Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share Platform survivor is a sumo type map where everyone spawns with gravity hammers and 4x overshield. Players must rush to the middle of the map where there are 4 gravity lifts waiting for them. They must take the gravity lifts up to the platform, where the real battle starts. There is also a hill under the platform. The goal is to knock everyone off the platform while staying on it. Try to stay in the hill though, because for every second you are off you lose points. Best played 2-6 players FFA with the game variant. I did a little interlocking and used the griffball course with money glitch to make this. My first map so any comments are welcome and appreciated .
Looks cool but you might want to fix up your post. The BBcodes at the top are wrong. not sure why, just try redoing them. Possibly get some ingame pics of the map, seeing as it's quite plain otherwise. The game sounds fun though. Like the idea of the grav lifts as the only way up. Good interlocking. Just try fixing up the post a little is all. XD
It is a fairly simple map. You interlocked pretty well from the pictures I see, but you might want to fix some things. First of all, people might mess around while you want to sumo, so I would make the map a little smaller. Also, I would add some scenery to make it a little more interesting. I hope your gravity lifts are set to instant respawn because that would be helpful. You say that you have objects merged with the map, too, but I don't see them. Overall, it is good, but needs some work. 3.5/5
Grr I cant get this post fixed! Spacing is impossible :/ Yes gravitylifts are on instant respawn. This is my first map that I have ever shared so any comments are appreciated. I interlocked but I did not geo-merge (I think its called that :/)
This thread is not up to standards,you need to emmbed screenshots. Hey! Welcome to Forge Hub! Here at Forge Hub, a crucial part of map posting is having one embedded pic. To do this, here's a tutorial: First, go to Bungie.net to your page. Find the Screenshot Viewer, and double click the screenshot which you choose to upload. When you do this, an option should pop up asking you what you want to do with the file. Your screen should look like this: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x427 and weights 349KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x427 and weights 349KB. Click Save to Desktop, or wherever you would like to save it to. Next, go to a site like Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket to host your image. If you do not have an account, create one. When you have your account made, go to your photo album. There is a blue bar that says "Choose files" that should look like this: Click that blue bar, where the red arrow points to(arrow added for dramatic effect). Upload from wherever you saved the file. Now, after the file has uploaded, scroll down the page to your picture's thumbnail. There is a list of options, like this: Copy the highlighted link, or direct link where the arrow is. And yes, that is Chris Hanson Last step is coming back to here, where you enter the final direct link into the code( [ img]link[ /img] ) without the spaces. Hopefully, that helps you out. Any questions, PM me To find the rest of the important rules here, click this link. You have 24 hours to fix this thread, or it will be locked. No one else post about it not being up to standards, or a mod will be contacted. Thank you. __________________
dun worry you'll get it. It takes practice and such. you aren'y typing out the BB code are you? Just highlight the things you want sized or colored or w/e and then click on the code button. any more questions just PM me. EDIT: dun worry man, it was up to standards but he went to edit it and deleted the pic accidentally, dont freak hes re-editing it lol XD
This does not seem that bad at all, definetly needs cover on the sides... because who ever dominates the hill can shoot down and spawn kill the other team... The Interlocking is good though, and it seems competitve.
You must of not read the discription . 4x overshields and gravity hammers. No guns so you dont need to worry about that. It is also a FFA map.