So I was using a computer that had an older version of photoshop, and had lots of time, so I made a sig to be honest, it kinda sucks lol.
Its very nice. Its quite eye pleasing. Choice of colours of yellow wasnt the best, but it still looks really nice. Why give up on Photoshop, its superior?
Put a gradient map or something on it to make the colors a bit easier on the eyes. But that's not bad at all.
Meh... I'm fine with GIMP, still don't even know how to work it prefectly too, so, there's no reason for me to get PS. But the sig looks ok. I didn't like the render...
Well, I didn't feel like rendering it myself, and there was nothing that sounded like "feather edges" on the wand, so it doesn't look very good. I don't like the yellow either, but oh well. I think it might of been Photoshop Elements 5? I have no idea and am not familiar with the versions of it. I'm not giving up, I just won't have access to the computer very much.
Of couyrse Yellow was the best. Oh and for the sig, nice to bring a little oldie-ness for Batman, looks nice.