Powerstation 04

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MMG Highlights, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. MMG Highlights

    MMG Highlights Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This Map Was Created By HLG Viper

    Map Maker Guardians is a growing forge group dedicated to be user friendly. It is run similarly to Forgehub, but is more personalized and spam free. We have frequent activities to keep members interested. Weekly Game Nights, Competitions, Mini-Comps, and Tournaments are examples. We have created this account to compile the best maps submitted at our community and share them with the rest of you.

    In order to decrease the amount of traffic from Forgehub arriving into our Group just to advertise their maps; we are not supplying a link to our Site. If you are not a lazy Hubber and are interested in actually taking a part in our community as well as Submitting you own maps, and reviewing other member's maps with Constructive Critique then feel free to send a private message to this account. If you sound promising, we will freely give you the key to our lock.

    Powerstation is our newest loved maps circulating at our forums. It was created by our Event Supervisor, HLG Viper and was the winner of our second competition, Conditional Forge off. It features unique Power rods that if your not carefully and touch them you will die.

    The Following was ripped straight from a post on Map Maker Guardians describing Powerstation 04 by HLG Viper:

    Powerstation 04
    by HLG Viper


    Powerstations like these were abandoned all around earth when the fusion reactors were invented

    *Winner of Map Maker Guardians Conditional Forge-off Competition August '08*
    A medium sized FFA map set up for all gametypes. Plays well in all gametypes, but the layout is made for FFA. Just watch out for the energy rods!

    In the conditional forge-off, we were provided with a centerpiece that looked like this;

    Weapon list;
    Battle Rifles x2. 45 seconds respawn, 1 clip.
    Covenant Carbines x2. 45 seconds respawn, 1 clip.
    Plasma pistol x1. 45 seconds respawn.
    Plasma rifle x1. 45 seconds respawn.
    Needler x1. 60 seconds respawn, 2 clips.
    Flamethrower x1. 120 seconds respawn.
    Plasma turret x1. Does not spawn at start. 120 seconds respawn, 200 rounds when ripped off.
    Assault rifles x2. 30 seconds respawn, 2 clips.
    Shotgun x1. 90 seconds respawn, no spare clips.
    Sniper x1. 90 seconds respawn, no spare clips.
    Magnums x2. 30 seconds respawn, 2 spare clip.
    Spikers x2. 45 seconds respawn, 1 spare clip.

    Flag grenades x3. 30 seconds respawn.
    Plasma grenades x4. 30 seconds respawn.

    Bubble shield x1. 60 seconds respawn.

    The map uses a lot of geomerging and tons of interlocking, and is clean all around.


    Defenders spawn, one direction (Shotgun is on the fencewall perch)

    Defenders spawn, other direction

    Attackers spawn

    Attacker's BR perch

    Outside the defenders spawn (Turret spawns two minutes in on the geomelded open box)

    Modified middlepiece. A flamethrower is located under the wall and behind the barriers

    Geomelded ramp to sniper spawn

    Sniper spawns in an interlocked corner wall (you can jump to it from attackers by using the forklift)

    The power station. Notice the energy core

    Energy rods. If you touch them, you die. This gives gameplay a new depth, demanding you to be careful with moving as well as looking around and shooting.

    Defender's and middlepiece overview

    I recommend 3 people FFA and up, 1v1, 2v2 and possibly 3v3. It is set up for ALL gametypes. Have fun!


    If you would like to be a part of Map Maker Guardians then please send this account a PM explaining why you want to, and why you would be a good addition to MMG.

    Thank you,
    Map Maker Guardians Staff.
    #1 MMG Highlights, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
    Nobody Worthy, Obibital and drak like this.
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    woah i was like this map sucks my balls when i saw the outside pic, and then i saw thie inside.....+ rep and 6/5 for you!
  3. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you know this map wasn't created by Map Maker Guardians Highlights. It was created by HLG Viper... I love this map and I think it deserves to be posted here under this profile...
  4. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So far all the maps you've posted (2 i think?) Are really cool I really like this one. Like the BR perch is really cool. This is a definite download for me. 5/5
  5. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    do we have a case of map stealing?? did u mean his profile?
  6. MMG Highlights

    MMG Highlights Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No we do not have a case of Map Stealing, this is what we do over at Map Maker Guardians. If we like one of our members maps a lot, we ASK them first and they agree and we post here. Notice that in the top of the post it says a few times it was made by HLG Viper. In the future please read the post before you reply.

    Also thanks niv, we take the best of the best from our community Map Maker Guardians.
  7. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It was already stated that he made it at the top:
    Edit: and MMG, sdrak wasn't talking about you I don't think I think. He was joking because Red said: "under this profile".
    #7 Cryptokid, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  8. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    no map stealing. Actually. We have a site that isn't forgehub and when the maps are featured, they are posted here under the MMG Highlights username
  9. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
    Senior Member

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    what? stealing? well anyway it looks like a fun map, but i wont say much until this is cleared up.

    oh ok well this is a fantastic looking map, amazing interlocking and geo-merging +rep for you.
  10. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this hapens with every map that is posted here by the MMG highlights username
  11. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What? A map site not forgehub? lol jk but lets leave the stealing business behind and get back to how awesome the map is.
  12. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this map is awesome. I really like the teleporters as they represent energy in pic number 10. The interlocking is fantastic just about everywhere and where you have geo-merged, such as the slanted double boxes, it looks great.

    The ledges, bridges and cover is great too. It really fits into the Powerstation theme. You have a good weapon choice and the map looks really authentic.

    Will the map maker guardians become better than Forgehub - I don't know but I REALLY like the idea of no spam.

    By the way, where can we download this?
    #12 Hazza, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  13. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you like the idea of no spam, PM the MMG highlights username
  14. WeirderWolf

    WeirderWolf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    were is the download link
  15. MMG Highlights

    MMG Highlights Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry i forgot about the DL link when i posted this, i put it up. Its located underneath the First picture its in green, you cant miss it.

    Like red said if you like the idea of no spam at MMG then give me a PM and tell me why you would be a great addition to Map Maker Guardians.
  16. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the download link is in the green text below the first picture
  17. ll Frisco Kid ll

    Senior Member

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    not bad...not bad at all
  18. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    really well done map. 5/5 good merging and interlocking!
  19. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the geo merged ramps and the little cubbys, nice job.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is a sick looking map. but ur practically advertising another website exactly like forgehub asking people to go there. y?

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