idk, i ask myself that question alot, and halostriker i know you spent alot of time playtesting this with me lol
Great job Paulie. I like the interlocking. 5/5. The clock tower is amazing and beautiful. Same with the crane too. Nice job. I will DL Tomorrow seeing I'm not on my 360 now. Let me know if you need help making or testing future maps.
I'm speechless. I was one the phone with my friend when I saw the map, and I wasn't really paying attention to him. He was a little confused. Amazing! I absolutely love that you made a mainly aesthetic map that still plays like a normal map. The clocktower is sweet, and so is everything else. But honestly, I've never been in a library with a shotgun and battle rifles instead of books...
after playing this map a million times now, i REALLY hope it gets featured. it plays wonderfully. theres really not much i can say about this map to slander it at all. I tried to think of things. I cannot. I await your feature, and ill be there congratulating you.
thank you very much silance, for the most part everyone enjoys gameplay, i get hardly any negative comments on it.
It definitely does deserve a feature and it does play wonderfully. I agree and this map is better than Headlong. Ill let you guys digest that.
I really like this the clock tower is very impressive also I like the geomered wall for smoothness it is a small touch that really imrpoves the map
HOLY SH*T now i see what sarge meant when he said pegasi delta was crazy in the way of the type. anyways this is an amazing map, with great asthetics... (the teleporter circle thing caught my eye especially, along with the pillars). the highway is virtually seamless and the building plays great. I applaud you
I just played a game of Team Koth with hammers and BR starts on this map, and it was really fun. weird combinations work i guess.
Dude I agree as well the clock tower is so cool! The highway looks amazing and the building in the middle looks awesome! Really good job! 5/5
This looks like a really fun map for big parties. The teleporter tower thing is very nice looking. I like how it has that urban feel to it too. The foot bridge fence wall work is nice, and I can't wait to play a game on here.
Thank you, i wanted to give a really urban like feeling, and i wanted to make it like it is just a small part of a large metropolis
The clock tower looks incredible, great aesthetics, and the highway with the crane is a well executed idea. Gameplay looks like it would be fun.