Halo 3 Game of the Year!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Eyeless Sid, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    maybe they just made a box and put a bunch of dummy ai's in it. hope we get that box in the future if it has forge on it!
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I am willing to bet that empty room they are in is the quote "better foundry" that is rumored. IF so, it looks pretty sweet, nice, big, and without slanted walls..
  3. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    metal gear sucks, i hate that game, ive always hated them haha, i do think halo deserved it, only cas halos forge, i love . And halo has the best matchmaking system, cod 4 has best online multyplayer.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Cod4 and MGS4 are both great games, i own and have completed both, and thoroughly joined them.

    Niether of them have the edge it takes to win though.

    Halo has an awesome singleplayer experience, matched with unparallelled multiplayer suited for all styles of players, and ontop of that, you have the best community for user created content to date, with the ability to take screenshots, make videos, and create whole maps from scratch.
  5. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Nobody even replied to my comment? Wow. I was thinking I would get flamed.
  6. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Well I think that Halo 3 truly has a multiplayer experience that none can compete with. It's set up to play muliplayer. I would probably give it game of the year. But wasn't it from '07?
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    It goes from q3 of 2007 to q2 of 08 i think. but i wish it was all just in the same year.they probably did that because of E3? Idk
  8. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    Halo 3 rapes every other game out there up the but, *although this is just my opinion, don't take it to seriously COD4 fans...*

    HALO 3 FTW!!!
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Halo deserves it, Bungie creators are very good with the intellegence of the players including the grunts, they know when they are hit to duck for cover.
    COD4 However basically has there characters running around shooting and have them set to look up shoot and get back down sometimes they get up and shoot at you when your scope is on there head
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I've always hated the Metal Gear series. The plot was far too out there to make any reasonable sense to me....the gameplay wasn't fun either. I'm glad Halo 3 won. It was very deserving. The game has some of the best AI out there. The multiplayer experience is still the best out there. The competition is close behind now, but Halo always seems to have the edge.
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Yes halo 3 has very good online play I think just the intellegence and graphics make the game stand out. I think it is very close with Call of Duty 4 with online experience. But I agree halo 3 does deserve it
  12. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    it really was a fanboy war though. if it wasnt COD4 would probably win
  13. Marine

    Marine Ancient
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    I knew halo was going to win. So yeah, it did.
    Guess I was right. But that's good. Maybe now Bungie will make Halo 4
  14. Wingsofhalo

    Wingsofhalo Ancient
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    Isn't that like 3 in a row.

    Didn't Halo 1+2 win GOTY?
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Halo 1 probably got GOTY for every reviewer, halo 2 most, halo 3 - so far so good but wont be on many sites. Halo is no longer the only game.
  16. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It's hardly a contest -_- MGS4 pwns in comparison.
    Seriously, look at his suit! Look at the detail. Also, pay attention to how solid the shadowing is, and the wall textures and stuff have way more depth.
    Here is what we were expecting...

    And this is what we got...


    Yet for MGS4.... expected...

    What we got...


    Hey look! The trailer didn't lie =D Halo 3.... in game graphics my ass.

    As for gameplaying being boring, matter of opinion. If you don't like using true strategy and think alot about how you will tackle the ahead situation, then yes, Halo 3 is your game. Just aim and keep on shooting, and don't worry about recoil, the Assault rifle is futuristic, no need to control the fire of the gun to keep the recoil down. And for story, it all made sense in the end! And, guess what, I said this before, but it actually has an end =O

    And come one, have you played any othe game out there that bullshits you more than halo? I haven't. The AI? Well, it's one thing to create AI that is smart, and one that has the powers of God. Halo 3, power of god. You can sneak and crouch, bullshit, won't help you. They will stick you. Play legendary? Well, guess what, time to defy logic, 2 shots to the head area of a brute with a sniper will kill it, if you're lucky. MGS4? Short of bosses, everything dies as easy on the hardest diffuculty as it does on any less one. Yes, logic! Just cause they guys are harder, does not mean they have to be invincible. No, in MGS4, they get smarter, so they are harder to kill without notice, or harder to dodge bullet fire, and you can take less shots, where you still stand a good chance of going around unharmed being skilled. No wai.

    Ya wai.

