yep. you can always haz more half life. but isn't this the same render from your last one? i cant tell the difference really. and i think the same coloring scheme. REALLY similar.
None of my sigs today are renders. And no, they're completely different stocks. Orange to transparent is perfect for half-life. Thanks for the reply.
Not a render, its a stock. Read my above post. And thanks Lock, ive got one more for half-life coming out tonight.
how come this one and the one in your sig seem pixalated a bit? is that how its meant to be? other than that.. there all the same style try and change it up a bit.. 4.5/5
You dense motherfucker. You dont like it because a made up video game character is being strangeled? What the ****. Anyway, personally I thought it would have looked better if there was a slight inner glow around the head of Gordon and possibly the body with a maybe 50%-70% black color photofilter and a mask to full color of Gordon Freeman. But that's just my insight on things. As it is right now is very well done.
That's Reynbow's job, not yours. xD :lol: Also like I said, I'm not really liking the squares but it somehow needs to take up more space... Mebbe add some very thin pentools in the unused area?
im commnting on all your Sig's here its easier that because it over crowding the graphics and arts and ill tell you a mod will tell you, make one thread to show off all your Sig's, Aka a gallery, now onto the Sig's: I must say your pretty good but i know but not many people do that your using a stock instead of starting from scratch with a render. The overall flow of the sigs are very nice and you've got some good ideas. I'm looking forward in seeing your new sigs but think about what i have said.