This seems like a good, all around review of the map. There's nothing that I disagree with and you've included pretty much everything I thought was noteworthy. There's one thing I'd say that wasn't in there, which was that the variety of routes around the map (specifically the one-flag attack routes) show a real potential for a nice spectrum of possible co-ordinated strategies. This is something that many maps overlook, and just stick to 1 or 2 main attack routes, with maybe 1 smaller alternative. Project Z had a nice mix of attack routes available right off the mark from attacker base, and whilst I did feel that this made some small areas in attacker base a little fiddly for easy movement, it was generally outweighed by the bonus of multiple attack route choices, so overall I'd call it a solid good call. Obviously experimenting with all the possible co-ordinated strategies is near impossible for the Hub, it would be really time consuming and hard to do with teams that have generally not played together much. I'd see your point if you didn't want to go into talking about co-ordinated plays that is arguably speculation, but its just something that struck me about the map, especially since its so CTF focused.
That's odd. I was thinking of putting that in as well. But yes, then I remebered how many different scenarios there were when we played and that indeed it would have taken far to long to delve into. There is actually a good bit left unsaid, I guess some things are better left for the player to experience.
Guys, I had some events that I wasn't really expecting today, including a Comcast guy coming over to fix us up with their Telephone (now we have their Triple Play), so, I lost connection to the internet for a while. I will try to get the review done by tommorow.
I'm guessing that smaller map we played on, the escapable one with all the spawn areas. Any thoughts on what your gonna put for spawns Eduardo? I dno if I mentioned it to you after the game, but I managed to spawn camp the other team for like 6 easy kills, those spawn areas need real work.
Ok.. I'm not sure but I still think that we aren't taking requests. Because, still, most of our members don't really come here anymore.
I mean requests are fine but the better you make for us to find well the less you recommend the better off... I mean I personally don't want to review one persons maps 3 times...instead share it around and play a few different members theres a lot of people that need reviews... and It helps so much more if they aren't your maps your recommending... but maybe a fans thats played on it and thought it should get a worthy review... but I'll check you maps out once I find the links to them...
U r talking to the other guy right? Cuz as far as I'm concerned we are like mini-journalists and we review what looks worthy and catches our attention. Right?
Well Its like a suggestion box... I hope people will not spam us..but I mean simply I have had a few people recommend me maps... I simply look at them..and yes You have the choice..and BTW yes I was talking to UndoingChales... I am not going to force the RH to ever review a map they dont' want to review... I mean Simply a map could get a 1..and thats just hurtful to people that try and forge...putting a Reviewer into a mood before he review could change the review and make it I limit that possibility...
I just now realized that I really really do like reviewing maps. And making them. God I love forgehub. Oh but yeah I read your comment, I agree, some maps in the past that have been reccomended would have been phail, but phail is not fun for people to see about their maps. So maybe like you said the occassional suggestion.
I hope that you guys will reveiw Haalucinate. I understand why you wouldn't because theres so many other maps that want to be judged, but it'd be nice to see you guys judge a map thats not on foundry, just to see how it would stand out.
New rule... I will post it in the Section... If you talk about a map must have a map link...
G04, are you the RH leader now? You seem to have taken over. And guys, I'll try to do those lists with maps that Vicious Vice used to do. I just don't have time right now, cause I'm heading to the Secretary of State Branch's office to get proof of inelegibility for a So - So Security number, so I can get my Level 1 License. Yeah, I probably heard you on that Pegasi, he still had a lot of stuff to work on. Especially on closing the map of, like a lot more, and the spawn points, etc. Since the map was already so small, you either spawned on one side, or on the other. And that map cannot be played with over 4v4, which was already pretty bad. He'll get points off in all those categories.
The Review Hub Map Name: Paragon Author(s): TD Harding Reviewed by: The Yellow Enjoyment: 9/10 Oh yeah. Boi do I love doubles, and boi did I love playing Paragon. I'd have to say, it it hadn't been released early on, this would have been in the 2v2 faceoff. This is probably one of the best designed smaller tactical maps I've seen. Things just seem amplified on this map. And to add to the feeling the enviroment is of a new feeling. Basically thats all there is to it. This map plays well for the intended party sizes and gametypes. Balance: 9.5/10 Almost professionally done really. The layout definately works well. There is an adequate amount of cover to balance out each weapon. And the weapons themselves are counter-balanced well. Great use of the plasma rifle. And I love how TD Harding has not only set the rocket launcher to a long spanw time but he has made it place at start no, which helps gameplay so everyone doesn't jumble together in the beginning in hopes of grabbing the rockets. He did a pretty good job with spawns too. Ha, another great idea is to no-scope the rocket bearer. Durability: 8.25/10 Unfortunately, even with a good number of side passages and cover, there are still some noticeable spawn issues on this map. I do know that while it may be impossible to escape, spawns are also in this category which is why this needed to be counted off. While my party and I were reviewing this map, while I was defending there were actually a number of times when are enemies would always spawn in this little hall and we could easily get the jump on them. Additionally, I know that TD made gametypes for this map, but it did say it works with standard Team Slayer, and although it doesn, grenades present spawn camping issues as well. But back to the other spawns. I'm not sure if it is because perhaps spawn areas were not used to the best of their ability or not at all, but occassionally spawns were predictable. But, hey, it didn't ruin the gameplay overall. I still thoroughly enjoyed playing this, as did my party. These spawns are something that are mostly of an annoyance, but be careful because they can sometimes be a real pain. But overall, with the size of the map taken into account, TD did a great job. Aesthetics: 10/10 Whoa. Wow. Now this is a map that one could get lost in, even in game. I mean, somethings are deceptively simple but everything looks so clean. I swear I wasn't the slightest bit reminded of Foundry during my time playing this. The entire roof looks great. The cobwebs look awesome, and I know how big of a pain that would have been to do. TD Harding obviously spared no expense in making this masterpiece. I mean, every corner, every niche, everything looks clean cut down to the wire. Originality: 8.5/10 One of the best Foundry 2v2 maps definately. This map had a few things I hadn't seen before like the "cobwebs" and the little frame around the flag spawn. But, I mean as a whole it isn't incredibly original. If you look at his overhead shot, this map's basic layout is quite simple. It really reminds me of old maps like Tunnel Raid almost. So that is why this didn't score quite as high as in othr areas, but if you look at the entire map, and the feel of it, still pretty darn original. Overall: 9.5/10 This is one of those maps with perfection in sight. Along with few others this has almost attained it. Any player who enjoys doubles or even a 1v1 will need to have this map on their hard drive. It is just functions so well. it looks amazing. And most importantly it stands out from the rest and provides a completely alien non-Foundry atmosphere. With maybe a few touch ups on spawns this map could be the best 2v2 one out there. Definately worth it.
