i like the light of the forge monitor being orange.. but this is off the topic of this week's SOTW. i really don't know who i am going to vote for! very good entries and some... not so good
Well... in my opinion there are only 4 outstanding ones. Not going to list them but yeah... There are a couple of decent ones too, including my entry. Then the rest are meh... they look like they were just stock that was scaled then a name was added. And no offense if I am wrong, please, I am not bashing you guys so don't bash me
well here is mine... blue ring fixed now! edit: i wanna add a suggestion too. we should post a link to original images used to see all the cool stuff people changed/added. for instance mine was already a really cool photo but i tried to make it my own. i know it might take some of the "wow factor" out of some of the works, but I think it would be fun to see the before and after! LINK http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/6559/0595234800xf6.png
I finished this 2 days ago, but I wanted to see the other competition. I'm not really interested in this theme. Here my entry:
looks like you put a bit of effort into this good job... yeah this theme isnt very interesting (but ive made one of my best sigs yet)
Your being sarcastic right? I think this is one of the harder weeks and most of ours (mine included) arnt turning out to well. So far I think Duff's is best.
Not to be rude, but the only interesting ones are Mikeys, CaMOfos, Convulses, and Duff Himselfs. All the others are just couple of images put together. And reaper, yours doesnt catch me because of the non-olympic looking bear. No offense though, I like it, just not for the theme.
I still havnt found an image other than that that I like unfortunatly EDIT:nvm just found one and will have a new sig posted within the hour.
hey you asked for comments a few pages back so i thought id toss in my 2 cents. very cool subject but there is a few easy things you can fix in my opinion. for one thing i see where the stock image ends on the right side of the sig. you can crop that out or paint over that section that is discolored. another little issue is the yellow part of the ring is on top of your main subject. it depends on what program you use but you can erase pretty easy when keeping things on different layers. keep it up tho... take these comments as just purely constructive. also as a side note i was gonna do a vertical sig with an athlete on the high bar/rings. someone needs to steal that idea and make it happen!
i decided to change mine completly since i have given up trying to fix the first one so i hope tis one is better. it is on the first page.