Lower the Guns

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    What does weapon lowering have to do with BXR?

    Weapons lowering:

    RB, LB, A, LS, and Down on Dpad.


    B, RB, R
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    It's an animation that would have to be tested profusely in order for it not to be abused online. So that it won't become another BXR.

    That is why Bungie didn't include it in the first place.
  3. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    We must all support the cause of this. With the lowering of the guns on halo 3 could have a great impact and hopefully Bungie will let us lower our guns. Since the release of halo there has been many machinimas ,but since halo 3 came out many groups over xbox live either died or had to stay in halo and halo 2.
  4. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Bungie were building the game and did not think testing it profusely was a good use of their limited time yes. They couldn't release halo 3 and have another BXR on their hands straight after release. The last thing they want is for the game to be fresh on the shelves and all anyone is talking about is how there is another glitch ruining the game. It would dent their profits and their reputation.

    The hype has died down now though. There is no harm in enabling it and seeing what happens. If a glitch develops and people find ways to abuse it they can disable it again. There would be no big controversy if this did happen, halo 3 is no longer in the limelight and game critics will not pounce on the problem like they would have done were it present at release.
  5. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    The way i see it the only way to find if a button glitch exsits out is to enable it. If a button glitch does become found, and abused then disable the feature. To me that seems like the most reasonable fix.

    And nemi bxr bring bad back memories hell no! In halo2 you were a sitting duck in FFA if you couldnt bxr double shot, and all those other skillfull button glitches.
  6. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    In Halo 2 it was old down the right trigger to lower the gun which caused BXR due to the animation. Well the Halo 3 button combo to lower your gun is so complex that a BXR like attack would be unlikely.
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    BxR wasn't caused by the look down effect it was an error in the code... simple as that.. they had the code overlap when you did button events.. like its faster to shot then to reload and even faster to Melee...so when your BxRing your telling the system to skip over the frames of melee and start reloading like your gun was in a fire position..and you canceled it again to shot.. its nothing to do with down on the trigger.. it was simply they needed to make it so you can't quick shot for BXR ..the double shot was caused by simply applying the same idea to just shotting and reloading ..you jam the frame rate with code saying you need to fire... and it fires ..and fires again..because its an end frame shot..to wait for the 3 round chamber to reload... now I mean double shot shouldn't have happened in halo 2 but the BR should have fired faster in the game as well.. Real weapons fire just as effective as a double shot at times...if your just that in tuned with your gun...ask any of you Military friends... if you have any...

    Sorry for the rant...I was big into the MLG stuff during this time...
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Bungie themselves have stated that the BXR glitch is a glitch in the animation. Furthermore, they also consider it cheating.
  9. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Nemi again, the weapon combo to lower your weapon on H3 is so ridiculous that it would unlikely result in a BXR-esc issue.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    People modify their controllers to allow them to run macros of button combinations like BXR. [​IMG]

    Kayaman (before he left) also had this button switch he modded in that would make his bullets auto-aim.
  11. AoD Deadite

    AoD Deadite Ancient
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    I used that for blackstone

    also if they can contain lowering weapons to local they can do it for custom games only aswell
  12. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Didnt realize this was being so widely discussed...

    Anyway since I actually talked with Frankie (before he left Bungie) about this, heres what I gathered from my conversations.

    Firstly, it would definatley be possible to impliment it on Xbox Live. The weapon lowering feature obviously works on a lobby basis. Its enabled in the games code, but switched on and off for different lobbies. Enabled for LAN and Local, Disabled for Xbox Live. I had about 3 messages between Frankie and I, and never once did he say that it was impossible to put weapon lowering back on Xbox Live. He simply said they didnt want to commit the time and resources for testing a an animation for potential abuse.

    Secondly, I fully agree with the majority of the community on the fact that they should simply allow it and see what happens. People havent found major glitches with it yet in LAN or Local, so I dont see why they havent released it yet.

    However, I can see why they have their issues. On occasion there are some UI errors on your screen when using the weapon lowering, and it makes the game look broken. I could understand why Bungie wouldnt want the community to see their game in a non-finished state. But really I dont think its a big deal.

    As for the "BxR" issue, I think the reason Bungie made the combo in the first place was because they initially planned for it to BE on Xbox Live. To prevent abuse, they made the combo insanely difficult as to deter people from doing it on Xbox Live. I immagine after the game code was done for the controls, they decided to trash it altogether, probably thinking it was too much of a risk for a launch feature. But cooldown period has come upon us, and they really need to give this a try. If it doesnt work out, we accept it and move on, but we need Bungie to at least try it.
  13. Revoltingmadman

    Revoltingmadman Ancient
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    wow timeglitch you had alot to say
    thanks for inlighting us
  14. sangheili dude

    sangheili dude Ancient
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    machinimas would be great with the ability to lower weapons on live so im joining.
  15. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
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    *instantly joins in hope of easir machinima making.
  16. viprikr

    viprikr Ancient
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    no wonder digital ph33r wont post as much of arby n the chief videos in machinima because you have to do it on local it would be more faster if its in xbox live
  17. KingXSheep

    KingXSheep Ancient
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    I am so glad that weapon lowering will finally be available, it looks much more professional. I am definitely joining this

    PS Changed my gt to Ghost AE
  18. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Seems like a good day to play GTA. I do some small bits in my friends vids and the whole gun problem is discussed at least a hundred times.
  19. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    who cares about lowering guns, i know me and all of my friends are playing then if im home... whats tha abilitys pint anyway
  20. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Clearly you didn't read what the OP said.

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