The grid I think would spoil it in a way, I mean I've played on games before like Timsplitters, and when I decide to make a map, the grid on the floor just spoils it to me. However, this may sound a bit stupid but a ready made floor like then foundry floor for example I wouldn't mind.
If this is real, which i somewhat have could bring a whole new meaning to "infection". Just hold off against flood
My guess on AI bots if they DO add them Alllowed to spawn 4 of each shown in video (There isnt any elite but they should add them in) Action: Attack (Runs around map to kill) Defend ( Doesnt go to far from spawn point) Sentry (Stands still but attacks) Braindead (What the name implies) Probably costs a hefty amount of forge money, nothing like a glitch can fix though Team: Attacker, Defender, 3rd Team, ect, and rouge
ugh ugh ugh..........half this stuff your talking about is impossible 1. You can't change the floor grid....thats map geometry 2.No water vehicles I want them too but it just isn't happening too much design for one map. 3.No adding in AI the game will lock up as soon as you spawn the character the AI shown on rats nest was added in using gorilla the program used by bungie to edit there maps. 4.its not a new map editor its just a new map with spawn able rooms. Unless bungie is going to unveil the coveted by modders .map files........exactly. 5. I hope you all realize as cool as these things would be programming has its limitations and so do the resources available to bungie. I would love these things if they were possible but there not. FYI this is the shorthand note version I really don't want to type out the long long super long version of boringness
If that is real, which it looks like for now, I am so happy that I might punch someone in the face just to get out the emotion. OMIGODTHATROXMYSOX
Okay, I retract my precious opinion. It seems pretty legit. I'll be very sadfaic if it doesn't happen.
YAYAYAYAY! Finally! This will most likely, if true, will get people back into halo! YES! Then I can play without being bored again!
Finally, my RSV2 brainwashed friend will consider getting back into Halo. He is a fan of Bots. I need to plan my 1337 Infection map soon... Also, think of the amount of new Sniper Training maps, with Jackals that have Beam Rifles. They would certainly give a challenge.
I think that's just a map in it's adolescent stages. Though they are hinting towards AI in custom maps.
If this is true (which I highly doubt) then I might buy Halo... I wouldn't get your hopes up, that could just be a map under-construction...
There is a thread with Hi-def pictures of some of the video. Also, the creator of the thread shows that they were forging while making the video. Here's the link to the post
Second picture. Anyone else notice the elites in the background? Notice how they're all white and they all look exactly the same? I think they're just bots in the background. My guess is there's ganna be bots.
Hardly. You could still have a doorway/hole in the wall that is covered by the first wall, that doesn't actually prove anything was changed. :/