Wow this is good, but it needs interlocking. Great design. And its original too! Make it interlocked and it'll be beastly. 4/5
lololololoololololololol, i should infract you. Learn to read. (Unless you're joking...Which a lot of people do in this thread...) 1337 mapzorz dood...Great submission for the contest...I hate you for making me look at it prior to "Judgment Day." lul...Anyways, I see you did (I jaykay uh-course.....) Seriously though, I can't wait to judge, as you and (apparently) Linou have some great maps. 5/5. Great map. blablabla. implement that one way switch, you cheater!!! You lose the contest nao!!!
Haha, I'm sorry? Lulz. Thanks though. Sorry, no interlocked version for you. (I should really state that I wont make a interlocked version. <_< lulz. Thanks though. Haha, yeah. Sorry 'bout that Tex. =P Just think of this a teaser. =D (lulz) I don't think it's just us two that have great maps. I've personally looked at a few others and thought they were actually alright. (Esp. Mallet's) But there's two one way switchs. =P Ohes Noes! =O :sad face: haha. But thanks man. Glad you like it. Hope you enjoy gameplay here when you test it. (I hope you all do, and on all the other maps that you'll be testing...)
u kno. for no interlocking. it's actually pretty decent. it has a nice layout and looks good. nice job
Thanks. I'm glad you like it though it lacks interlocking, and I'm glad you think the layout is nice and looks good.
well vorpral its allright could use a lot more interlocking and the map as a very spiratic feel that isn't that appealing.
It could have more interlocking. But that would ruin my chance of getting the shiny medal of the lazy map maker contest #2. =P! Oh well. Thanks for at least looking at the map, I guess.