click here to download 3rd Judith The name came from two songs: 3 Libra's and Judith by A Perfect Circle. NOTE: THERE IS NO INTERLOCKING IN THIS MAP! IT IS MY MAP ENTRY FOR THE LAZY MAP MAKER CONTEST! SO PLEASE DON'T POST ANYTHING LIKE OMG NO INTERLOCKING YOU FAIL! ALSO! I WONT BE MAKING AN INTERLOCKED VERSION OF THIS MAP! SO SORRY AHEAD OF TIME. LULZ This map came in 2nd place in most playable (by 1 point!) for the contest and three way tie for fourth for overall. Description: 3rd Judith is a symmetrical map that takes up most of Foundry. It has a semi-circle base and multiple levels (3). The spawning is very fair in as you'll 98% of the time never spawn in front of someone, and the weapons balance out very equally. For a non-interlocked map game play was very fun during the testing, and no one really complained (which proves a good map doesn't need interlocking). Also, in asymmetrical games there's a lazy switch (I have pics). Anyways, here's some pics. of 3rd Judith. Layout Shots. Action Shots. As for the lazy switch in asymmetrical games... Here's how it works. At first, the teleporter will be blocked... (there's two on each side) To get it unblocked you have to remove the barrel's blocking it, like so. (Once you remove them they'll stay that way) Once you remove those barrel's you (and everyone else) can use the teleporter! Here's a weapon/equipment list. x6 Battle Rifle's. 45 sec. respawn, 2 clips. x1 Shotgun. 120 sec. respawn, 1 clip. x1 Sniper Rifle. 120 sec. respawn, 1 clip. x2 SMG's. 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips. x2 Spiker's. 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips. x2 Plasma Rifle's. 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips. x1 Needler. 90 sec. respawn, 2 clips. x1 Brute Shot. 90 sec. respawn, 2 clips. x4 Carbines. 45 sec. respawn, 2 clips. x2 Mauler's. 60 sec. respawn, 1 clip. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ x4 Frag Grenades. 20 sec. respawn. x4 Plasma Grenades. 30 sec. respawn. x1 Bubble Shield. 60 sec. respawn. x1 Power Drainer 60 sec. respawn. x1 Regenerator. 60 sec. respawn. x1 Overshield. 90 sec. respawn. As for gametypes, here's what I recommend. Team Slayer; 3v3 - 5v5. Multi Team; 2v2v2v2 - 3v3v3v3 or even a 2v2v2v2v2v2v2 (might be too chaotic/laggy IMO) Slayer; 4 - 7 (FFA) Chaos King; 4 - 7 (FFA) <--Click the name to download it. Odddball; 4 - 7 (FFA) Bond of Leaders; 3v3 - 4v4 <--Click the name to download it. 1-Flag; 3v3 - 5v5. Assault; 3v3 - 5v5. 1-Bomb; 3v3 - 5v5. Note: All other gametypes CAN be played here, I just don't know how they'll be played out. Here's what xX5w33ny7oddXx and Nightfire33 had to say about this map: With one last note, I'd like to thank the following people for helping me test this map: xX5w33ny7oddXx Nightfire33 KagemushaXx NobodyJust Sync Aurora Philthy phillup xRedNormandyx UntouchableSSS Savage Potato77 Hadoken Child This map wouldn't be as good with out the help of xX5w33ny7oddXx and Nightfire33. So I thank them more than the others. =DOk. So I hope you enjoy this map. Oh, and if you missed the link at the top here it is again. ~Click to download~
wow one of the longest posts ever wow any way the map WOW i love it looks like it could play really well can you PM me a pic of just the forklift cause i want to see something
This looks pretty good without any interlocking. I love the stairs made out of walls, and the fence walls with the pallets. Definitely a 5/5. The only part I don't like is the fifth picture, but I guess since it's a lazy map, that's as best as you could get it.
