Storage Chamber

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by GladiateSmiths, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    Download Storage Chamber


    I think most of us forgers were at least a little disappointed to find that there were no new forge items in Cold Storage and that there wasn't too much forge potential. But as I did with every new map, I switched to a monitor and flew around the map looking at everything that Bungie had put into it. I still got no inspiration. But when I came here, the file forums were full of good (and terrible) Cold Storage maps, so I tried again. This time I made sure I explored everything. And it just so happens that I stumbled upon a small crevasse in the ceiling above the sniper and active camo spawn. This gave me an idea, and this map is a result of that.


    Note: this map includes one visual filter, Olde Timey, that is purely for aesthetics. It does not hinder sight in the map, and gives the chamber an amber color. While in construction I referred to the map as "The Amber Crevasse".

    The Creation of Storage Chamber

    This map was very hard and tedious to create. Part of the difficulty lay in the fact that I only had three different scenery objects to work with that would fit in the crevasse: Barricades, and Energy Blockers small and large. Barricades make up most of the map, as they make good floating platforms and stairs. They were hard to maneuver into the crevasse however, because the walls close in the higher up you are, and I had to rotate the barricades in interesting ways to make them fit or to move them higher. Energy blockers were slightly easier because some parts of them are only solid to weapons and players, but go through walls, floors, and scenery. This meant I could pull them up into the crevasse easier and they were easier to rotate, but my limited supply of them as well as their radiance made me use mostly barricades. To make map construction easier, I built this map from the top down, otherwise I would have had to move objects past others that had already been placed, but building from the top down made it difficult to visualize exactly how I wanted to lead to the level I had just built and whether it would work. I put the floor on after I placed all spawn points and most weapons, and that represented the completion of this difficult map.

    Map Geography and Description

    Storage Chamber can essentially be divided into four small levels:

    The first level is where a lot of the action and carnage will take place, as it is the easiest area to maneuver and fight in. This is at the very bottom of the crevasse that the map is built in and has clear floors so you can see out. There are teleporters and shield doors below the glass floor for aesthetics, but this area is unreachable. The bottom level is clear of obstacles apart from a small stair that is used to get to the second level.

    First Level

    The second level is mostly clear as well, with another stair leading to the third. The larger portion of this level is made with energy blockers used as a floor, which is relatively smooth to walk on. Not much stands out on the second level, as it is mainly used as simply a fighting and traversing space.

    Second Level

    The third level is slightly slanted upwards, and features one of two crawlspaces that you can hide in. The crawl space is made up of barricades that are arranged so that there is a small space underneath one that, if crouched, you can hide in. Between this level and the fourth there is not one stair, but rather a small stairway made of barricades, which also features the second hiding spot. This is made by having two barricades positioned in a small square, the slanting one slightly to make an entry way above it. In this second crawl space can be found one of two power weapons, a single mauler. This can be retrieved by crawling into the small space.

    Third Level

    Hiding Spot

    Stairway, Mauler Spawn is the back stair.

    Mauler Spawn/Hiding Spot

    Before going on to the fourth and final level, you have the option of going to a small series of platforms in-between the third and fourth levels. This features one of two magnums, the only weapon that can headshot on the map, as well as a regenerator, which can barely be seen in the picture above, resting on an energy blocker above the two stairs.

    Mid-Level Between Third and Fourth

    The fourth level is the topmost level in the map and is made entirely of energy blockers. There is only one way up, but two ways down. You can leave the way you came and drop onto the stairway between the third and fourth levels, or you can travel to the other end and drop all the way to the second level. This level was made extremely close to the ceiling of the crevasse, which features what reminds me of a ribcage, meaning you must crouch to travel under "ribs", but there is space to stand when between them. This level features the second power weapon, the sentinel beam, which is a desirable weapon to have in this map, as well as a bubble shield. This level, not including the mid level between third and fourth, will probably see the least fighting, because it is the most difficult to move in, but the sentinel beam and bubble shield will keep some people going there.

    Fourth Level


    The weapon set of this map is made to mostly be dual-wieldable guns. I wanted to have those close quarter dual wield battles be the focus of the map, and there's not really much choice with a space so small. I was careful about close range power weapons, and excluded a shotgun and an energy sword for fear of rushing to those power weapons, camping their spawns, and dominance while possessing them. The two semi-power weapons on the map, a mauler and a sentinel beam, are on long respawn times of 90 seconds, the mauler has no extra rounds, and are in mostly un-campable areas. They also do not necessarily dominate because any camp spot is easily hit by thrown grenades and then finished with any other weapon. The weapon set is as shown:


    Magnum x2
    Assault Rifle x2
    SMG x4
    Spiker x2
    Mauler x1
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Sentinel Beam x1


    Frag Grenade x5
    Bubble Shield x1
    Regenerator x1

    Supported Gametypes

    These gametypes are the only gametypes supported on the map, and I only recommend Free for All games, though team doubles style matches would probably work:

    -Any form of Slayer, team games not recommended
    -Any form of Juggernaut that does not require the juggernaut to reach destinations
    -Any form of King of the Hill, team games not recommended
    -Any form of Oddball, team games not recommended

    Supported Amount of Players

    At most this map can comfortably support six players. Going up to eight is okay, but may not work. Anything over eight will not be very fun. Ideal amount is four or five players, and three or less works fine.

