It might not be a good idea to post so little words... it can be viewed as spam. (might want to add more, maybe why you think yellow is a weird name?) ------- Ok, I posted 3rd Judith in comp. Here's a link. I'm glad I made a map like this. Not using interlocking in this map was kind of a pain... but it all turned out very nice. (IMO). Oh, and tex, if you want you can go ahead and edit my post quoting yourself on this being a lazy mapmaker contest entry etc. (whatever you want to say, I guess. lol) =D
linubidix, i finally got around to checking your map. its awesome (goddamn) but as far as i know theres interlocking, you have the weapoin holders inside the double box's im pretty sure thats considered interlocking, because weapon holders are immovable objects right? if not, ill just delete this post at a later date.
I have a question, and sorry if it was already addressed or if this is not the place to post it, but is it alright to post a custom (yet competitive) gametype with your map if it was meant for it?
Meh, seems that people for the most part understand that it's for the contest...But ya, great entry...and curse you for making me peek at it...I hate seeing maps prior to "Judgment Day" < Titled it myself...Epic aint it? lolololol If it is a double box open, then no worries, otherwise, tsktsk Linou. Custom gametypes (As long as competitive...Which yours apparently is...) are allowed, just add a little note at the bottom with a link.
Haha, I likes it! =D JUDGMENT DAY IS COMING! Aug. 20th. Oh, and if we can have custom gametypes then I'll go ahead and put up my Chaos King. =) (Seemed to be fun in my map) ~Oh, well, I actually have to fix the scoring. Making it less so the game can get done fast. (It takes like 528539mins to finish it with it's current scoring)
Aw man... I didn't see this until just now. I'll see about posting a map. Though after seeing yellow I'm not confident in the one I just thought of. Quick question you kno w how the bridges sorta meld into things on the ends, does that matter or is that concidered interlocking?
That's permissible, just make sure they are not interlocked when you are done. Cause if I find them interlocked, you will be disqualified.
Alright, I think I am safe from this, I don't I have any of it actually, but... You know some objects, like the insides of corner walls, have an invisible barrier keeping things from getting close to eachother, but it doesn't affect player movement? Should you use the interlocking procedure to make something get past this invisible barrier, but the two objects are still gapped slighty, so technically don't look itnerlocked, is that against the rules? Another is, I find that sometimes forge auto interlocks things very slightly, and I have 1 or 2 instances on my map, where 2 things are touch, and their corners slightly meld into eachother, but it is so small and insignifiact (its on the roof too) that you have to go up close to it and look at it closely to tell. Is that fine, or do I need fix that?
If the object flips out when I grab it. You are disqualified. It's happened to many people. I don't allow exceptions on it, because if I do, there will be that contestant who comes up, and is all like "zomg, they intorl0x0rd. Banhammer pl0x." >.> Also, read the first part of this post.
K ,thnx for clearing that up. I went around and test grabbed all the stuff I was iffy about, and none of them did much of anything but move like expected, so I think I'm in the clear for now.
So about how long after judgement day did it take to test every map and decide the winners in the first LMC?
Less then a week. We had about 1/2 done the first day, then slacked for a little while, as it takes time to do it...
Figures. This couldnt be back when I was a noob at Forging and said wtf is Interlocking? I havent finished a good Foundry map in a while. Thats the price for being the Halo 3 Academys Head Forge Instructor. Even if this could allow my Highground map The Unfinished 2 it used Geo Merging.
Just a reminder to all those who care to enter: August 20th is Judgment Day! That means it is two days away!
I'm glad its coming, I've been waiting for a while, I really enjoyed making my map, because without interlocking, and perfecting the interlocking, I could make this map fairly quickly with a great sense of accomplishment. Tex, do you have any new ideas about LMC3, if there will be one. Maybe a new theme, or new map? That would be fun I think.
Oh snap. Only two days. I need to hurry up and make a team version of Chaos King. (Unless it's ok for me to keep it as a FFA) ~Is that ok tex?
tex I hopez you dont mind if you test my map? I already played it and jsut made changes. its fun but isnt supposed to look good. but its really really fun.
Glad you enjoyed the process, not sure about a theme, I'll dwell on this when the time comes. FFA is fine good sir. Umm...I'm not testing your map, unless you are asking if it is okay to test your map...Which...By all-****ing-means, do so. It'll only increase your chances of winning best gameplay.
in one day, one hour, and twenty seven minutes, I will be victorious in some category. The real reason i posted is my bungie pro runs out soon, and i have my map posted there, soif you cant downlao my map, that is most likely why. So if this problem occurs and I am unaware, Do you think you could PM me Tex, or at least say something in this thread?