Very good job with the map, nice interlocking. Im glad you put lots of pics YOu shouldnt get requests for more pictures good job
Wow... I know that this map was made for the lazy map contest, but this map would have been beastly if it was interlockd... It always seem that the best maps are the ones that were not interlocked... Ashame you put this map in the lazy map contest...
Looks ok I live the layered idea but it looks empty. Nice weapon placement though. I would change the amount of places only accessible by jumping. A good candidate for the lazy mapmakers contest. 4/5
Haha, I've seen/made longer... but It's ok. =D Anyways, I'll have to make one. (which I will) And I'll send it to you. (It might take a while though... plus... there's three...) Thanks. I did it for looks and cover. =] Yeah, when I was making the map I got upset in a few parts that I couldn't interlock. But rules are rules. Thanks for the reply. Some one didn't read the big red font. (lulz) It's k though. Thanks for the reply. A few people said the same thing. I was also thinking of making an interlocked map. But idk, I think it'll demean the non-interlocked one. Thanks for the reply. I left the higher spots more empty so if you camped up there you could be taken down easier... And the jumping issues used to be worse... adding a few things and changing some made it better. Thanks though. Thanks for the honest reply. If you download it and play it yourself, be sure to try out my Chaos King game (it's very, well, chaotic! )
hey so vorpal, if you could stop fixing it that'd be cool. I kinda wanna win hahaa. its a nice map, with some cool features. i would recommend make it again, but with interlocking, thta would be really cool.
Idon't think this is gonna fail. after the long spent hours of testing, I have come to a conclusion 5/5 make an interlocked version and call it 4th Judith, lol
dude, needs more interlocking... i kid. anyways, the layout looks fantastic. why is it that all these lazy maps could be epic real maps!? lol i am impressed, and hopefully we'll get a good game in on this one
Looks a little clustered like all you can do is go down the sides of it not through the middle so it looks like most of the map will go unused
dude, your map needs no such thing as interlocking at all! it is perfect the way it is and that's the way it is. because if you interlocked it then it would be like michael jackson a black guy becoming white(a non-interlocked becoming interlocked) yah i think that might have been kind of harsh towards michael jackson and interlocking, but you get my point yes? edit: this is to savagesound. pictures can't prove anything, you gotta actually play the map, and i have. the whole entire map was used when i tested.
Haha, sorry. It's not your fault I'm good at the game. =P Anyways, yeah I don't think I'll make an interlocked version. Sorry. Yeah, we played for what, like three - four hours? lulz. Thanks for the 5/5. And no, not going to happen. Sorry. Haha, yeah most of the lazy ones are really epic. I've seen a few of the other entries, and they are all worthy of being called epic. We all are just trying to prove that goods maps can be made without the use of interlocking, and other advance forging tricks, and yes, that'd be cool. Glad you like the map. I must admit, in some places it may seem so. But in testing fights would go over all the place, and in KotH two of the hills are in the middle area. (And there's four hills total). idk, play a game there, maybe you'll get a better feel for it, maybe not. Epic reply Nightfire. =D Thanks. I'll put this in the OP. 'Cause it's funny and true. xD
This map is great for a non-interlocked map, as I said before. I remember when I tested the first one, and I loved it, but then you made improvements, and made it 10 times better. I would love to see an interlocked version of this map, cause it has a great layout, and when you don't interlock, it limits your options, but this doesn't feel as if there were any limitations. Great map, and we must play it again sometime.
you clearly didnt look at the map what a generic post anyway the stairs look nice and i like your lazy switch this is a seriously good map with no interlocking i am glad they have this contest 5/5
Haha, thanks xX5w33ny7oddXx for all your help with this map. It wouldn't be 10 times better if it wasn't for you (and Nightfire33). Yes, we'll play sometime. Then we'll boot out some players (til we have 4) and then we'll play your map. =D I know right? Lulz. (the generic post part) Thanks! I got the lazy switch from Tex's map Project Z. =D I'm glad they do too. It's awesome.
Haha, yeah I do... and no I'm not making an interlocking... =P (You should edit your post though, it might get marked for spam)