Map Name: Sector 7 (click to download) Author: me, Wally16 Description: The map I showed ealier, in this thread here, is finally done. This map was made for basically any gametype (with 4-16 players), but is so far only set up for slayer type games. This map is really fun to play on, and took me about a month or a little more to make, so I hope ya'll enjoy it! *The bridge leading to the house base, and the stairs on both sides spawn after 1 minute* Sector 7 Flythrough with GameplayAction: | Halo 3 Video | Video | Sector 7 Flythrough with Gameplay Action Gameplay Video (first ever game played on Sector 7): | Halo 3 Video | Video | Team Slayer on Sector 7 This is the first ever game ever played on this map. The people didn't take it that seriously, but whatever. Pictures: Angle 1 Angle 2 Angle 3 Angle 4 Angle 5 Angle 6 Angle 7
this is a nice map it ,ooks like it could play well but it is a bit plain it needs something to that is really exciting
Hmm, I actually like the ascetics of this map. For some reason, it looks sloppy, then you look closely and see howmuch interlocking he actually used. Gamplay wise, there are a lot of maps similiar to this concept though. You lose a point in originality and a half point in not explaining the gameplay, to me, that is vital. 4/5
i agree with everyone ealse, there should be something that stands out of the all the rest of the map. it was nicely made though, so ill check it out.
This is a very nice made map, that hallway that turns up is a great idea and the diamond shaped bridges around it make a nice competative and asthetic piece. The three story fort is great but the beamsword feels a little pushed aside, it might be good to center it more in the middle and less off to the right. Now the bottom of the map is what bugs me, it is just randomly placed boxes and there not too neat and asthetic looking as the rest of the map. Try adding more to the bottom too it could help the overall look of the map and try to keep it neat and asthetic. Besides all that you just got a download and try to make a version 2
This isn't made for MLG. It is just an asymmetrical map. I usually make symmetric ones, so I decided not to do that this time. Also, the weapons are not MLG standard. Thanks, but I am unsure of what boxes you are talking about. If you mean the two double open boxes, I geomerged them as best I could. And, I'd say I did a pretty good job on that. And, they have spawn points on top and one has a spawn point and a power drainer inside it. The other has a spawn point and a radar jammer.
the bridges look a bit sloppy, but other than that good job on the double boxes that are slanted, maybe if you could fix things up a bit i will download the v2. But overall 3.99/5
If it's because the bridges overhang a little bit, there was nothing I could do about that. I didn't want to put them at a weird angle, so that's just the way they are.
I thought about it, but couldn't because then you would have to jump over all the overhanging part of each box when walking through the tunnel system. Do you like the map other than that?