Great interlocking and geoglitching! This is definately a DL worthy map. From the pics I can tell that there is flawless geomerging and wonderful interlocking to create unique and sweet looking structures. Great job definately 5/5
This is awesome, to say the least. The best part is that it actually looks like a real paintball map, unlike most I've seen around here 5/5 for the authentication
Ya agreed really nice interlocking and geoglitching! This looks like it would be extremely fun and have superb game play! Some of the buildings look awesome! 5/5
Seems to be a lot of really careful geo-merging here. Pretty sweet design, the waterfall is just another plus. My vote is for the accent.
I really like what you did in some of these pictures, but I saw some that looked a little sloppy, I can't tell if it is on purpose or acciedentally, but I like some of your larger structures a lot. 4.5/5
Well I will start off by saying that the map is really well done, I see lot of interlocking and geomerging. The structures are very unique, and it looks like you really but a lot of time into this. I think I will download this to give it a complete overview.
If you mean the wall with the fence walls in it, I made it sloppy on purpose... If thats what you meant
Great. I think it looks really good aesthetically. One of the better maps I've seen from a newer user. Welcome to forgehub. It seems a lot of cover is up against the walls though. I would move some of it out. This really reminds me of a kind of paint ball arena. It'd be awesome for swat carbines or plasma rifles.
Great map, really good geo-merging and interlocking just like everyone else said... I like it... Definatly has the paintball feel to it.
looks lie you put a lot of work into this. the asthetics are amazing to say the least and the geomerging is impecable
im not gonna lie i was expecting big things outta this map but it was terrible. u didnt even bother to set spawn points sohalf the time u end up spawning out of the map 0/5
Nice job man that is awsome most paintball maps is the one arena blocked off, crates, and some barrels but you went there and beyond nice job.
ok, i always put spawn point but if you dont download the game variant DUH! then it wont work hahaha, besides it only works for red v blue.. haha