ive played many games and one of them was a 1v1 and me being a review hub member (i think, havn't got any replies yet) and the other one being boydy than yes 50% would be a member, But if you want im making a new account so that review hub members and other hubbers that arn't already on my friends list can add it because im coming towards the limit. You, and 2 more people could set up a game and invite me but i feel that you can still count it.
alright, i just finally found the thread. Ive obviously been very inactive, but that was cause I was away, but now that Im back I still dont think I will be active as I wish I could be unfortunately, :/ so just making it official that I am no longer a part of the Review team, sorry. Good luck with future reviews and cya round the hub XD
Thanks Yellow for watching my back At first I was wondering about his review and such but as long as we keep an help full, kind eye on each other we should be fine... sorry to read you can't help any more Tex ... As for the 50% rule I feel we could turn that a bit into a bit less if we need to .. our numbers are hurting and we simply can't be brought down by rule systems... But like some review sites... I have to put my foot down fully into saying DO a real review ..if you give me some Book report..I will Ignore you for the rest of my life... Because you know the rules when we do reviews, Take the time..because the map maker took the time.... As for arguments... I would like to see that happen in PM... and don't spam this topic...
Well, guys don't forget, Tommorow, at 7:30 EST, be there. And we still need more people to play. At least 2 more. I might be able to get 1 to play, and we already have a non RH person to play, so we'll se how it goes. Wednesday, Starting 7:30 p.m. EST Open for suggestions, so let me know what time's good for you, and if your willing to participate. Members up for this date: -E93 -G043R -Pegasi Delta -Bloumbas (Not RH) - -
did you move the time back? i thought it was at 9?.... I think I will be late ... but I will still try and make it... Also decided to kick in some extra info ..I am going to a Community College So my class times are ... -Monday 6-8:15pm -Tuesdays 1-2:15pm -Wednesday 6-8:15pm -Thursday 1-2:15pm and 6-8:15pm I can see Weekends around 2 ish really open for bi weekly reviews what do you guys think?
Yeah, Pegasi Delta asked me to move it back. It's ok if you're late, as long as we have enough people... which I'm not so sure we will. Remember last time we tried this, June 24-ish, when I just got home from Brazil, and I was driving the next day to NEw York ? Half the people that were supposed to be there didn't show up. Today, I'll be able to play until 11-ish. I have my last day of Driver's Ed tommorow... If the session doesn't work out, we'll just have to schedule new ones, until they do work. And we should be able to twist the 50% Member rule a bit. We obviously won't have 50%.
sooo... is this the new review hub? because i don't see the old one... and i haven't been in the review hub threads in a while...
On the note of no review members, my friend is currently staying with me and he'd probably be happy to join in the review team. He is a member of forgehub, I SeNTiNeL I, if anyone's concerned, and I can personally vouch for him. We may not be able to stay till 11 (your time), cause that'll be too late I'm afraid, but I can pledge at least an hour or two solid play, likely more.
I'm not a member of RH, but if you ever need extra players I could probably help you out with that. GT is Nan0teck (0 is a zero). If you want, send me an invite when the time comes.
Just an fyi. If there is to be a review of any maps by The ABCrew, I want the reviewer to not be The Yellow. Nothing personal against him, nothing against his review of Project S, but in all seriousness, I ****ing mean it. If I get any reviews done unknowingly (Meaning you didn't ask prior to reviewing), I will be rather pissed, I don't know what I will do, as I am not one to abuse my powers, but just don't ****ing do it. I love the Review Hub, and I love what you guys are about, but I realized earlier today, that if you guys happened to review one without my knowing, or happened to have The Yellow post the review...I just...Would not be too pleased. So, ya, I guess it's a personal thing against the Yellow. So be it. I just can foresee a bias review against our maps due to some recent silly feuds. Whether or not you give a ****, or are about to ***** at me for this post, I care not. As I mean it when I say this.
We just finished playing the maps and stuff. Or at least I did, they're probably still at it, it's cause I gotta read a book, and wake up tommorow at 7:00am for my last Driver's Ed class! Tex, I think The Yellow did have your Project Z map. We played it, and it's either him, or Pegasi that are reviewing it. I'll have Monument by tommorow night, probably.
Sorry for being major late... It wasn't intended...Just something came up.. Thanks for those that showed and reviewed... It was most appreciated...
