yes, yes, yes!!!! deffinately use this, this could end everyones gas troubles, which would be good, cas im gettting my permit in about a year and a half, so many more discoveries could be made, and if there is a black whole, that would be cool, if im gonna die, thats how i want it to happen. i know, i know my sigs on i read it and was like dont forget, but i found a way to, sorry.
sorry to end your parade, but a micro black hole made by a Particle Accelerator does not pose any danger- at the most, one that is supercharged would make the Hadron into a crater. Edit: Also, to everybody who says yippee! Energy!-Hydrogen is an alternative some companies are going to release cars for, and nobody even mentioned the possibility of researching minituarization of the ionic engine currently being developed.
Actually there is such thing as anti-gravity. Seen it somewhere, I would say wiki it but its unreliable, because os many people can just edit it. It actually has a hella long formula. Of course the machine would also take a hella time to make, no its not impossible to make but it would take more money than it took to make the LHC machine or whatever its called. I don't think we should test it. I'd say wait until we make our own advances and then test it on another planet or solar system or universe. If it could make a black hole, why not use it near another black hole? That'd be pretty interesting. We don't need an actually human team, we just need a satelite station every couple of million miles away from each other. I only say that because how would we get it out so far? Very interesting though. I want to see what the red button does... :O Calculations can be wrong though. The percentages could be off for all we know. Setting up a formula for a theory for other theories? Thats pretty rediculous.
I wouldn't mind because I don't think I would know about the black hole until I'm dead. And that won't be too long. If some people have a problem, the scientists should just take it to Pluto- The Universe's Ghetto