Most spine chilling McCain video you will ever see.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    You know how I've always said McCain is Hitler v2?
    Here's a video to show you just what I mean exactly.
    ZANDER1994 likes this.
  2. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
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    Holy. Crap. That is creepy. I am republican, but that is because, like most of us, we stay republican because we fear change. But that might change my opinion, at least. ... Whoa, thats all I can say.
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    That actually sent a chill down my spine.
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Yeah no joke my whole body went cold...
  5. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I don't agree with any of this. We pulled out of Iraq years ago, and look what they did. 9/11. We DID pull out once already, and that's what people are forgetting. It STILL happened. We were almost at a breaking point, we were so close to finishing the job and then it was like America threw up their arms and said "we can't take it anymore!" We could have solved the problem then. We didn't. So we are dealing with it now. Are we going to do the same thing and expect a different result? That's the definition of insanity right there.
    Around 4000 americans were killed in one day, on 9/11. It took 5 years of fighting in Iraq to get the number to equal that. Now, we are going to pull out and let them develop nuclear bombs? How many will die next time?
    John Micain was a prisoner of war people. He was actually there fighting for this country. He's seen what war is like. If there's anyone who can say they know how terrible war is, he can. You think he wants war just for the fun of it? He doesn't. But he knows that it's just something we have to do. Suck it up. Get a grip. There's no other way around it. If you run up to a terrorist with a flower, do you think he's not going to pull that pin? I certainly don't.
    The problem is one side is on the offense. It's set. It's not going to change. The other side does not want to go on the offense, but the technology we have does not allow us to go on the defense. So, what are we going to do? What's the only thing we CAN do? Go on the offense.

    Edit: I'd appreciate it if people would think twice before clicking on my rep button now. Half of you are going to say ZOMG BAD REP ZANDER! When really, I just spoke my opinion using facts and legitimate arguments. Instead of most people who will type a three word comment like " that guy sucks" I supported my opinion in a non vulger way, with many facts and responses to things that have been said.
    #5 ZANDER1994, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  6. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Comment breakdown =D​

    Well firstly, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
    Your own government did that one to you buddy. Go look up some info before you shout about that crap. One of the best pieces of evidence is the controlled demolition of both the twin towers and the demolition of the 7th tower. A plane never hit it but it still came down, demolition style.

    Oh wait so there is, or rather was a cease fire. Who broke that deal?​

    Oh well I guess you were just plain wrong there... Woops
    Oh and don't try add a thousand people on. It was about 2800-3000 people.

    Well if you're equivilent to what is happening now s running up to them with a flower then ****... McCain will bomb the whole world.

    Oh yeah and then there's this, McCain the traitor.
    Only cares about himself? So much for his loyal military history.​

    Okay well the comment is just plain stupid. America doesn't have the technology or equipment to defend itself? Only attack other countries. Are you just plain ****ing stupid or retarded?​

    I didn't need to think twice before neg repping you. I just did.​

    I debunked all your so called 'facts' with my REAL facts. Don't call them facts when you have no idea what you're talking about. Don't call them facts because they are just your twisted opinion about the world. You know nothing of what you talk about young boy.​
    #6 Reynbow, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
    M.Jelleh and The Real KingLS2 like this.
  7. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    ok so let me get this straight he want to nuke places where if we nuke that would last so long he would be dead before they ended

    thats low going out with a bang that u wont see the end of

    kinda agree with reynbow

    + we are currently the strongest nation(or maybe second to china) on earth it would take alot more then iran or russia to beat us

    ++violence is a last option talk it out first
    #7 Thorax tehGREAT, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  8. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    How do you stop people from dropping a nuclear bomb on you? Do we have a giant bubble shield? We DON'T have the technology to go on the defense. It's a shame, I know it. We produced a nuclear bomb, but have no defensive for it. Every bus, train, and building is not bomb proof either. They can strike anytime, anywhere, and I rather be fighting the war on their soil rather than ours.
    My info is correct too.
    We did pull out of Iraq because American's were tired of fighting. That's the whole reason the war was resolved.
    I said around 4000 people, which many sources state there was. It varies because the actual amount is unknown.
    My analogy of running up to a terrorist with a flower is towards the idea of saying "ok, i don't want to fight anymore, just don't kill me and we're good". It's not logical.
    Iraq's leader ordered the attack on the U.S. You're saying that they did not have anything to do with it?
    Also, to the guy above me, it's not about us suddenly dropping a bomb on them. It's about just staying in the war.
    #8 ZANDER1994, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I don't understand what you can argue against, Zander. McCain says it himself. He wants to start other wars. There are going to be repercussions when you start a war. There always have been, there always will be.
  10. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    We did not start the war on terrorism. They drew first blood when they decided to attack our towers. Either way they are going to attack us. It's not like if we don't attack them that everything is going to be ok. It won't.

