The Fake Olympics: How China Is Using Every Trick in the Book to Dazzle The World Lip Syncing and Voice Doubles In what was clearly one of the most shocking deceptions of the Olympics opening ceremonies in Beijing, the national anthem singer was replaced with a “cuter”, younger lip sync artist. Yang Peiyi was actually pre-recorded singing the anthem, but was apparently not attractive enough for the ceremonies and did not meet their standards of “perfection.” Supposedly, it was her teeth that did her in. Chinese officials explained that they wanted the perfect performance - the perfect voice and the perfect look. Perhaps we should forgive Milli Vanilli as well? I mean, they just wanted to be the perfect performers, right? The problem is, and we will see it time and time again, that everyone was led to believe that this cute little girl was actually singing - or at least sang it her self in a studio at some point. Flawless Fireworks Apparently the folks at the Olympics thought it was too dangerous for helicopters to film the actual fireworks at the stadium during the opening ceremonies, so pre-recorded, computer-generated fireworks. Sure. The display we see appears to be miles away (and that is assuming no zoom is used on the camera lense) - not exactly sure how that could be safe. I am not doubting that fireworks were shot off from the ceremonies, but I am not convinced that the Chinese decided that it was too dangerous. My guess is that, just like the fake voice-over used for their national anthem, they decided that the “perfect” image the rest of the world should see is one they can’t really created. Fake IDs The most heinous fakery going on right now has to do with the ages of two girls competing on the Chinese women’s gymnastics team. I am not exactly how we can use “women” to describe a team made up of pre-pubescent children, but apparantly that is what they are calling it these days. At stake in this disagreement is the much coveted gold medal in women’s gymnastics. There are only a few medals for which both the United States and China compete closely, and this one is certainly the most popular. Two 14, I mean, 16 year old girls on the team, He Kexin and Jiang Yuyuan are supposedly of age, but records indicate that they are probably as young as 14 years old. China produced passports for the two children which show them to be 16 years old. Of course, birth certificates are unavailable, but even they would be incredibly easy to fake as well. This would not be surprising, considering China’s “Gymnastics Gulag” where athletes are beaten and abused starting at as young as 5 and 6 years old. There is a huge advantage to having young gymnasts - they are much smaller, and thus able to perform more dangerous techniques and, unfortunately, far more willing to perform those techniques despite the risk. Fake Weather Even the weather has been faked in China during Olympics. Over 1000 rockets were fired into the coulds to keep the rain from coming down during the opening ceremonies. The controversial technique of firing silver iodide crystals was the largest known effort in the history of mankind toprevent rain. It seemed to work, as the event went off flawlessly. I certainly understand the wish to make the event go by without any rain, and it wouldn’t be the first time in history that silver-iodide was used to seed rain clouds, but the big question really starts to form — what is the real China like? False Promises Perhaps the biggest deceit of the 2008 Olympics is the gross difference between the China that is portrayed and the China that is. This shocking photograph depicting China’s “One World One Dream” slogan on a wall built to shield the true nature of Chinese poverty from the prying eyes of the World. The sad truth is that China is fooling no one, but nearly everyone doesn’t care. Sometimes, it is easier to pretend you are duped than deal with the truth. source site
ugh, it is really, I dont know the word; Despicable. How exactly is China considered superior. Its such a shame that the olympics prides itself on realism and breaking records. Its such a shame China decided that the olympics needed to be too good to be true.
I am tired of all of this. China is faking everything. I knew those "women" looked eight years under-age. And, In the opening ceremony, the "fireworks" looked pretty weird to me as well. It utterly disgusts me that china is willing to go to such an extent to look good. And yet after everything, they admit what they have done. This is why I no longer watch the olympics unless its my team, just to have spirit for my country. I sincerely hope that maybe, just maybe, China will learn. But that will not happen.
China's hosting of the Olympics should never have come to pass. Despite the health concerns of the high level smog there, they have done deplorable things to their own people just to show the world how "great" they are. I'm glad that all of this is coming to light so China can wallow in the shame they so richly deserve.
Too true, its really shameful; some of their actions. I read an article saying, they publicly kill dogs in their restaurants.
You know, I can totally appreciate cultural differences and all that, but some of the animals people eat are too much for me. Eating dogs (and cats, for that matter) just makes me want to vomit.
I too, hate when people eat those types of animals. Its probably like that because we grow up with them. If we grew up with cows as pets and dogs as food and someone ate cow, I bet we'd be disgusted. But on topic; What do you think they will do next?
The REAL chinese shame You guys thing that's real worst thng that China has done....well look at this vid, and please....have a barf bag near you! Spoiler
two threads of almost the exact same thing?! you should of just posted that in to this thread rey since it was made 18 hours before yours was =|
penguinish, this is for the other stuff not included in that other thread....he just included this in this one just so that he could have it as a full thread, not halfway done!
Wow i never knew any of that! The last pic is great and supports the statement under completely! This is very interesting and a great find!
I'm surprised that the chinese government can be so immoral. They actually made the country a worse place while trying to 'clean it up' for the olympics.
I love how that they are planning on denying Chicago the 2016 games because there is too much crime here, yet they give it to country that fakes the games. For these Olympics, China plowed down people's homes to build a stadium, and the country of China commits horrible acts that break basic human rights principles. I can gauran-damn-tee that if Chicago got the summer games, we wouldn't fake it, or render our people homeless to build a stadium.
Meh the Olympics shouldn't have been in China anyway. Really, all this controversy just ruined them for me. I'm not even bothering to watch them this year. First Tibet, and now this. Everyone knows China is a dirty, scandalous place..and despite the front they put up, everyone knows nothing changed. I think at this time people just want to get the Olympics over with, and let the Athletes have their days. There's too much bickering, too many people trying too hard. MEH is all I can say.