Too worlds Its two images of the guy from too worlds one is in coler one black and white A mod should say something about this or lock it, or you should atleast make it into a poll or ask us which one is better ( I like the colored one)
Adding a filter to an image is usually considered ripping. Edit: Meh. What did you do besides add a filter, crop, and add a border?
Actually, I added alot of different filters, had to erase parts of the filters. And then it took me forever to find out how to do the special border. And why would a mod lock a signature put in the graphics and arts section?
Normally when making a border in gimp, you select all in a new layer, shrink by so many pixels, invert, and fill in the space creating a border the pixel size. However, Lynx is creating borders that have 2 different pixel sizes, the ones being on the left and right sides thicker than those on bottom and top. That is why it is a special border, and I like it. And I love your new style, it's you own, using stock images rather than renders, and making them look amazing (Triumph is the best example). And it has inspired me to try this style out when i get the time. Also, this is much harder to do that some of you may realize, especially in Gimp, which is what he uses. Another great one. Btw, for some reason I am thinking Badlands? Am I right?
Oh. Thank goodness I use Photoshop (or even MS Paint, for that matter), because I could do that in a heartbeat.
I like the color one more then the black and white. Also, Fresh I think that you should make a gallery or something so you arn't spamming so many threads in the graphics n arts section.
Ya, I have access to Photoshop at school, but only really used it once. In gimp, once you know how, it would be simple to do that border. I would create a new layer, do the thin border first. Then do another layer, and do the thicker boarder, and then select the top part of the bold border, delete it, and merge the two layers together. Still, it takes more work than just the typical border, and looks good.
Its very simple to add that. I just didnt know how to before. And CaMOfo, I am not making another gallery OK?
Or you could just start off with a smaller size, and just do the border there. And to do different sized X and Y axes borders (sides and top and bottom borders), all you have to do is: > Filters > Decor > Add Border > Change to Y Border size from the X border size, vice-versa. Or at least, that's how I'd do it...