Who the hell cares if they decided to make nuclear bombs? Oh yeah, America. We like to think we own all of the friggin' chess pieces. If they make a move we don't like, we have to stop them so it all works out in our favor. We need to create a treaty with hostile countries. Like Reynbow said earlier, we broke that treaty. They have every right to be pissed. Invading their country and having soldiers die every day is not worth this.
Lol. Reynbow's posts are the sweet cotton candy of truth =D EDIT: They? Who is they? You are not making much sense here hombre.
I do! I'm sorry if you don't but I DEFINITELY care if Iraq has nuclear bombs! This is not a game, this is the biggest amount of mass destruction capable of being controlled by humans! This is not about power or respect at all. It is about the sake of people's lives! Many countries want Jerusalem wiped off the face of the earth, and have said it flat out in public. We did not break the treaty first. They knew what was going to happen. They knew! You act as if no one did anything wrong. Like you wouldn't be afraid to walk down their streets with a U.S. flag. Their leaders hid behind their people. They make them fight for them. We don't want to kill all those people. We just want to stop the leaders. Oh my god chipsinabox. I am referring to the people WHO CRASHED PLANES INTO THE TWIN TOWERS! You have all forgotten. All of you. You don't care. You don't care at all about the world's future or those "3000" people who died that day. You all should have been in that building that day. Then we would see who'd question whether or not you want to stop those people from doing it again. I'm done with this thread. It's embarrassing to be living in the same country as you.
Wow, I thought I hated him before. Luckily McCain can't keep us in Iraq for 100 years. The the longest he could have is 8 more years and based on his age (like 400), 8 would be lucky for him. Anyone who thinks Iraq hit the twin towers is stupider (no offense) than they look. Even Republicans admit that it wasn't Iraq. NONE of the terrorists came from Iraq. Most came from countries like Saudi Arabia. Now that was fact. Not opinion. Except for the McCain stuff. I personally believe that we shouldn't mess with other people's business unless it reaches a certain breaking point. In Georgia, Russia just invaded because the Georgians invaded a pro-Russian region of Georgia. Now did Russia have the right to invade just because the region was pro-Russian? NO. It was even worse in Iraq. Some people believed that they had nukes. OK fine, get rid of them. Don't find them? Oh well just stay 5 more years. Russia thought they had a reason to enter Georgia, they wreaked havoc. The USA thinks they have the right to invade Iraq, they stay there for 5+ years. And yet, no one has sent troops to Darfur, where women were raped and killed senselessly. FIGHT THE POWER
If it's not a game, then why does America act as if it is? I'll send out a few dozen troops here, some there, and I can't forget that country! If you have so much respect towards the war, then go in, and fight. Then, when your friend dies just because your country doesn't want another country to think for themselves, at least you know he died for that. And how did we not break the treaty? Who invaded who? Where are your "facts"? And how am I acting as if no one did anything wrong!? America did everything wrong! That's what I'm trying to make you understand! And if we wanted to just stop the leaders, why are there so many casualties? Why would so many innocent residents die...if we just want to take out the leaders....hm....maybe fear? We want to put as much fear as we can into the brains of our enemies so they do what we want. I believe that's called terrorism. Oh and "they" already have nuclear arms.
War is never an answer, what can we do? Instead of wasting billions in taxpayer dollars and hurting inocent civilians, we could spend on defence of our homeland. If we put that kind of money into missile defence systems and the like, we won't have to worry as much about terriorist attacks. Granted, war is sometimes unvoiduble, rite now it's not necsisary. Just think what the world would be like if we put even half that money into global aid, country's would soon be able to clean themselve's up. Yes, sometimes war is needed, but rite now, it only costs us, and innocents.
Dad? Dear Zander- Your dad may be a cool guy, but you can't believe everything he says about politics. There has been some confusion in your posts about 9/11. I will ask the question straight: Do you think Iraq had something to do with the attacks on the World Trade Center? Love, Makisup007
I'm sorry, but no. Iraq is not going to send a nuke at the US. America is one of the world powers and has the second largest supply of nuclear weapons in the world, if they were to send a nuke at us they would either be attacked by the UN, and allied nations of the US would immediately take control of the country, and they would be forced to cease fire.
I swear, these god damn conspiracy theroes gotta stop, I'm tired of "Roswell was an alien crash landing man", and "Paul McCartney's dead man", oh, and my favorite "the man made the towers blow man", go be leftist retards somewhere it's excepted, like China.
Great, you managed to succesfully butcher the english language and insult the government that keeps us alive, wow, awesome. Everyone says "Bush sucks", but he didn't start either of the wars we are currently fighting, congress did, and you know what, since Bush became President, look who's ****ed with us, no one. And while we should have helped Georgia, we have pressing matters in the Middle East, even if it is only about oil, I bet most of you can relate to that.
Sometimes you don't even have to argue their point, when they do all the work for you by making a fool out of themselves right off the bat. (I am a hippie communist Canadian, lulz)
By the way, those other two videos you have, Reynbow, they only show what answers to public surveys that they want to, so, It would seem that it's complete bullshit.
How did I butcher the English language? I never said Bush sucks. I don't even think I mentioned him. But that isn't true. His administration started the war in Iraq. And I think that they should have the guts to end it. Oh and I never said we should help Georgia, I said we should help Darfur which is in Sudan for anyone who doesn't know. I don't think that it is right that you say we have pressing matters in the Middle East even if it is all about oil. That is like acceptance of something that we should be changing. My friend is a huge Republican, you know that? And his dad works with Solar cells. He wants to make the energy crisis better and you are OK with going on with two wars for 100 more years. And in my opinion. Plenty of people have ****ed with us. North Korea, Iran, China, Russia, hell even France has. Sure they may not attack us, but they received aid, support, and who knows what else? Weapons? I have watched the news everyday since I was like 4. I am not opposed to listening to conservative talk radio. Occasionally my mom turns it on just to listen to what they are thinking. So, before you criticize us, look at it from our eyes. When the wars were starting I was around 6-8 years old. And frankly, it scared the crap out of me. I thought about stuff and I didn't want to be hurt. Now I realize that some of it was just a hoax. I was watching the Daily Show the other day and an author was on who wrote about the Iraq WMD scandal. Someone in the White House is believed to have forged a letter that said that Iraq had WMDs. So the next time you are thinking about how Bill Clinton had bad family values, think about a government that goes beyond itself just to lie to its own people. See, Hitman, you got me started on Bush. :happy:
It's not a consipracy theory if there is proof. No body has proof of Aliens, so it's a theory No body has proof of 'McCartney's dead man' But we do have proof that the Twin Towers was a planned demolition and not a terrorist act from Iraqi's. Even the list of Iraqi's that was recovered was forged by the government. Some of the people that supposedly hijacked the plans and crashed them into the Towers are found to be alive today. Uhh how can you commit suicide and still be alive today? The only terroirsts here is your Government. Sorry but once again, it's not a conspiracy theory if there is proof and there is a hell of a lot of proof. You just don't want to see it. It's all I see on TV about you Americans so what else am I supposed to think? The videos in my sig.