>>Revenge<< >>Gametype<< Ok here is yet another maze i have constructed. There are some new and some old tricks built in. To get to the end you must be able to complete it alone and with the knowledge of all the tricks. None of my friends have completed it yet and we like to do these all the time like Buddhacranes and others. Let me know what you think of it and if you need i can post a walk through if necessary. Tasks: No jump is impossible Dont get lost. You will find your way through That is powerful stuff but sometimes mot powerful enough Jump across to aquire the ability to reach a higher limit Backtrack up and over and higher and higher Those tight rooms can really make a man go mad Let loose the thing thats holding you back Your never too small to reach the top Force your way under but your little friend really helps you in the end EDIT: Ok this has been up for a while so im going to post a Walkthrough video for all of you that may have not made it yet. >>Walkthrough<< ~xLUKY
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 bungie.net profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator..
its hard to do pics for a maze map, cause u dnt wanna spoiler, so mabye sum pics looking down some of the corridors is the best thing i can think of to do. but it sounds intresting and youve hooked me, ill dl =)
ok, so i normally dont look at these posts where i have to click links to see pics, but this time i did. looks ok, but yeah, you do need to embed pics. just to get up to standards. but i think the map looks ok. i wonder how you get down under the map in the last pic... 3/5. fix ur post though! just follow Lampost's post. keep on forging.
ok i fixed the post so you can all see the pics once the map reaches enough dl's i will post a WALKTHROUGH video.
This looks like a good map. It looks solidly constructed. Good Job. 5/5. And thanks for fixing the pics.
welcome to forge hub! good job on your first map on forge hub and the maze looks hard and easy at the same time perfect for me
Do u guys have a thing u copy and paste out of note pad? Lol jk. This looks pretty good and you did a good job with the screens. You get a 4/5 from me. And its nice that you actually fixed your thread unlike other people I know.
yeah thanks on the compliments and yeah i like to fix mistakes cause it tends to go easier for everybody
nice map, its a little messy but interlocking makes it looks neater, also i dont really get the map, is it infection or what?
i normaly hate puzzle maps, but this one looks cool, it dosn't have just glitches, you have to use your head to win, and thats a good thing, great first post, 4/5.
Sorry but this does not look like a very good puzzle map. But it DOES look like a good obstacle/jumping coarse, which is why I am giving it a 3/5.
There's something earily familiar about some of these puzzles, looking at the pics. I have this Q'd and I'll be sure to give you a more in-depth analysis later.
I downloaded it despite it's lack if pictures the first minute, and the start is almost an exact copy of the carnation start, but simplified >_< I could find my way out when i got hold of the BR though, any tips? I can't really give it a score until i got a bit into it.
well its hard to make a maze with new ideas you know. Thats why i learned some from the best. but i also have some of my own tricks in it. Sorry if it seems familiar in some places but then again all mazes are similar in some way.