Guardian is quite win, but Narrows is full of rape, lawl I honestly would have to say it's The Pit, only because Guardian gets overplayed on mm.
i love pit slayer, and pit flag, its the awesomeness. Guardian slayer is also good, and guardian oddball its alright.
Onslaught CTF is great, but I do like a good Guardian slayer. Construct hill is also win. Pit slayer has garbage gameplay, there is too much camping on your side with power weapons. Ok for flag, but no the best for slayer.
Ooslaught is my fav. Guardian is a classic second though. I don't play MLG much though. I hate KOTH on construct though, I once played that 4 games in a row.
You need to try it with a good team. It takes a lot of teamwork and strategy to control the hill and key parts of the map at the same time. You'll notice this if you play with higher ranks, otherwise people just spam grenades into the purple rooms, not focusing on the objective.
I once won it by myself, it's just that it get's annoying to do it four times in a row without getting another map or gametype, and the time I did get another one, it got veto'd and changed to KOTH on construct. It was fun the first two games. Then it got boring.
That is not the maps fault, it is the playlists fault. Also, try it in customs with friends that will actually play adequately.
Construct hill Onslaught CTF Guardian Ball (If thats still there) The pit team slayer And the playlist isn't hard. I got to a 43 by myself.
amp cause it is sorta like the newest mlg map but i like the pit and guardian i dont think it gets overplayed.
New to the playlist doesn't mean better. Amplified is pretty much garbage for every gametype. Sometimes CTF can be good though.
Guardian and Pit ftw. Pretty much the two defining maps of competitive halo 3. Everything else (Except maybe construct hill) have the potential of being replaced.
1. Construct - Slayer 2. Onslaught - Flag 3. Guardian - Oddball 4. The Pit - Flag 5. Construct - KOTH 6. Amplified - Slayer
All of the gametypes in order, 1- King on Construct 2- Slayer on the Pit 3- King on the Pit 4- Slayer on Guardian 5- Slayer on Construct 6- Oddball on Guardian 7- CTF on the Pit 8- CTF on Onslaught 9- King on Amplified 10- Slayer on Narrows 11- CTF on Narrows 12- Slayer on Amplified
Guardian for Oddball obviously, Guardian for Slayer, Onslaught for CTF, and Pit for KotH. Amp Slayer is in close second for favorite Slayer map, same with Pit CTF. I can't stand anything Construct, and I'm starting not to like Narrows very much. Probably cause I always get the worst teams.