The Aqueduct Gametype = EVAC Recommended Players = 4-12 Map Features - An obstacle course that plays like a shorter, more complex Omega Journey - Multiple solutions to obstacles - Interlocking - Cheatproof - Unique "Water Tunnels" aesthetic Comments This represents an entire week's worth of R&D and my third attempt at mapmaking. When paired with the EVAC gametype above, The Aqueducts becomes a "get-the-VIP-to-the-point" game crossed with a puzzle/obstacle course akin to maps like the infamous Omega Journey and its spinoffs. Basically, the Rent-A-Cops (Blue VIP Team) have to get their Scientist (White VIP) to the goal point, which can only be reached through an obstacle course designed to split their attention between protecting the VIP and clearing puzzles & obstacles. The Ninjas (Black Team), meanwhile, are only trying to kill the Scientist. Getting the Scientist to the goal scores a point and ends the round. Likewise, killing the Scientist scores a point and ends the round. The game lasts five rounds with the teams alternating between Rent-A-Cop and Ninja (don't worry - though complex, the map has an average completion time of around 4:00). The team with the highest score at the end wins. Rent-A-Cop Traits Armed only w/ Magnum Ninja Traits 300% Damage Resistance 150% Speed Armed only w/ Energy Sword Pictures Section 1 - Spawn Tunnel w/ Timed-Release Teleporter for Ninjas Section 2 - First Aqueduct Section 2 - Three-Story Room Section 3 - The Central Room from Below Section 3 - The Central Room from Above Section 4 - Aqueduct 2 Section 4 - The Split Decision in Aqueduct 2 Section 3 - Ejecting the Immovable Wire Spool Section 5 - Final Barricade and the Stairway to the Goal Section 5 - The Evac Point Final Thoughts While this map has been play-tested, I would appreciate feedback of any kind. I would especially like to be notified of any mistakes or imbalances that I missed and any suggestions for improving either the rules or the map. Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoy the map! Download Link The Aqueduct
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I loved Omega Journey and maps smiliar. It gives a great tension to infection maps, especially with alot of people. Also you might wnat to embed those other pics. But anyway a download from me! 5/5
well i cant really reveiw this map because i dont know wut it is. i have one pic and it is of a tunnel. moar pix plox. kthnxbi
I hate Omega Journey and similar maps, but the aesthetics on this map are great. I won't score you because my views on the map style are very skewed, but I can say that if you had used these visual tricks in a different type of map, I'd rate it very high.
this map looks well thought out and well made, ive never heard of omega journey but ill look that up and compare.
This looks like a pretty good map. You had a good idea in mind when you were working on it. I suggest cleaning it up in some places though. Also, there was a pretty famous map called aqueduct on ForgeHub, so you might want to rename it by adding an adjective in front or making it into some kind of phrase like Aqueduct OF D3ATh or 1337HaXAqueduct. Or something less stupid. Lol nice job though.
I Hope So Go for it! I made several last minute corrections that may have opened up holes that I am unaware of - please do me a favor and post your findings.
This map looks very well made and it does look like it took up more time than Omega Journey IMO. The water tunnels do look cool as well. It does look like it is very hard to travel through the tunnels as well. Good Job 4/5
wow this looks really well made it looks like it could be played alot i guess it can be played on infection as well.