
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LieutenantAshler, Aug 13, 2008.


What is the best aspect of this map?

Poll closed Oct 24, 2008.
  1. Visual Appearance

  2. Gameplay

  3. Construction

  4. Other (Explain below)

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  1. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Covenant orbital strikes reduced much of New Mombasa's skyline to rubble. What remains is a tribute to the fallen. 2-10 players

    Hardpoint: n. - 1. A series of fortifications. 2. A strong defensive potision.

    Totaled Time (initial construction): 13 Hours
    Estimated Time (Tweaks): 1 Hour+
    Estimated Time (Playtesting): 3 & 3/4 Hours+

    Not long after publishing "Stalwart" I realized that no matter how the map was changed, tweaked or otherwise redesigned, it could never accomplish my ultimate Forging goal; to create a fun, visually impressive map that incorporated gameplay elements from Compound, Guardian and Lockout. Following a rather lengthy Matchmaking spree, I returned to the forge in an attempt to succeed in this endeavor. After way over 17 and a half hours of construction, playtesting and tweaks, Hardpoint, formerly named Metropolis, is now complete.
    Hardpoint is an Asymmetrical map that is set in the outskirts of New Mombasa, just past the wake of the slipspace rupture that destroyed most of the city.
    Three Large buildings comprise the map.
    The High-rise, also known as the Sniper Tower or Bridge, serves as a base for the Attacking team and offers an excellent vantage point of the rest of the map. The coveted Spartan Laser spawns on the Brute-Shot side of the building.






    Each corner of the High-rise offers a route to the top, and a portable Gravity lift can be used for additional access. The open Double box near the Attackers' Brue Shot is useful for a quick shield recharge and also permits access to the top of the structure.
    Directly across from the Attackers' base is the Office, a structure with enough holes that it can be likened to a sponge.



    Not only can the Shotgun be found here, but the merged open double box in the back houses the Sniper Rifle. After three minutes, the office's basement also becomes an area of contention as players rush to secure the map's only Sentinel Beam.


    Three Battle Rifles and a carbine are also available within the Office. The roof of this building can be accessed via stairs or a jumping route in the middle of the first floor. The Rooftop has hosted some Heart-stopping, epic BR battles, as opponents struggle to kill their opponent without falling off at the same time.



    Connected to the Office via a skywalk is the Defensive Base. Defense base has the map's only Bubble Shield. After 90 seconds, a pair of shield doors spawn it the two bottom entrances.



    Shotgun: x1 | Respawn Rate: Never | Extra Clips: 0 | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Shotgun: x1 | Respawn Rate: 150s | Extra Clips: 1 | Spawn at start: NO | Symmetry: Both
    Sniper Rifle: x1 | Respawn Rate: never | Extra Clips: 0 | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Sniper Rifle: x1 | Respawn Rate: 180 | Extra Clips: 2 | Spawn at start: NO | Symmetry: Both
    Spartan Laser: x1 | Respawn Rate: 150s | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Sentinel Beam: x1 | Respawn Rate: 180s | Spawn at start: NO | Symmetry: Both
    SMG: x4 | Respawn Rate: 20s | Extra Clips: 2 | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Plasma Rifle: x4 | Respawn Rate: 30s | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Magnum: x2 | Respawn Rate: 20s | Extra Clips: 2 | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Needler: x2 | Respawn Rate: 90s | Extra Clips: 1 | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Brute Shot: x2 | Respawn Rate: 45s | Extra Clips: 2 | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Covenant Carbine: x4 | Respawn Rate: 30s | Extra Clips: 2 | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Mauler: x2 | Respawn Rate: 90s | Extra Clips: 1 | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Plasma Pistol: x1 | Respawn Rate: 45s | Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both

    Fragmentation Grenades: x6 | Respawn Rate: 10s |Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Plasma Grenades: x6 | Respawn Rate: 10s |Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Spike Grenades: x6 | Respawn Rate: 45s |Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both

    Power Drain: x1 | Respawn Rate: 150s |Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Radar Jammer: x1 | Respawn Rate: 180s |Spawn at start: NO | Symmetry: Asymmetrical
    Regenerator: x1 | Respawn Rate: 150s |Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Gravity Lift: x1 | Respawn Rate: 90s |Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Deployable Cover: x1 | Respawn Rate: 45s |Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both
    Bubble Shield: x1 | Respawn Rate: 180s |Spawn at start: YES | Symmetry: Both

    Supported Gametypes:
    Capture the Flag
    King of the Hill

    Reccomended Gametypes:
    FFA Slayer (3-6 players)
    Team Slayer (3v3; 3v3v3; 4v4)
    King of the Hill (Team & FFA)(3-6 players)
    Territories (Some of the MOST intense games you've ever seen)(6-8 players)


    - In Territories, The Bridge (#2) and its sister (#5) are often the first territories to fall to enemy assaults. The longer you can protect these, the better your chances of winning.
    - Capture the flag games are often quite difficult for defending teams. It often pays to send one man to hide in Offense's base to stop the Flag carrier in the event that your defense is overrun.

