can you get a free gamertag name change if you get your friends to file complaints against it? is this true because many of my friends send me these messages but im not sure if it it a myth..can anyone clear this up for me?
I think it does... but you have to get a hell of alot of complaints against it.. I THINK, probably like 300 complaints or something
My friend had to change his name (forcibly, not requested). The original was JACKThaRIPP3R. By this standing, yes, you probably can.
It's not 400, people actually sometimes do have innapropriate Gamertags. It's probably around 30, I'm guessing, cause it can't be that easy too. And it would take a heck of a lot of people to get you to change it. Not many people have the patience for it. As to it working, I'm not sure, but I've gotten about 3 messages from friends that want me to file complaints against their Gamertag, so there might be a chance that it works.
yes i get it allot, msg after msg, but i didn't want to risk it when it came to my account because just think complaints aren't a good thing and yes you do get a free name change but at what cost?... most of the time it comes with a ban of at most a week but 800 microsoft points wouldn't hurt. The quickest way would be to have an actural offenisive name, i had a friend that had two accounts, one of them was named bumhole,a week later he gets a message of xbox telling him he needs to change is name and no complaints (we think), The best solution would be to ask a friend that has done it excactly how and what happened just for safety, but don't put it in you motto or bio because xbox live isn't stupid and they will catch on and punish. hope that helped, but there always google, a simple search
After a certain amount of complaints microsoft take notice but if they don't find it offensive then they will ignore it.
I hate people who do that, I just neg rep them... So cheap they want me to file a complaint, because there name is too dorky.
Yes you can, and it didn't take too many for my brother's account. But his name used to be Jewgapociypse so.....(The i is supposed to be a l)
Yes, but It is very hard i had over 200 people file complaints (Known complaints) not just sending a message and hoping they file it, and nothing happened, haha My familys got over 40mil and i dont want to pay 7 bucks..I win
Yeah like 3 of my friends have tried it .. Only one worked and the other one is retarded so he prob made a stupid mistake =] So i would do some research first incase you have to buy a new account or something ..
It doesn't need to be offensive, I had a friend names Karaz4646 who changed his name via complaints. But it's a really cheap way of doing it. If you honestly can't afford 10$, you should sell your system and buy some food.