grav lift pushes you back until the humans get to the same point in the map and destroy it. This new feature in SJ2 allows the zombies to cut off the lengthy walk to the end of the map and get to the final room quicker. ​

    The End..............................................................................Custom Power-up
    Signs A and B.......................................................................Grav Lift pushes you back
    ****I have used every possible item on the map, and the final room is not plum full with weapons like the one in Sabre’s Journey, but there are plenty of guns. So far in all the test games, the humans have only made it to the final room 3 times, that’s out of about 15 games that are 6 rounds each. The complex tunnels and increased number of barriers and barricades make this map difficult to get through, especially in large parties, which makes for very fun and suspenseful gameplay; you never know when you’re going to make it through the map! ****

    Final Room..........................................................................Guns
    ---This map is designed for Run4 your life, a FAT KID style infection game type that has been tweaked specifically for the map and for more fun, I personally dislike any FAT KID game type, I much prefer mine, it is more fun (to me).---​

    Special thanks to: Stubs26 for the helpful advice and constructive criticism.
    KSI BMX for being a POS and A DBAG
    Born Perfect 06 and GTA IV FR3AK for keeping me company lol
    Thanks to anyone and everyone who played SJ2 and tested it with me.
    And thanks to you for downloading and commenting my map!!!​
    #1 CLUTCHnFOREVER, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  2. Alien Emperor

    Alien Emperor Ancient
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    Cool it looks good seems quitte similar to omega journey. Someone should try andmake an infection game on something else than forge you could make a good one in epitaph
  3. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    From the looks of it the map looks very good, detailed, but i really don't like fat kid maps so no dl. I think more screenshots of this map would be appreciated.
    BTW, am i the only one who is seeing this thread too wide?

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
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    I remember this! Scared the crap out of me! I'll give it a try.
  5. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this looks like a good game is it for fat kid cause it looks like it could play well on that
  6. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    looks pretty sweet but like many people i do not enjoy fat kid...but good job and ill download but i will not play fat kid...

    and i beleive alien emperor means foundry not forge cuz all maps are made in forge..
  7. KingxCloud

    KingxCloud Ancient
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    This is not really a fat kid map, the alpha zombie dies much easyier then in fat kid, I helped Sabre88 play test the map a bit, *NOTE*: what I am about to say is my opinion, and does not reflect on the opinions of Sabre88,or his friend!

    Ok I believe Sabre's Journey Is way better then Omega Journy! In omega, all you get is outta the map, in Sabre there is an actual goal to get too! plus the obsticles in Sabre are alot harder to get past, In omega its just a box or 1-2 barriers.. Sabre's Journey 2 Is amazing and it should have at least way more DL's then Omega!

    Senior Member

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    The fat kid game type for this isnt that similar to the real fat kid you do walk slow but you do walk a lot faster then the original fat kid.
  9. RisingRemains

    RisingRemains Ancient
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    This is exactly just like death path.. They even copied the dumpster trap, and since they ran out of ideas, they copied omega journey obstacles..
    #9 RisingRemains, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008

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    Actulally the person who this map including me have never heard of death path everyone knows how to make traps and the newest omega journeys copyed some of sabre journey obstacles. Omega journey has like no obstacles is very easy. not well made. And i have heard this from lots of people.And no he never ran out fo ideas he used every object on the map he could of made it bigger/longer if forge permitted him to.

    Also have you ever played this map or just looked at the pics?
    #10 CLUTCHnFOREVER, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  11. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Not like death path, death path=dumb path

    Do you know what you're talking about? Copied the dumpster trap? Copied Omega journey obstacles? See heres the problem, there are only a few items that are moveable, crates, barriers, etc etc... So to say that I copied barriers is ignorant, if there were more objects to use then we all wouldnt have barriers and crates as our stinkin obstacles. I actually think I came up with a few of my own original ideas and incorporated some cool ones that I liked and that made the map play and look better. If you are going to whine about me being able to forge something, not copy it directly, but forge it on my own then go whine somewhere else. Your claims are stupid, i put a lot of work into this map, and a lot of people enjoy it and like it, if you don't like it don't bother downloading it, playing it, or even commenting on it and leaving me one start. You're jealous, to say the least. Goodbye.
  12. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    I don't really like fat kid but if its about the map itself i like how orginal it is compared to most fat kid maps nice job it looks very clean and professional.

    Senior Member

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    Alright you guys i just want to make this clear I know almost 3/4 of people who play infection hate fat kid cause its so unfair for the zombies. But this map is nothing like fat kid the gametype suits this map perfectly. The zombies have way more fun then they would on a fat kid gametype/map. On this map the zombies don't have the lowest speed speed, they walk way faster than the fat kid zombies i cant state that enough just so everyone doesn't put there opinion on the gametype that goes with this map..
    #13 CLUTCHnFOREVER, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  14. KingxCloud

    KingxCloud Ancient
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    *NOTE* This is my opinion! and it does not reflect on the opinion of Sabre88!

    You sir are a complete Idiot, There is no way in hell Sabre88 copied anything from Omega Journy.. And I have seen the newer versions of omega and sadly Brno copied things from Sabre's Journey... and posted it like it was his own... so plz think before you post... Now you Know!

    Come on people DL this Map and Gametype! This map is like the godfather of Infection maps! DL NOW!!!
  15. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Yes I wish I could make it more clear that this is not a map designed for FAT KID I have created a specific gametype called Run 4 your life. It is completely unlike Fat Kid. The zombies are not nearly as slow, and not nearly as strong. If you download the map, you should download the gametype to get the most out of the map. I have made this map and gametype to play perfect with one another. It is fair for the zombies and fun for both zombies and humans. I guarantee a well balanced and very fun map/gametype.
  16. AKIRA95

    AKIRA95 Ancient
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    This map is garbage all he did is talk garbage to the orginal owner and said his map sucks and now he made a map similar to it and call it his own wow thats sad!
  17. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Sh-Akira your mommy's calling you!!

    #17 SABRE88, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  18. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Are you calling me a fraud?!?

    #18 SABRE88, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  19. AspiringChampion

    Senior Member

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    This looks like a really fun map. I love maps like this, so thanks for posting it. 5/5
    looking forward to playing it tommorow

    P.S Don't listen to what other people say about the map being copied. They are just too ignorant to see that there map isn't the ONLY map that looks and plays like that.
    #19 AspiringChampion, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008

    Senior Member

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    Can you guys just stop flalmming or what ever a mod already had to come in here and remove a bunch of posts because you guys wont leave this thread alone. There are hundred of maps made like this not all good. You never invented traps so get over it. Tell me how many moveable objects there are in forge. Think about that and then think about what your going to post.

    Also the orignal sabres journey was out way before your friends path map and had over 3000 downloads so go talk crap some where else before you do it here. This thread is way out of your league.

    Well Said!
    #20 CLUTCHnFOREVER, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008

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