
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by The Storm 59, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    UPDATE :Download Level-up Here


    NOTE: Taking suggestions for a name...

    I basically made a two story map on foundry, take a jump for some pictures, or read some history i wrote a while back for a different site.
    Origional Thoughts
    So Ive always loved foundry for just getting a vehicle and playing with the handling, creating banked curves that never quite seem to interlock just right, jumps, cannons, whatever. It always got to me while i was doing this how great it'd be to actually have a decent "foundry". A big open map, at least 4 times as big as foundry, with creating vehicle maps in mind.

    Anyway, i started playing with the idea of creating a double story foundry for people to mess around in vehicles in. I actually started making one of these a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago, when foundry first came out, but scrapped it because back then i didn't know how to interlock, and I got more frustrated while trying to fit things in than your mom does when I'm not around for a week. =P

    My map was made with vehicle combat in mind. It has two versions currently, the team one in which the existing corridor is blocked, and an FFA version in which its open, with some other differences such as vehicles and turret placements.
    The map has two bases where the bases are in a normal foundry, but with ramps to go to the second floor, and a fair amount of defense which takes a little teamwork to overpower. I prefer it for quick team slayer games, CTF, Assault, and it makes a fun Territory/KOTH/Odball for FFA.
    Odd because i didn't have those game types in mind when i made it, but oh well. The map is still having revisions to the bases, and the hallway (I am creating new spots to drop down after all).

    Battle Rifle x4
    Carbine x2
    Bruteshot x2
    Shotgun x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    SpartanLaser x1
    Spiker x2
    Powerdrain x2
    Tripmine x4
    Bubblesheild x2
    Oversheild x2
    Warthog x2
    Gauss Warthog x2
    Ghost x2
    Wraith x2
    Chopper x2

    I have decided I'm not a fan of the current name, Level-up(3.3), so help me change it. Ill be taking suggestions.

    Pictures (these are from v2.3 - they're missing some things, but you get a feel for the map)
    Upstairs is made of walls and bridges- Behind the boxes is a hallway with a FRG and Rocks at either end, and a hole in the middle to drop down to the bottom level hallway. This also acts as a gravlift for going up.
    One of the ramps/bases. You can see two mongooses and a chopper, and theres some warthogs and a ghost in behind the turret, and currently (probably to be removed) a mongoose beneath the bridge bit of the ramps.
    Downstairs - looking towards the ramps from above an entrance to the lower hallway.
    One of the Bases showing a turret which protects the flat of the ramp, with vehicles behind it (they have to jump accross a small gap where the stairs are, shown in a minute)
    From the turret room running through the base hallway where the flag will spawn on CTF games. Door in middle of hallway between ramps is blocked, and door closest to turret is blocked.
    Running past the Blocked doors about to run out the open one.
    The gap where the stairs are. Because of the slight raise going from the turret to the ramp, I've never had troubble getting accross there, even without boosting in a ghost.
    Down the stairs and to the left you can go through an open box and come out under the ramps, where a mongoose is conveniently waiting for you.
    There are four entrances for the downstairs hallway. (im currently considering removing two for use as a way to drop more easily from the top down, or i will simply remove one of the man cannons as its a little difficult for people to drop down -just keep walking forwards and youll be fine)
    Theres only two entrances up top.
    One of the entrances, with an FRG shown on the left.

    Download Level-up Here
    #1 The Storm 59, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  2. UEG Unequaled

    UEG Unequaled Ancient
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    looks nice, cant wait to download it
  3. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Looks very open, but I guess that's ok for a vehicle map. 4/5.
  4. Bloodydagger1

    Bloodydagger1 Ancient
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    Uhhh, looks like a good map atm, i'd give it a 4/5, so if your still working on it, its definately gunna b featured :), btw, wats with the 'mum' things?

