Coincidentally, the title of this thread also brings up a tough question: If Batman had to fight Batman, who would win?
wow good find, the dark knight is a great film and its good to see the comparison, it also shows how far we have come, but honestly the old batman doesn't look that bad, but i feel Dark knight has set the bar for not just future batman films but any film. I agree jack nicholson is a great actor and did a good job in the shinning but heath leger is a scarier joker and acted very well and gave us the real joker we've been waiting for. the answer to your question is i think today's batman would win, there's many reasons why but i can't really back it up besides the new technology. ps.don't spam guys
Very cool comparison. I hated the Tim Burton Batman flicks from the very start. I've always been a The Dark Knight Returns kinda guy and I thought the earlier Batman films never did the character justice at all. Sorry, dude. Batman took down the entire Justice League of America, and any one of the members would rip ol' shellhead apart. I love Iron Man, but Batman would easily find a way to take him down.
NO. He would just use his missalz to meak batman diezzz.. He be leik "Anyone who wears their underwear outside of their pants deserves to aspload"
NO No he wouldn't. Batman'd send over a high-class call girl to get Tony Stark drunk while he would sneak into his lab an pee in his armor. Later, while they were fighting, Iron Man would be all like, *hiccup*"Hey, who peed in my suit? It smells like cumin..." And Batman would be all BATMAN WINS.
I like the new Batman, although I did like these days The difference between the two Jokers is the Dark Knight Joker(Heath Ledger) had imperfect makeup, which made him seem a little more real. Like you could imagine someone like that. But the old Joker had perfect makeup all the time, which was a little weird... Also, I thought of this when I saw the videos: But overall,