Most spine chilling McCain video you will ever see.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Reynbow, the government did not plan 9/11. Yes the 7th building was a controlled demolitions, and the support pillars were cut, but it doesn't mean they did it. Terrorists could have done it too. Never in Zeitgeist do they ever say the American government was responsible, they just point out things and let people go from there. They don't have a cause. The government isn't made up of only evil people who strive to do as much harm to the country as possible. Almost all chose to do what they think is right for the country. You don't have any proof that the government did anything, just suspicious events.

    Also, we are not all stupid. So you see a couple videos where one or two dozen people with country accents are leaving wal-mart ( they aren't the smartest of people), I guess they make up an entire nation of over 300 million people. In that video some questions didn't have a good answer at all, so they were going to look stupid. Yeah there are idiots in America, and they are the people who make it onto
    the video while others who answered without making an ass of themselves are edited out of the video. Chances are, you have only met one or two Americans ever, and you are being misled by the yellow journalism you see saying we are all stupid.

    PS I'm almost positive that Barack Obama will win, but I don't want to be too sure of it, because of people that will be afraid of too much change not voting for him. By voting for McCain, they would be getting someone that backed Bush on almost everything he did, and wants things like drilling in Alaskan wildlifes. We would basically be getting another Bush.
  2. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Yes they did.​

    Just like the first two towers.​

    Lol... Umm are you serious?
    When you say Terrorists you're referring to your government right?​

    Yes they do, many reasons. Here's a couple very basic reaosns.
    To take away your rights as humans [control, power, money]
    To invade other countries. [control, power, money]​
  3. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    Where is your proof to this? I'm pretty sure I watched 2 planes fly into 2 buildings..
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    are you dillusional...look at was a photo-op!

    there are still american soldiers in iraq to this day (of course), and mccain is saying that we have to be in iraq for the next 100 years!!!

    Originally Posted by Reynbow [​IMG]
    Once again, Iraq had nothing to do with the towers. Your own government did that to you.​

    Where is your proof to this? I'm pretty sure I watched 2 planes fly into 2 buildings..

    the thing is paralyzed, ppl like reynbow believe in websites Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! they believe in offense reynbow, but that is an INDUSTRY people make money from that. Al qaeda sent the two planes into the towers, where the pilots were taught to fly was in america...before then, america was actually funding bin laden, the al qaeda leader, and was funding the whole bin laden family!!!
    #44 drak, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  5. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Watch this, then come back.
    Zeitgeist - The Movie
  6. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Uhmm, how about you go **** yourself.
    I don't believe in ****ing anything you dipshit. I'll look into something I think it could be a bit fishy, but seriously there is so much overwhelming evidence to support my claims that it's just plain obvious to me.

    I've never heard of that site you linked to btw...
  7. youngian

    youngian Guest

    that was a good video it did send chills down my spine but more than 4,500 american soldiers died its more in the tens of thousands .
  8. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    Yea I've watched that.. It's a bunch of bullshit.

    It's pretty simple, at 8:46am on September 11th 2001 American Airlines Flight 11 hit the first tower, At 9:03am Flight 175 hit the second tower (On National Tv nonetheless, can't really fake that)

    Tower 7 fell later on in the day due to debris and fire that had hit the building from the explosions of the 2 towers, Not a demo crew.

    2,998 people died that day from a terrorist attack organized by a terrorist cell not our government, Sorry but you seem to have some deep hatred for America.
    #48 Paralyzed King, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  9. drak

    drak Ancient
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    the fact is reynbow, zeitgeist was MADE by people that reside on infowars, the site i linked to...its all media controversial crap, and people LIKE to read it and its like a story or fairy tale to them....that is, you
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Iraq wasn't directly involved with 911, but they were funding terrorists in Afghanistan. Now I won't argue with you that the US invaded Iraq for the wrong reasons. Greed was absolutely involved. But all of your "evidence" that supports America being involved in 9/11 is circumstancial. None of it directly links itself to the government. Not a single court in the world would use that to prosecute the American government.

    I'd also like to say that a lot of videos and comments that are made about McCain are politically motivated, so you have to be very careful about what to believe. Many of the stories are made up or embellished greatly to try and tarnish his character. Now of course not every story is false, but you need to be very careful about what you believe.

    When election time arrives, I'll be voting for Obama. Not because of the video in the OP, but because I feel he is better suited to lead the country.
    gobbles likes this.
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I would rep you DTL but it wouldn't let me ... I was going to say alot of what you said... just had to bring that up...

    YEAH what he said...~!
  12. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Yes, how could I have forgotten, everyone in the American government loves to take away rights and invade other countries just because they hate freedom so much, and want more wars to send America into 500 billion dollars more into debt. They also like killing 3000 of their own people, then turn into bats and fly back to their caves,
  13. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    You should figured out by now that reyn is always rite.
  14. TiiRent

    TiiRent Ancient
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    M.Jelleh likes this.
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    But I have a tripmine, they can go through bubble sheilds. But seriously that was mad funny.
  16. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    We're getting off topic here, and this isn't Off Topic.
  17. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Oh right yeah... I see how what you mean now, all the key players must be in so much debt right now.​

  18. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Great, you figured out **** Cheyney is a bad guy whoop dee ****ing doo. We all knew he is horrible and I never disagreed with that. Your response didn't even have anything to do with what I said. I said they were putting America into 500 billion dollars more in debt, not that a some people in politics are up high in certain corporations. **** Cheyney alone couldn't plan 9/11 kill 3000 Americans Invade Iraq just for oil.

    You still don't have any evidence that proves they are directly linked to it. So why don't you go join a conspiracy theory group and rant about things like a faked moon landing, and shut the **** up.
    Paralyzed King and Draw the Line like this.
  19. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Why do I always learn such important stuff on this website? Thats a pretty stunning video. I don't want to go to war, because by the time he's able to start one, there's a good chance that I'll be packing for boot camp.
  20. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    play it without the music. itll cut off the feeling by at least 50 percent. i dont like mc cane, but this is a "mix", made completely to make him look bad. if you took pictures and videos of everperson anywhere, you could make something like this with everyone. and im sure overly exagerated. do i want wars? NOOO, but do you really expect Obama to make world peace, and what we're doing in Iraq is "liberating", not killing inocent civilians on the street. we're saving them from an evil dictatorship. and btw, the kill death ratio of our marines to the iraqi insurgents is 40 of them to 1 of us. more people died in one day of the civil war than 3 years of this war. if you played that music with a green screen, and McCane's name on it, i would litterally think he was a mad man.
    #60 Metallic Snake, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2008
    Draw the Line likes this.

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