Temple Of Atlas

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by American10, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    Outstanding and creative map! I love it how you made the tunnels with water in them, it gives me a real temple feeling. Nice job, I think this has a chance of being featured. 5/5
  2. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    Here it is for all those who have been waiting. American10 and I have work on this map for about 1000 years just for you. The map is perfect as you can see, and the game play is remarkable. We have created a complex system of tunnels, devised in a way that increases game play and aesthetics. Above is a beautiful valley with a waterfall, temple and a house, but bellows are caverns and dungeons awaiting your death.

    Also I would not like to see any post like this parody,
    This map looks amazing! Even though I have never played this map, and my only experience of it are the screenshots that I’m looking at on my low quality computer monitor, and I have no idea of how the map plays except what you just told me, I’ll give you the best score possible and completely invalidate anyone else’s attempt to actually play this map and give it the score it actually deserves based on it’s playability, flow, weapon balance, and the skill of construction.

    Thanks you for reading this comment, and please feel free to make your own.

    This post may not make total since at this time, it was going to be the first post but I have been gone.
  3. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Ok, so I checked it out in person, and I was stunned.
    It's official now.

    This WILL be featured.
  4. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Well i dont really want it to get featured now, because i would like to finish the map pack and get the map pack featured rather than have a single map featured.
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    We don't feature map packs anymore.... D=
  6. American10

    American10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ahh what well thats really cheap, oh well its forgehubs loss.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You should put a description up for your infection variant. The map plus a unique gameype is what's goign to make this map stand out amongst the crowd. This map might be better off in the casual maps section. Still a lot of great work, very detailed.
  8. Veon 115

    Veon 115 Ancient
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    Ha! I remember testing this map out and playing around with it! I must say, the aesthetics of the map are genius as well as the Battle Rifle... you know what I'm talking about. But either way, 5/5 for sure.
  9. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    Looks extremely fun and intricate. I love the aesthetics and the tunnels look awesome, as well as the dungeon.
  10. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    Wow this is a very asthetic looking map that looks like it could have some very intersting gameplay using those tunnels. Good Job

    The waterfall and flooded tunnel looks good too.
    #50 Mental, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  11. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments Draw the Line. We didn’t want to put it in casual because it’s not really just an infection game, and I see casual games more as smaller maps that are more for infection and so on. Plus, because this is in a map pack I would like to keep them all competitive. Also thanks for reminding us to make a description about the game type.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  12. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well come to think of it, these maps really are more for casual pick up games. I mean, theres a hard line to define when talking about casual play. usually casual is thought of to be focused on more of the fun inventive aspect, which your maps are. Competitive maps generally are for hardcore games or things like MLG, just a bare serious layout and nuthing to see. Well, my point is that your map has blended the two so well, and considering how loosely used those terms are, it doesn't matter. It belongs in both, but more people look at competitive so its gun b k.
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I enjoy a variety of gametypes on this map good work sir toppin hat and American 10 this looks better than tunnel rats 3 :]
    Bottlecap likes this.
  14. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    This map is sexy, but I just have one question. Who is the creepy purple elite in the background of the first picture? He looks like a stalker. Also who is that sexy, sexy, purple elite in the last picture? He looks eerily similar to the stalker.
  15. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    Actually it took me about two days to make the Sketch Up of the map, but it was worth it.
  16. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    The sketchup is really top notched, the post is really nicely done, anyway i played some infestion on it before with 10 people and it got intense, i would just camp this one spot and hold off till i ran outa ammo, but the zombies had a great chance of killing me.
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  17. zero inx

    zero inx Ancient
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    Great map. I love the little touches you put in there that just make it that bit more unique.
  18. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    For those who would like to see the layout a little better before they DL the map here is the link to the Sketch Up. Here you can DL the model and have a better idea of how the map works so you’re not completely lost when playing the map.

    DL Sketch Up model
  19. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I love this map its very feature worthy I hope some people take notice on this map. I love the combination of Asethetic's and gameplay on this map. They combine well to make the map play well and look great when you play it. I also love all the secret areas on this map as well.
  20. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    Time for a secret about the map. Ok so the secret is located in the house, and it’s not the floor. Comment back, and I will tell you if you are right.

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