I'm happy to review project Z if needed, but I think it deserves waiting to get a working game of ABC Bomb on it, its kinda integral to the map and it seems unfair to review without playing it.
Meh, ABC Bomb wasn't the gametype that was most valued to myself, shad0w, and the rest of the testers...We all found that ABC Flag was a much better idea...I hate to be stubborn, but we're not going back on it...Bomb < Flag...Flag = almost flawless gameplay... God I sound so ****ing arrogant tonight... I hate myself...So if you hate me, I understand.
In light of recent events: I would like to detract my previous statement about The Yellow. I also would like to formally apologize for my behavior. I strongly felt that he would be an ass about something, that was really minuscule, but we have discussed the matter over private messaging, and it turns out, me n him are kai...As long as somethings go into action, and he knows what I am talking about. I do know somewhat of the review, as he had to mention it, but that isn't why I'm here now retracting my previous statement, it is solely because he had the courage to say some things to me, that I didn't think he would. Again, I apologize.
Map Name: Project Z Author(s): Tex & Shad0w Viper Reviewed by: The Yellow Enjoyment: 9/10 Ok, I'm sure by now everyone who is reading this is familiar with the ABC crew, if not, well then shoot yourself in the foot. Project Z, the map this review is about, maybe the best Project release yet. For the first time ever, Tex and Shad0w Viper have created an asymetric map. Frankly with how it turned out, I'd like them to continue doing so. It was so fun. Last night E93, Pegasi, Gunslinger and a few others, and myself, played Project Z. We played a few games of Slayer and ABC Flag, (Bomb didn't work, but as Tex said, it's k). We all enjoyed this. There was always something happening. It was a great assortment of blasting, hopping, doging and ducking. Just overall fun. The geometry made things seem different, not just plain old Foundry. Balance: 9.5/10 Balance is a thing many map creators fail to think about when constructing their maps. Often times one area becomes a mosh pit and one player can easily control the map. But with Project Z, dun wry guys, it goin b k. I don't know how they did it, but this map, wow, almost perfectly balanced. Maybe it is the great layout of weapons, each has it advatnages and disadvantages all over the map, keeping things go'in and flow'in. Maybe it is the perfect combination of cover and jumps. All these factors were obviously painstakingly thought out, tested, and re-tested. My only complaint abou balance was that at times players on top of the center wall seemed a bit too powerful, with rockets they could rain down hell. But only for a short time before Tex is like "bish get down here". But all in all, terrifiengly well balanced map. Durability: 9.5/10 Now, I know what most of you are thinking. 9.5/10??? Well, I actually managed to find a way out of this map. I saved the video as well if proof is later needed. Now, I'd say that for most people you wouldn't be able to get out. I know though that if someone figured out how to it's likely it could be done in game, but really, it serves practically no purpose. That is the only reason this didn't score a perfect 10, but overall, this map was blocked off well and the blocking looks good too. Aesthetics: 9/10 This map looks so clean, so well merged, and I didn't see any of that annoying little "flicker" from interlocking. The entire map looked as one, all the structures looked liked they belonged and were all part of a whole. I was also in love with that double box merged way at the back near the covered doors, great job on that. Probably the only thing about it is that there isn't anything so radically different that you stop in game and ponder and drool over it. There just didn't seem to be anything like a signature piece such as the octagonal hall in Reflex that everyone all knows. But when it comes down to it, when a map plays this well, it doesn't really matter that much about aesthetics. Originality: 8.5/10 Yes yes, making maps fashioned after letters in te English alphabet is a rather clever idea. The map did indeed have some use of geometry I have never seen before. Especially the nice use of Foundry's back area. The map did have those little "star" boxes such as in Kentucky Tango. They did look good, but weren't completely original, even though a new touch with bridges was added. And building a map centered around a form of a dividing wall, well, it's been a good number of times. But hey, I mean come on, it is still a big Z so there's not much more someone can want. Overall: 9.5/10 All in all this is a map that I'm certain no sane person would want to miss out on. Excellent gameplay... A weapons layout that is perfectly balanced and fun to utilize. Numerous jumps that can provide some amazing kills or saves. The spawns were as close to great as one can achieve with a map on Foundry. And the fun that one will have while playing on this magnificent playground of destruction... well... you'll just have to find out for yourself. I can't really put it all in words.