wow.....just wow i knew bungie was planning something but a complete map editor or possible AI's you can put on the map....this is why bungie won game of the year because bungie has theest ideas!:happy::happy::happy:
wow, that list is awsome, but whoever locked that thread is retarded... i mean, LOOK AT THAT LIST its freakin' amazing
i really really really hope that theres a map that is foundry to the max. that would be the ultimate map. just a square with every object, tons of it, and use the infinite money glitch.....i could just immagine
ZOMG! Read the Bungie WWU! At the bottom they name Purple Reign as Assembly. Assembly is one of the names in the list. So the list must be legit and accurate! On the downside there is no ai, but they don't say there won't be a map editor! EDIT:They actually just said there would be no map editor, just a map using forge to the max!
I never expected AI or a completely new map editor (are you guys crazy!), but I did assume the last minutes of the video was just showing another map perfectly designed for forge.
Didn't they say that those videos didn't display anything? I thought they said astute people were over-zealous and it was just rendered for the videos themselves?
I think they just talked about the AI not really the "Completely New Nap Creator" rumors. Edit: I don't care though, because I can go to Far Cry 2 for all my map creating urges (unless the gameplay or the game in general sucks).
Lol i didn't think that was a real rumor, I thought it was just poor dreamers hoping for something illogical.