  5. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Sorry, i just find mum jokes funny. =P
    I have a version with some fence boxes which help close some areas down to give foot traffic some help. Considering the abundance of mongooses at the moment its not really necessary for much foot movement though.
  6. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    this is good if you want to screw around and vehicles and the upper floor must have taken you alot of time to make.
  7. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Actually the hard part about the floors was figuring out how to set it out. It was put together a few times (like five times) - twice on the floor to figure out where the peices went, once too high, and then where it is now twice. Putting it up was just a matter of stacking boxes and putting them on top of boxes. I already had my plan for the ramps, so the rest of it was easy, just set the boxes up.
  8. Skirym

    Skirym Ancient
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    Looks pretty darn good! But their is a few things you could polish, like turning those double box's upside down (the floor looks better like that), and I saw a few things that could be interlocked a bit better. Hope you make a V2!
    The Storm 59 likes this.
  9. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Some things arent interlocked yet, i know, thats still coming, as im not to great at it yet so im leaving that till later.
    And the boxes in the hallway have been fliped since that picture was taken. Ive also removed two downstairs doors, and made some other changes. Cheers for the encouragement. =)
  10. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Put some more cover in the middle so vehicles have to be tacticle and don't continously shoot at eachother. Make different sections and buildings within them to promote both vehicle and hand to hand combat.

    I love your idea of a 2 story map. If you put a gap on the 2nd floor and bridges between them it would be reaally cool too. Plus you would have more objects to use for cover. Still the map looks good. I hav never seen anything like it. I'll DL 4/5
  11. chavet

    chavet Ancient

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    What's the point i mean it's just a Two story's nothing cool about it.
  12. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I say that you put a little cover in the middle. Otherwise there will just be a lot of exploding vehicles. Also are there any plasma pistols, trip mines, or energy drains for people on the ground? They help people who aren't in a vehicle a lot. Needs some work, but a generally good map.
  13. V Undertow V

    V Undertow V Ancient
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    He says in his post that it's made for screwing around in vehicles. I don't know what part you people don't get. This looks really cool, and I am definitely going to DL when it's done.
  14. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Undertow, You have to realize that this is a real map, and not one to just play around on. It's for vehicle fights, so there has to be a way to take the vehicles out, and you also have to have strategy or else it's way too indifferent.

    I don't know if you want to do this, but It'd be sweet to make a KOTH version for this map. Imagine 2 Gauss Warthogs and Wraiths fighting over the hill! =) sounds fun to me.
  15. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    for such a simple map, ive never ben so impressed 4/5
  16. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    looks pretty cool and original. And good idea on making a just vehicular??? map. 5/5
  17. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    I think this map would be better without the vehichles. 3.5/5
  18. B0LTS_56

    B0LTS_56 Ancient
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    This would be amazing if you hadn't posted it as a competitive map.
  19. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Yes, there are many high powered weapons currently on the map. These are probably going to be tweaked a bit, so i didn't post them, but currently these are.

    Bubble shield x2
    Trip mine x3
    Power drain x2
    Overshield x2
    plasma pistol x2
    machinegun turret x2
    FRG x 1
    Rockets x1
    Bruteshot x1 or 2

    and some other guns. I'm probably moving the FRG out, so its just rocks, but Im unsure just yet. My reason for wanting to remove the FRG etc is because i think it would be a neat idea to have a splazer on the map, once some cover is added, but with a splazer, and FRG/rocks itd be a bit of a boom****.
    So yeah, weapons are defiantly being tweaked.

    And i was unsure where to post this map, so i thought as a competitive it would be good as thats ultimately what i aim for my result to be. In its current form, I guess it probably is more of a casual map. Not to worry.

    Thats a good sign. My vehicle map needs to have its vehicles removed.

    Thanks to all for the input/comments!
    Anyway, back to forging.
  20. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    My map is almost ready for the first download. Just tweaking some tiny things. If its not up today then it will be by monday.
    Should I have a wraith on each side? Currently theres one which people make a mad dash for.

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