omg! i can't believe it. your lucky blackfox, you get to get your map played on TGIF... sad face... nobody noticed my Cold Storage map...
looks fun but i think there are to many rockets. i mean construct only has one rocket and its like 4x as big as cold storage. might wanna change that in v2
So.. you just took Cold Storage and took out all of the hard jumps and teleporters, which allowed you to ninja and flank people. Cold Storage was so successful (especially for FFA) because you are always moving, which results in no camping and more fun. You destroyed all balance the map had because the map movement is no longer there since you are no long forced to move through the rooms because the rocket room, shotgun room, and flood room are now useless without a teleporter or power item. Instead, you run up the ramps to the top where the rockets are, and there are one dimensional battles (much like every other Halo 3 map) on the top ramps. I can understand you trying to make it similar to Halo 3 gameplay especially if you didn't play Halo 1 or even Halo 2, but the different gameplay is the reason the map excels (it is no coincidence Halo 1 and Halo 2 had better maps). If you want to alter the map for MLG play, I recommend just messing with power items, weapons, grenades, and teleporters because the map's default layout is money.
Well, first of all, if you don't like it, it would be nice if you didn't talk to me like I created the apocalypse. "You destroyed..." etc. Onto your comments. For one thing, MLG maps do not feature teleporters, and that's why I removed them. I also don't understand why you think not having a power weapon in each room makes it "useless." In fact, the Mauler is in the Flood Tank room, and not where most of the fighting occurs. Secondly, you actually ARE forced to move from room to room because the map is small. Due to the skewed nature of the rooms because of their multi-level components, it is very difficult to camp. Enemies are able to move to your position quite quickly and take you down. Movement is essential, which I learned from my tests. Another movement factor is the placement of the Rocket Launcher, in the very center of the map, equidistant from each team's starting spawn. That, more than anything else, results in movement. Finally, how do "one-dimensional" battles happen on ramps? A ramp, by nature is not on the same level. I appreciate your comments, but I think your complaints are unfounded, due to the reasons I have already explained, and that you are one of the very few people who likes Cold Storages' default layout for team games.
First of all, my apologies if I came off hostile. I couldn't find a nice or constructive way to say the geometry of the map shouldn't be changed. This is how I know you are new to the MLG scene. For Halo 3, MLG doesn't use teleporters because none of the default maps have them. MLG has used teleporters in MLG maps in Halo 1 and Halo 2. Quotes like that prove my point that people assume it can't be done in MLG because it hasn't been done in other Halo 3 maps yet. Even if the change is for the better, people assume it shouldn't happen because it doesn't follow suit with the other MLG maps. People did the exact same thing when someone posted an MLG map with a sword on it because they thought it wasn't part of the MLG weapon set when in reality it was used by MLG in Halo 1 and Halo 2 like the teleporter. As for the mauler, do you ever go out of your way in an MLG game to get a mauler? The overshield and teleporter are the reasons there are ever battles in shotgun room. Like the teleporters, you put one power weapon in the middle of the map because that is what the other current MLG maps, but in reality, Halo 1 gameplay had lots of power weapons on fast respawn time and teleporters to promote map movement, and this map has the chaotic Halo 1 gameplay. I think it is essential for this map to have a sniper rifle and at least one powerup also. When I said 1 dimensional battle, I didn't mean linear battles, but the battle is solely going to be over the rocket launcher instead of people fighting for the sniper rifle, powerups, and rockets. In an already small map, it will only make it more congested because everyone is battling up top. Camping isn't the issue with the movement. People will be moving, but everyone in a room and be able to get to the top immediately instead of having to walk from the rocket room to the shotgun room before you can reach the top. Also, you have made the catwalk by needler spawn no longer need a jump for no reason. You made it so you don't have to make the jump from the needler spawn to top mid or vice versa anymore. You have made the difficult jump from flood room to the top an easy walk up a ramp. There is no need to take away these jumps because they just add to the competitiveness. If you want to watch a video or try out a map with teleporters and multiple power items, go here, and you will that it runs 4's fine. I guarantee you that you will see one jump up at the most for geometry changes and teleporters on the official MLG version of Cold Storage.
Regardless of comments I liked the way the map was put together and it really is very smooth. I did however take some creative license and replaced a BR with a sniper. I plan on using it in my TGIF party this friday for sure though.
Wow, I'm honestly impressed. I've been playing on a lot of competitive and MLG maps recently, all of which were on Foundry. After long enough exposure the colours there really begin to bother my eyes, Cold Storage since it's launch has never given me this problem. Thanks for a great contribution. ~Afflicted
Could I ask which BR you replaced? Also, as to Texas Horn.... Agh. I'm too lazy to write a long response. Let's just agree to disagree. I didn't want teleporters in an MLG Cold Storage. End of story.
You made a good cold storage map, congraulations, i knew it coulden't be impossible, i am trying to make a map on cold storage but i keep going back to foundry so. AAny way nice map i like the geomerging and glowing bridge.
Its really good for a map on Cold Storage, although I really don't know how most of the MLG community is going to react to this. On my behalf I really like this idea, and the attempt of making this map better, which defiantly was a success! 5/5
Looks really nice. I don't think its MLG though. Sorry but I don't see any Assymetrical maps, small ones at that in MLG. It looks really nice, I always love 3+ rampways connected. Can you say spawn times and ammo clips please. Are they the same as MLG or at least averaged? Sorry, it does look nice and all, but I'm not a big fan of MLG, and no DL from me. It is interesting those. I don't come across many good or even average Cold Storage maps.
wow i wanted to do a mlg version looks like ui beat me to it lol i lyk the idea of how u placed all the objects and how u looked at it vertically
it looks really cool considering it is on cold storage although it looks simple, it looks fun great job ill dl and check out asap
This is a great MLG Map, but not a regular map. Overall 3/5, MLG 4/5. Creative and Original design, this will bring something other than Foundry to MLG.
this looks like a good mlg map and i will play it with some of my mlg freinds. Look at Guardian and Lockout. As for that argument between texas horn and black fox, i have to say teleporters in mlg are fine but 3? i dont particularly care much for teleporters but i think they are exceptable in an mlg map if they help the game play. on cs i think they just kinda toss you around the map. there seem to be just a bit to many for my liking. the weapon set seems nice. and mauler would definately be a weapon to go out of your way for on such a close quarters map with narrow hallways. however i do believe there should be a sniper on the map. i give you a 8.5/10 and a 10/10 for trying to make an mlg cold storage