OKay, serious thread now. It seems like must work here has been done purely in GIMP or photoshop. The program I have used to create these images has been Flash 5, I think there is a v8, but I did these at school and that is as advanced my school is, lol. Flash is probably the best program to acheive Vector based images, I thought I'd break the chain of sig threads and photoshopped pictures and post some vector tracings. I unfortunetely do not have the stock photos for comparison. I this one, the original photo can be seen. The vector tracing is just of the sign. In this one too, the original photo can be seen underneath the tracing. As I didnt trace the entire picture, just the car. In this one, I did trace the entire picture. I speant a couple lessons on it. Sometimes, I can be too thorough. So, I dont think many people here are aware of flash and what can be acheived by using it. I'm sure there are a few.
They're freaking awesome. 'Cept for the first one, that almost looks real. xD The car I reckon is the most epicczz. Did you also do the 'reflection' or the lighter colour on it? =/ I want your skills. + Motor show.
Yes, I did do those little reflections. I did the car in about 40 minutes. If you're able to acquire Flash, then once you understand it, it isnt too hard.
I love the car one. This is a thing we haven't seen in sigs before. I think the style would work well.
reynbow its photoshop filter, not the same as vector....also lockdownn why didnt u use something like in inkscape...thats a vector program, so i dont understand why u had to do it in flash (PM me with your answer plox)
o my bad reynbow u said u did it in photoshop though..... i thought u used the photoshop filter cutout... seriosly though my bad didnt mean anything...