Yeah that was a pretty epic necropost... But you also make a good point. As much as I hate agreeing with it, they are there so you can use them(a very noobish excuse)
Meh, HLG players are avg players who would in fact get mashed by most. They made their new accounts so they could hide and get past the level they were stuck at. Whatever..hide all you want, I'm just gona find you. 1) you put your vids on youtube 2) Most of the spots aren't really that difficult to find My only encounter was with guys on Valhala. It was snipers and as soon as we didn't see em for like 30 seconds I knew exactly where they were. Chucked a few nades, walked around and than sniped three of em while hiding up there. We went on to win the game. I'm not saying HLG players suck, I'm just saying..hiding it's really the best tactic. If you get found, your likely to lose as you no longer will have the time to kill, and you'll more than likely lose the lead. Edit: Do people search for old topics to get their post counts up or something?
HLG was the first group I was in, we had fun for hours on narrows. There was a guy named turtle and a guy named ninja I remember.
Me and my brother have started going into rumble pit and glitching into high up places and owning everyone else. It's great.
Yeah I know, it's superior, and we actually get out of the map sometimes, which is awesome till we run out of ammo.
Like camping, I think that hiding is a legitimate strategy. A cheap strategy, yes, but legitimate. If Bungie doesn't block the spots off, then I see no problem with taking advantage of a map's features.
If you think about Ghost edge jumping, and other such 1337ness is sort of the same. As a wise dood once said, it's not the strategy itself that is bad. People think it is bad, because of the people who use it in a way they feel negative towards. you guys hide just to piss other players off? I don't really think that's cool at ruined the experience for another person just for your own amusement...I just don't see why you can't just play the game. I have tons of fun killing people without hiding. Sure, most halo players online are jerks, but there are a few out there that are cool, and don't deserve to have someone trying to piss them off for no real reason. I just don't really get why you would do this...maybe there's another reason. Seriously if there is please explain it to me. But as of right now I don't think very highly of hlg.
I used to have a video of me, shad0w, and another one of our buddies all hiding under the ramp in the sniper area (Not that hidden with three of you in there), and one of the enemy compleeeeeeetely passes us, we were ****ing DYING. It's a fun tactic, but not something to do all the time...It can be a waste of time after a while...And what skills are you improving not playing the damn game? lul
I could not help but reply and laugh at this statement. These guys would be destroyed by a real pro team, hiding or not. As for the actual topic: Honestly, I couldn't care less if hiding took skill, is a legitimate strategy, etc. My main problem with it is the fact the it totally ruins the experience of the game. Yes, I don't like getting beaten in any form, but at least I know I was truly out-skilled. They are the same as quitters, standbyers, etc. They should just play the game like everyone else, cause you don't have the right to ruin the experience of another player. In a few cases, I guess its okay, like when your teammates quit, but most of the time it is unnecessary. P.S., I have never come across hiders, so you can't accuse me of being angry at losing to them!
I love HLG, I'm pro in it, meaning I know more spots then the average HLGer. I love playing doubles HLG, it is my favorite way, but I also do team slayer and BTB.
What do you mean? In this video: The Hidden Masters pissed off four players to amuse over 200,000 (I'm not sure if they were all amused, but telling from the comments, I'm pretty sure) people. Also, they do it for fun. You people honestly take the game too seriously.
its pretty funny to watch but if you think about it, it kinda ruins the game. i know if someone did it to me i would be mad, but if i watched the vid i would think its funny. i think it pretty much just says your a jerk and even if you could win like toying with their MINDS!
So what your saying is that humiliating people for the enjoyment of others is perfectly alright? Also don't assume that I'm pissed about it. It's happened to me before, and I could really care less. It is after all a game like you said. I'm just at a loss of why humiliating people has become a source of amusement. I bought the game to play, and I like playing it. Rather then having to wait (and while waiting possibly make a sandwich) up until the near end of the match when I then use the saved up rockets/grenades to kill the hlg players in their hiding spots to take the lead. All I'm saying is that it seems a bit childish to piss off people for your own amusement.
i can see how it would be funny, but it wouldnt work agaisnt good people. ive had people try this on me but i can safely say that i know all or nearly all the hiding spots on all the maps so i just wait for rockets to respawn then go check em all out =p all i can say is, learn the hiding spots and youl have a huge advantage over these kinds of people because they allow you to grab every single power weapon on the map.