    More pictures:

    Regenerator in Action

    Bubble Shield in Action

    Action Shot: Fight on First Floor

    Action Shot: Fight on Second Floor

    Download Storage Chamber
  2. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    I think it's cool that you used that part of cold storage and it looks great but does your map use any other part of cold storage? Not saying that it should, because it not would make it even more unique. 3/5, 2 off for possibly being too small or crowded. But I'll D/L and check up on it and get back to you later.
  3. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. No, it does not use any other part of Cold Storage, It's strictly that crevasse. It does not get too crowded if you are within the recommended players list, and because of the map's small size it does not take long at all to learn the geography and how to navigate in the narrow crevasse. All gametypes recommended have been semi-tested, all goal points work, etc., and they were pretty fun with my extremely small party of... 2. I would really appreciate feedback from somebody that played a good game with a larger (but not too much larger) party. Looking forward to more feedback!
  4. b0ng0fr33

    b0ng0fr33 Ancient
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    im not sure why but it seems a little cramped to me... but kudos to the fact that you didnt use foundry =]
  5. TheRevXa7xX

    TheRevXa7xX Ancient
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    Its a good idea but its been done many times and the gameplay does not work that well. It is just way to cramped. The map looks kinda sloppy too. 2/5
  6. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    That comment right there is probably the one I've seen the most in all the places I've posted this. To be honest, it doesn't just seem cramped, it really is small, and if you are so claustrophobic that you even get nervous in a game, then have fun hyperventilating. But in no way does this subtract from gameplay, and it also adds a great aspect to it that I can't quite place, a kind of adrenaline rush when somebody drops in front of you, SMGs flashing. About the Foundry part, this is actually my first completed map that wasn't on Foundry, and I'm proud of the way it turned out. I just think that however great the options in Foundry are, we can't overlook other potential. Thank you for your time posting.
  7. Budgetgravy

    Budgetgravy Ancient
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    Very original

    This was going to be one of my first maps I made but oh well. I love the idea and I think you did a good job on interlocking. It was fun on 1v1 and I even tried Juggernaut and It worked!! The only thing you could change is the weapons but they are still good.
  8. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    TheRev): I was not aware of this space exclusively being used, if you have any links available to other maps, that would really help me. At least if you are true to your post you downloaded it, played it, and gave some constructive criticism.

    Budgetgravy): Sorry for publishing it first... well, as sorry as necessary. Thank you for the download and the feedback. The weapons are close-range, dual-wieldable weapons exclusively, apart from the sentinel beam of course, and it was what I thought would be best for the map.
  9. StRiKeRj94

    StRiKeRj94 Ancient
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    Its a bit hard to jump around. I also got alot of grenade spamming, no matter how many people are in the room. If you throw a grenade it hurts like everyone. It was too hectic, and everything was bumpy. 2/5 because you didn't use foundry and used that area.
  10. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    honestly i have never NEVER seen a good map in that area of cold storage
    and i dont think ill see a good one anytime soon
    well atleast you tryed
  11. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I can tell you put time into it... But it looks lke one big' ol camping map... I also notice the path that leads up there... The holes are too small, and it is way to simple to camp in this map...

    Senior Member

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    i like how it's out of the map and there's four floors. somewhat small floors, but still good. 4.2/5
  13. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    i dont understand the feedback for your map.
    1. i love your post, its seems like you are a pro even though you are only a trainee
    2. thanks for not using foundry, i enjoy seeing different maps
    3. this idea has been thought of and used, but not like this. the effects really change the map and the way it plays
    4. all you have to do is take off grenades and smoothen a few spots and you have flawless gameplay

    so all in all good job and pm if you fix it up, it has potential
  14. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    it looks like alot of floating objects which are i think really well placed good job
  15. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Nice job man it's really good, i like that it is in the crevance, i saw it but i didn't think much of it, good for you for thinking otherwise.
  16. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    Wow, forgehub is a tough crowd. Okay, lets separate these into compliments and criticism:

    DANGER2URHEALTH): It's not literally out of the map, I did not break any barriers to get there, but thank you, I tried to fit as many floors as possible.

    xbrokenxangelx): Yeah, some of the feedback I didn't get either. I'll reply to each of your four points:
    1. I've been a part of for a while longer and I always try my best on every map post I make.
    2. Yeah, I really needed a break from Foundry and I really wanted to use the new map.
    3. Thank you. I had never seen it used, but at least mine's different in a good way.
    4. I didn't think I put many grenades on the map, and I knew a few places that were bumpy, but thank you, and if I ever decide to fix it up I'll let you know.

    sexydude): Thanks, placing them well was a pain and took lots of stressful adjustments in small spaces.

    Savagesound): I was looking around the map for hidden areas, and when I saw that little opening, I knew it was a winner.

    RadiantRain): Camping is hard because of the grenades, as it is easy to toss the 'nades into any camping spot. Not sure what you mean by the holes in the pathway...

    StRiKeRj94): Jumping takes time, a minute in the map for warmup helps. I did not encounter grenade spamming at all. There aren't even that many in the map. The grenade's blast only hurts people in it's radius, and it takes a well aimed and thought out throw to get it to hurt somebody and not hurt yourself. It would not have been hectic if you stayed within the recommended player limit in the post, and I apologize for the bumps.

    DxHydra): Well thank you for being honest, albeit a little harsh.
  17. zeusthegoose365

    zeusthegoose365 Ancient
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    It could use a little bit more cover in v2. Because it looks like its just wide open hall ways. I like the fact you used cold storage and the 4 floor thing but overall 3/5.
  18. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    Cover becomes an issue because with this small space, if you put cover in, people must jump over it, so there must be less floors to make room. To escape a pursuer in the current map, simply go up or down a floor, and that can be enough time to recharge.

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