    Oh, and speaking of which, BOSS BATTLES.
    I haz them
    I don't cuz I am chargin mah phailzer

    Seriously, if that thing was that f'in powerful, that it could kill JOHNSON even after he survived the explosion of the first Halo ring...
    Why didn't you use it earlier you *****?! You could have saved my ass several restarts.

    Honestly, who in their right mind can say that Bungie tried to make a good boss battle...

    And I am gonna keep playing devils advocate on this one, cause no one else will ;)
  17. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    xX5w33ny70ddXx Graphics don't make a game I don't see why you are comparing trailer graphics to the final products because that has nothing to do with how the game plays. What makes a game great like Halo is gameplay , a dedicated fan base ,and replayability/survivability. MGS4 has an ancient fan base I mean old and its gameplay is [descent] as for replayability.......ehh the multiplayer sucks and customization in multiplayer sucks thats where Halo 3 grabs GOTY from MGS4. If MGS4's multiplayer was better it would have a better result but the polls show more people have been enjoying Halo 3 more than MGS4 as of 12 months and thats the votes of the general fanbase. Halo 3 is Game of the year as all the Halo games so far and its for a reason[Replyability]. Sorry Halo 3 is Game of the year no argument.
    #37 Eyeless Sid, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  18. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I brought up graphics because eguitarplaya33 mentioned that is why Halo 3 "stands out", hence, I provided a counter to his statement. He would have been better off by saying it stands out because of multiplayer.
    Yes, Halo 3 has a large fanbase, larger than MGS4, even if it's is older. Why? Because sony messed up in making the damn console cost so much, hence, not nearly as many people have truly gotten to play the game.
    Multiplayer, yes, that is where Halo does exceed, but, that is only place where it does exceed, and it hasn't made many improvements since Halo 2. The most notable is customization, but most people who play Halo 3 don't ever play custom games. Matchmaking is full of BS, and you know it. I know it, but yes, I still play, however, that does not mean Halo 3 is flawless. Don't say I am a bad player either, most people I talk to agree with me, and I am not that a bad player.

    MGS4 multiplayer does not suck. I have not played it myself, but I watched my friend, and it looked incredibly fun. However, most people don't have patience to sneak, customize guns, play a game how it is supposed to be played with strategy, etc. but rather run around like idiots shooting at ****. Have you ever played MGS4, at all? Cause judging by some of your posts, it would seem that you haven't. I have played both, I have valid experience. I know what I am talking about. It all comes down to taste, and sadly, most people just like killing stuff with no consequence in a game. If I die, who cares? I got another life.

    Also, when is it necessary for a game to include multiplayer these days? MGS4 thew in mulitplayer as a bonus for no extra charge, cause it is a campaign focused game. Your lack of a counter argument to mine claiming how much more superior it is to H3 is a waving white flag of defeat saying "You're right, H3's campaign sucked balls." MGS series proved you could have a game without multiplayer and still have replay value, which is how videogames started. MGS4 finished it all up with, and tied it off with an amazing campaign unlike any before it, and that alone deserves praise and GOTY, because it delivered in something that seems to be lost in videogames lately.

    No, Halo 3 won by a margin of 40. 40 f'ing votes, and if you take into account how many more players H3 has over MGS4, well then that isn't much of a victory. No, Halo 3 won on fanbase alone, something that has existed ever since H1, increased by H2, and now something unheard of for Halo 3. Yes, it has drawn in gamers from every corner, but because of Hype I beleive, not shear gameplay. The reason I argue (I prefer the term debate) is becasue I have not yet seen one thought out or deserving reason Halo 3 deserves GOTY, besides "It has great multiplayer." If you consider that a reason, please, at least elaborate.
    #38 X5, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  19. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I heard this, I was somewhat surpised actually. I wouldve thought that CoD4 wouldve won it seeing as it was the most liked game at E3. But still, HALO 3 is a more broad game.
  20. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I need to bring up that there is a video of bots on Rats Nest.

    I love Halo. But somehow, I have a friend that HATES IT. I don't know why. Instead, he's being brainwashed by RSV2. It really isn't that great. The maps on it suck, except Villa, but it has a bush that you can hide in that the Bots can't see you in, but you can shoot them. That is almost as retarded as Super Jumping. I haven't seen this, but there is also a glitch that causes the bots to respawn instantly, and you have a Machine Gun Turret. The map pack is just original maps at night time. The only good thing about it, in my opinion, is that you can customize you character a little more than Halo. Anyone have opinions on Vegas?

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