    - Taking Territories 2 & 5 early on can provide 2 easy captures, but as these territories are often neglected by defending teams, it may pay to have only one member of your team take these while the rest of your team focuses on the other territories.
    - Once secured, Territory 2 is an excellent position to support your teammates as they attempt to take territory 4.
    - Initially, it may seem that anyone taking the Bubble Shield entrance into defense base must go through the double box housing defense's Brute Shot. However, a little clever Crouching can permit you access over the red pipes.

    Symmetrical games
    - Securing the Shotgun provides a significant advantage when it is used in the close confines of the Office. However, the sheer number of entrances to this building make it very risky for campers.
    - It is possible to jump into the hole where needler spawns in the Sniper Tower, but crouch-walking to the other side renders you extremely vulnerable to grenades.
    - Removing a sniper on the bridge becomes a much easier proposition with Plasma Grenades.
    - After the shield doors spawn at defense base, defending the flag becomes much easier. However, the small gaps on the sides of the shield doors means that a carefully placed grenade can be bounced to the other side of the barrier (I actually used this during playtesting, to great effect).

    Special thanks to:
    Honour Blade; Weaselman5; The Winja; Blackprophet77; Elite 208...
    ...For suggestions and coments relating to the map.

    Honour Blade; BlackProphet77; XAmAzINgLuCkX; The Winja; WeaselMan5; ShadowedVeil7; elite208; TTR xxLiLMiKExx; DeSneakyOne; MSGT Waller; SMSGT waller; Broadloom Flame; xRAPTORx Kyuubi; PHOENIX11882; NoDak MasTa; Krum Snitch; Axenreign; ShotXXsniperXX; banshee0000; The Hairy Lips; Cobra Ops Delta;

    Gameplay Video

    Download Hardpoint

    A sidenote, during construction of Hardpoint I accidentally discovered a new method for floating objects. Spawn two of the object you wish to float and set one to not spawn at start. Start a new round, pick up the object you wish to float and force spawn the other of the object. If the glitch works the object will remain floating after you let go of it. Thus far, I have been unable to get it to work consistenly, so if anyone can figure out what makes this glitch work, I (and probably much of the Forge community) would greatly appreciate it.
    #1 LieutenantAshler, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  2. the littel pony

    the littel pony Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like you spent A LOT of time on it- great interlocking! And the thread has a great amount of detail- thanks for that.
    Bottom line: 5/5

    I think it should be featured.

    Senior Member

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    This looks awesome! It appears like you've captured the urban feel perfectly. I'm actually really excited to check this one out (which i can't say happens too terribly often). Great work! Ill be back with more comments later.
  4. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks really good but that door ramp is too short maybe an interlock stair or bridge
  5. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    this map was made presisly, the geo-merging and interlocking is presise, and all this information is going to make me Dl this now. so much info on this map, keep that up its a good thing. also is that truck geo-merged? thats hard to do.
  6. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool the structures on it are amazing.l

    It is clear you spent alot of time on this map and it shows. It reminds me of a city. I think you did a great job on this map and you have earned a download from me :)
  7. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    looks like you took your time whitch is good but maybe you should take a little more time in makin gthe map hader to get out of because it looks easy to right now, also i like the building but i hope theres no shotgun because people would keep with it.
  8. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    love the interlocking and geomerging
    but that door ramp just dosnet look right
    other than that this map is perfect
  9. CostlyAxis

    CostlyAxis Ancient
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    This is the first time I've posted in a few months, and your map is just worth it to make me do so. The map looks terrific and I plan to look at in more detail possibly later.
  10. Patsfan28

    Patsfan28 Ancient

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    The first picture made thee map look a little messy.
    BUT, after a look at the rest of the pics I noticed some seriouse skill. Great map and keep on forging.
  11. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    WOW o_O. that is pretty amazing. I will throw it in my go download folder
  12. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    EPIC WIN!!!!!! this has to be the best slayer level i've seen in a while. this is good enough to get featured
  13. Jamie182

    Jamie182 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow Great Map 5/5
    Maybe You Could Include A Warthog For
    Ground Battles Love The Skywalk Idea.
  14. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    This is very clean ,and i hope to see more maps of yours that are more closed in.
  15. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    Urban. I like the Urban. The "SKYWAY" lookin' thing looks awesome. Kepitup.
  16. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    you drive a hard point, thats what she said. sry i couldn't resisit. anyway. ya nice job, good interlocking, good layout, good everything, nice job. 5/5
  17. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    This from Lights!?!? I feel special. Thank you all for your comments.
    #17 LieutenantAshler, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  18. drak

    drak Ancient
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    the map looks slightly too open in the middle, allowing for many frustrating double teams, saying you beat the first guy, and then the random second guy from halfway across the map shoots you once, and they get a cheap point....otherwise, nice map 4/5
  19. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The interlocking and geomerging are superb. Another game type for this map that I could see should be a variant Team Swat. Keep these good maps up, really good job! 5/5
  20. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    This is the first map of mine that I'm actually satisfied with, with all of the others, something seemed to be missing. Whether this gets featured or not (although that would be cool), I, for one, have finally achieved my ultimate forging goal.

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