Symbiosis - any interdependent or mutually beneficial relationship between two persons, groups, etc. (This map has nothing to do with the definition above, I just thought the name sounded catchy.) Description: The now abandoned tunnels and other ground around this old warehouse now provide cover for 1-6 Player FFA, n 2v2. This map works best with up to six people, and 2v2 is highly advised. Supported Gametypes: Slayer CTF (both) Oddball Assault (both) PICS An overview of the main bridge across the middle A look at the tunnel exits/entrances on the ground floor and on the upper level The sniper tower Ok so, the basic layout is a big square, so to speak. A rectangular tunnel spanning the inner part of the square, and a bridge, slightly elevated, over the middle. A sniper tower on the side. The two sides of the map each have walls and turns and entrances into the tunnels and the inner square. The enclosing around the map is one of the only things that i think looks kinda sketchy (mainly due to a rapidly declining list of items) Weapons/ Equipment: (sorry if it sounds vague, im a little unsure) Some frags and plasmas x3 SMG x1 Shotgun A couple BRs x2 Magnums a few ARs x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Bubble shield I am open to all comments, tips, suggestions, and of course gifts of gratitude; my address is ***Removed*** Please give this map a download and a quick look with a few people (keep it if you like) and remember to leave a comment. Enjoi (-_-) Oh i completely forgot the link (got a little ahead of myself there) So sorry : : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
this looks fairly complex, and with a tunnel system, but in some areas, i think it might just be plain old maze fighting. i cant say for sure, because i havent taken a look at it yet, but the interlocking looks fairly clean.
YOur map looks good I like the use of interlocking and the underground tunnel is pretty cool. Good JOb
The map looks very fun. I like the look of the dezigns you have created with your interlocking Before I DL I would like to see a few more pics though please add some more. I am not going to rate your map yet because I havn't seen enough of it. I really like your tunnels that you need to crouch through though.
I have no more pics sorry, i thought since it was a fairly small and simple map, those would be sufficient, and besides you can indeed walk through the tunnels without having to crouch...
Ah hah. This map inspires for for soo many things. Thank you for that. DL for sure and + rep. But parts of it are poorly constructed.
Hmm... It looks really great! but I download and check out a map before I rate it, so I'll be back tomarrow to put my 2 cents in..
Thank you. i am aware of some of the shabby parts i did, i started this map near flawless and i guess just got impatient and rushed it. im planning on constructing some more 2v2 maps (because i enjoyed this one) soon, but hopefully i can pace myself better to show my abilities more in my maps.
3/5 I think you have a good map idea but it seems that the map is too crowded or small. Also, in some areas such as where the fence wall is used as a ramp it might be better to morph it into the ground, to make it look more clean. I might be wrong about the size so I'll download it now and play it later. I'll give you some feedback on what I think of it. Good job.
geomerging is definitely my weak area, and i belive its best for everyones eyesight that i keep it limited to what i can handle.
This map looks kinda sloppy.It could use some better interlocking. You should change some places where you have to jump.
Ramps! Ramps are my favorite thing in forge for some odd reason. I think they add a unique feeling to a map. Good interlocking and weapon placement AND ramps. RAMPS FTW!!!!
everything in your map looks sexy except the sniper stand its so small and from there you could jump to the crane and get out of you map or snipe from the roofs just saying it would be a good thing to fix
Interlocking is outstanding, but the gameplay does not seem like it would keep me playing for long. I also noticed the sniper, how do you get up there? I saw no visible path, and where are the rest of the guns, that's the only gun I saw?