    Edit: As i expected, Reynbow and Technomonkey both bad repped me for sharing my opinion. It seems that a lot of people here are against mccain, and thinking that I am so pro mccain that I do not see his flaws. My opinion is more about the war, and people are linking it to mccain just because the comments in the video were directed as insults to him.

    Edit: The comment of me being "a little boy" is ludicrous. If you want to play that childish "i'm bigger than you" game then fine.
    I'm a 14 year old boy. So what. I'm interested in this campaign. And actually, i'm 6 foot 3. I can dunk a basketball. I also row because of my size. Age or size has nothing to do with the issue.
    #10 ZANDER1994, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
    Paralyzed King likes this.
  11. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I don't understand why you're still using fake facts. You're wrong, plain and simple.
    How can they drop a Nuke on you if they can't even produce them?
    Stop saying 4000 because it's actually 3000 [You guys like to blow it to make it sound worse. Some Americans actually thought the death toll was more like 30 000 and some others thought it was 3 000 000.​
    Thankyou =]​
    Once again, Iraq had nothing to do with the towers. Your own government did that to you.​
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Since we're already in the video section, Zander check out Zeitgesit. You can skip to part two(about 43 minutes in) where is starts talking about 9/11. Watch it then come back and rethink everything
  13. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    so if i get what zander is say is that if a country has nukes they are going to use them. i think now a days nukes are more of intimedation factor because the minute u shoot one off that will tick off alot of people very very fast. wtf we cant defend ourselves i think we are probably the most capable country of defending ourselves
  14. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    I loved this video, it made me hate McCain more.
  15. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I don't know what you're saying right now. But yes, nuclear arms are an intimidating force. Kind of a sick way to balance life in my opinion. If you watch the video, McCain says we want to bomb Iran. Ritter argues that if we bomb Iran, we might as well pick a city to be destroyed. Do you think as soon as we bomb them, they're going to go "ok, we get it! I thought we were just playing!"? No, they will just send a nice little retaliation bomb in our direction. And if we're so capable of defending ourselves from nuclear attacks, where's our giant fly swatter to keep them away?
  16. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Do you honestly think Iraq will not use a nuclear bomb on us? Do you honestly think that they won't and aren't trying to make one? Iran is. We told them to stop, and they won't. They found out how to fly our planes. They smashed into one of our buildings just to piss us off! Name one way that we can stop a nuclear bomb from hitting, other than preventing it from being launched. You can't. That's why we have to stay in Iraq. You are being very contradictory.

    As i said before. Different sources have different facts, and it doesn't even matter.

    You just proved my point. If we pull out of Iraq, they will be able to produce them. Do you think that they will never find out how? They found out how to fly our planes. They had entire model cockpits that they practiced on every day before they attacked us.

    You keep saying that my government blew up the twin towers. I'm pretty sure that someone not from our country, decided to piss us off, so they crashed a plane into us.
    #16 ZANDER1994, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  17. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Seriously, you need to watch Zeitgeist and get some facts about 9/11
  18. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Do you have no comeback for my comment norlinsky? Come on. Let me hear you say it again. "Iraq is not going to launch a nuke on the U.S. if they get the chance." It's so funny. Yes yes bombs are just for "intimidation" and they have no other use to terrorists. Hahahahahaha. Especially nowadays because we know everything is all nice and dandy with the middle east! Hahahahahaha!

    Edit: I know Blakem0n92, King Of KC, and scardypoopoo are here. Are you going to start talking yet? It's annoying to know that someone is watching this and not want to say anything.
    #18 ZANDER1994, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  19. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    When did I ever say they wouldn't launch a missle at us(and we're talking about Iran now, just so you're updated on the facts :D). Maybe you should read my comments a little slower. The only comments I have posted on here are about retaliation. Do you want bombs dropped on U.S. soil because we think we have to control the entire world? I really hope not.
  20. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    If you were playing halo at the time let me fill you in on what happened a few months ago. America finds out Iran is trying to make nuclear bombs. They tell them to stop. They say no. The world keeps on spinning like nothing ever happened. You come here and agree that bombs are mostly for intimidation. I disagree.
    We don't control the entire world. Again, you are being contradictory by asking do i want bombs dropped here. As I said, by staying in Iraq, we can try to do the only "defense" against bombs, by preventing them.
    We are talking about Iraq, and referencing a similar and nearby country called Iran, which seems to have the same issues as Iraq, but hasn't done anything exeptionally bad to piss us off.

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