Debate America vs. the World

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Furry, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Furry

    Furry Guest

    I've noticed alot of nationality discrimination when I've partied up with non-Americans, friends and randoms. I am an American but have many Xbox Live friends from across the world. I have British/English friends, Austrailian friends, Norweigan freinds, Scottish friends, Irish friends that are on my friends list.

    When ever I join with them though and party up to go into matchmaking we always run into some arrogant American who thinks the United States is the Cream of the Crop. They always seem to pick on them for the stupidest things, like when my British friend says Mum instead of Mom. (He was talking about his mom's illness, not talking to her) All they can think of is the one letter difference instead of empathizing.

    Most of the time now, my non-American friends send Chat invites because they don't want to be riddiculed. I don't just play Halo 3 with friends, so there's not always a mute button. I find it sad when my friends aren't talking because of some waste of egg and sperm decides to joke around on a person they know nothing about.

    Some of the people on here might say they should just suck it up but thats like a Doctor turning away and saying everything will be fine with no treatment to a Staph Infection. I think it needs to stop, personally.

    What would you guys suggest? Debate with others.

    I would probably, if I had the power, install mute buttons in ALL games, even arcade ones. I'm not sure if the avoid system does this but also and "ignore" kind of thing where you can't recieve messages from a player who you have "blocked"
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    What can you do? American's are always going to be arrogant. You can't do anything about that
  3. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    People will be intolerate over other people all the time, and probably 3 times as much on live or anything online.
  4. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Yes the only thing you can do about American arrogance is to not be arrogant yourself. If everyone does that, then America won't be arrogant anymore. Makes sense right? I'm American and I know that is the only way.
    #4 M.Jelleh, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  5. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Norlinsky, you make it seem like all Americans are arrogant. So isn't that a little exclusive which goes against what this thread was made about. Sure we are cocky that we are a national super power, because its the truth. However when it comes to nationality people are constantly being torn apart. Americans are not excluded from this. If you haven't noticed everybody is ridiculed on XBL. I have had my fair share of it as well. Theres no getting past it, as you can act however you like on XBL as there are no consequences.

    I am glad you guys have found a way to get over the problem by muting people, or just chatting. Also it will be even easier with the dashboard overhaul because of the eight-person chat.

    Oh and Norlinsky your post is basically spam.
    PaperThinWalls likes this.
  6. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Yes because its only America thats arrogant. How arrogant!
  7. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Wow it really sounds like you guys just wanted to gang up on America in all of this. Excluding us for some mistakes that everyone in your countries have made as well. If you guys are Americans then you should know that most of us are nice people.
  8. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Well, my view on the subject was that Americans reflect on their wealth compared to the rest of the world, which makes us think we are the best country. That causes arrogance. There are some people, though, who hate this stereotype and just want to be equal. I didn't mean to generalize all Americans, but the bulk are like this. And I highly doubt people will give up their throne so we can all be equal. Just to elaborate on that
  9. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I see more hate going towards America than coming from America just for things like this. Most people around the world view Americans as a bunch of idiot, fat, war-mungering, arrogant jerks or at least some of those. Of course I'm basing that off experiences over the internet; Xbox Live, Computer Games, Youtube. Seriously go to youtube and search for any David Beckham thing after he started playing in America. There are literally thousands of comments that start off as America sucks at soccer and lead into America have a hunger for war and we're all fat and lazy.
  10. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    It's true, you might be saying Americans are arrogant, but everyone is arrogant... Americans are just like the world... If you say Americans are arrogant the sad truth is you’re arrogant. What does the World think of when they think of America…? They call Americans fat, idiot, cruel, war savages. And while you may say this is true you’re just proving that you are arrogant. This is not true at all… It’s an opinion.

    Let me tell you a little something that happened with me and a little British/Australian boy over Xbox Live… I’m a Female just to let you know in advance…

    I was playing Halo 3 on a custom match… I could hear this young British/Australian running his mouth while the rest of the group simply laughed with him. I decided to say something, I’m unclear on what I said, but he responded by saying “Do you want to suck my ****” Clearly Americans are not the only arrogant people in the world… Every country in my opinion is the same, the only difference is tangibles.
  11. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    there are some arrogant people in every country. I come from Australia and I find myself to be a easy going person that hardly ever talks smack (I only will when someone has a go at me). Americans are the most arrogant people on XBL and for only one reason, there is more of them. I'm not saying that all Americans are arrogant and I have come across more friendly/kind Americans than I have arrogant.

    I can only really think of one issue why people get annoyed on XBL is lag. People hate lag and can end up saying things they didn't mean to say.
    stone0043 likes this.
  12. Bloodydagger1

    Bloodydagger1 Ancient
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    So so true, please take a kind moment to +rep this person, for my own opinion has been shown from just this persons post.
  13. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    He didn't say that because of nationalities, that guy obviously doesn't know how to talk to a girl very well. There has been a discussion about this somewhere. I find girls playing games something different and somewhat cool.
  14. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I've noticed this too.
    In my opinion Americans don't seem to handle any kind of competition well, even if its just a video game. Lots of it is just smack talk, but that kinda makes it worse. Just enjoy yourselves without acting like gigantic tools for once.

    And to clear something up for any guys who do this kinda thing.
    I'm an Auzzie, not a "stupid british ****er".
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I don't think this is a debate worthy thread so it should be locked?
  16. Furry

    Furry Guest

    I'm not saying that. I'm just saying most Americans I run into on LIVE bully and pick on the non-Americans. I said I am American, right?

    I wasn't saying that either, I was saying that America is populated by arrogance and it shows on LIVE, and could be mostly agreed with others that it is the most arrogant.

    I meant how can you help Microsoft make the Xbox Live Experience better for non-American players, socially wise.

    Try to at least repeat aportion of what he said instead of just quoting it. It would help others alot and moderators/people could count it as spam because it is sort of an unuseful oppinion.

    While you proove a point in your first paragraph, you offend a generalization of Forge Hub, I would consider revising.

    If oyu don't think its worthy, why don't you move to a different thread, report it or not make random spam posts?
    #16 Furry, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2008
  17. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    on halo, i often quit parties because a group of american teenagers come and cuss everyone out. rarely have i seen non-americans really go berserk with cuss-words, and many americans also rarley say "good game" or other kind things

    yes im american, but i have seen so many americans doing these things, while others are more kind
  18. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Thats what I usually get called by the more arrogant Americans. That part was to lighten the mood of this topic a little. =P

    Or did you mean actually in the first paragraph? Because I'm not changing that part either, If your refering to the tools statement, thats what i think of the guys who call me a "stupid british ****er".

    The whole post is opinion, and I'm stating it in a debate thread. Generally during a debate you try to win, and saying i prove a point, but then trying to get me to change my post is not winning. =P
    I mean, the only people who should be offended by my post are the people who are arrogant enough to do the things this topic is addressing.
    #18 The Storm 59, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  19. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Its not as much spam as the posts in this thread stating the same thing over and over again.
  20. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    That is what I was trying to say... It's not just Americans who are arragont, it's everyone...

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