hey i was in the review hub testing game last Wed, i want to apologizing for leaving early, and not playing durring some of the Project z game. this isnt a review, but i just thought you might want to know what i thought of the maps we played, since i never really got to discuss it, if not, i can delete this post. I thought monument was an okay map, it had an okay layout, with some nice interlocking, but the fusion coils in the double boxes, were completely unnecissary. He could have used thta money to make the map less escapable, it was way too easy. I'm not sure the name of the second map, it was inside, had a hill type of thing in it? Anyway, i thought the interlocking was clean, and it would have been really good for 1v1 or 2v2, i never got spawn killed, but the team that spawned on the hill dominated, because of the fire grenades, it was too easy to hold. Project Z, i found really fun, it had awesome interlcoking, and a great layout i think. It didd kind of feel like two differant maps though, it had the high in the air, multi level part, then the curved section, then another part made of walls. It was nicely made, and i enjyed it, for 3v3. My apologies to everyone who I was in that game with, maybe we could get another game going some time?
V MAPS CURRENTLY UP FOR REVIEW V Brokovich_ To be Reviewed by Dom says Oi Sapphire_ To be Reviewed by Ivory Snake Metronome_ To be Reviewed by Roche178 Claustrophobic v2_ Gridlock_ To be Reviewed by Vicious Vice End_of_the_Line(Competitive Edition) Greed v2 Subterranean_ Bastion_ To be Reviewed by Vicious Vice Higher Ground Vatican Meltdown High Haven Boulevard Mongoose Run Darklord Manor Tainted Creek Danger Zone Containment ECHO. Cyprus Flux_ To be Reviewed by Gun Slinger V NEW ADDITIONS V Warlot Danger Zone To be Reviewed by G043R
The Review Hub Map Name:MONUM€NT' Author: LynnJynh9315 Reviewed By: E93 Enjoyment: 6/10 Monument did a good job in amusing us. At the beggining, though. After a while, the gameplay gets repetitve, and you start realizing all that was wrong with the maps, from Spawns, to Unnecessary Objects on the map. Despite it being original, creative, and new, its value tends to decay slowly throughout the game. Balance: 9/10 There were no problems involving Balance. There were Power Drains for people using Bubble Shields, as an example. It might have actually been a bit too balanced. It needs an extra shazam!. A different power weapon wouldn't have done any harm. Durability: 1/10 One of the easiest serious maps to escape. With a single grenade, you're out of there. LynnJynh took no effort into placing something that might make it harder to escape. Not to many Double Boxes would be neccessary. Instead, he wasted the rest of the budget on unnecessary Fusion Coils, Double Boxes, Fences, and 2 Trucks in the middle of the map, when that money could have been used a bit wiser on other things.Spawn Point placements weren't the big deal, since there wasn't even enough space to put that many. The problem were the badly placed Spawn Areas. LynnJynh still needs to learn a bit on Spawn Areas, and placement, since there were only 2 in the map. Spawn Camping was tremendously easy, with gaps behind the Spawn Points so you could just sit there, waiting to assasinate someone. Aesthetics: 7/10 The map was aesthetically pleasing. The Symmetry was incredible. It, again, lacked that extra something. You'd be pleased with it, but there's nothing you've never seen before. Originality: 6/10 The Symmetry was what was really surprsing. What was on one side, was on the other side. It really differentiates itself from other maps. It's like an arena, maybe. It's not like one of those open maps that just have things placed about them. That's what really shines. But there's nothing here that will make you gasp, or cream your pants. A different map, but nothing so special. Overall score (Average of the above): 5.8/10 So the map does have it big weak spots, and lack of the shizam!, but it's a map that you'll probably enjoy for a while. Still, needs a lot of work on the Spawns, and the Breakability though, but I'm sure you'll have fun on it.
I've got a question, Do you guys review mini games? I ask this because I have a mini game with something like 1500 views and nobody cares to actually play it and come back and edit their post and give me a review on what was good and what was bad and I would really like to know what I can improve on as I am making another like this but it involves a mongoose instead of a ball. Map: Danger Zone Sorry if you can't and if me suggesting my own map angers you. Just thought I'd ask. Message me on live (GT: DimmestBread) If you need me to help review a map. EDIT: E93, I'm not sure if this is just me but the links to all of those maps that are getting reviewed aren't working for me. Just thought i'd tell you.