I just heard about Gamevee, so I tested it out. Here is a match I came 2nd in on Lone Wolves. GameVee.com | Halo 3 Video | Video | Slayer BRs
hey I just watched it for a little bit but some tips. Youve got a battle rifle right...so why do you keep moving towards the enemy. Battle rifle is no match to an assault rifle close up. Stay back and get 3 body shots and a head shot.
Umm... instinct? I got most of my kills by the b button so it is hard not to resist in the heat of battle. But I am still trying to break away from that.
Reload a bit more often, you went about 10 seconds without reloading with 6 bullets left without firing a shot. Also in close quarters keep an assault rifle. It may be a weapon without skill, but at least it works in close range. Otherwise, goodjob.