The Orbital Map Pack This map pack was made by Redearth. It showcases two maps about the cosmos and all it's wonders. There will be a third map in the map pack. The maps are shown in the order they are, as they tell a story. When the third map is released, it will be the most beautiful of the three. Comet Center Created by Redearth Supported Gametypes: All slayer gametypes, and most ffa gametypes. For 2-4 players, 1-1 highly suggested. Map Description These maps tell a story of how humanity ends. Outside area 243, codename Last Resort 3:43: "Hey, you ever wonder what's out their Adam?" "Nah Brian, whatevers out there will probably kill us." "Your right, but still, I wish we could know." "Be carefull what you wish for Brian, you might just get it." Warehouse 117: Town of Voi 7:00. "Hey Miranda, how are the signals coming." "Fine Tom, the warehouse is at 77% connection with the sattelites. Inspection Report?" "Our walls could hold a tank Miranda, everything's good with the standard dirt floors, still look like metal with the paint. The roof needs fixing though." "Who cares Tom, it's not like anything bad could happen up their." The Sky above Voi: 23:05:So large, so radiant. It falls so fast it could fly if it turned around. It's burning up. But the tail is getting stronger. White, with black scorch marks all over. The tail has turned blue now. Yes, close now, it's reached adulthood. So powerful, will it die? How could something so graceful be harmful. It's so beautiful. Outside area 243, codename Last Resort 23:05: "Hey Brian, looks like you got your wish." "Wow, a meteor shower, the look so amazing. How could they be harmful, tell me." "You right Brian, maybe space isn't so bad after all." Warehouse 117: Town of Voi 23:05. "You ready to close up Tom?" "One more second, this place is never empty, I wanna get one more look, come on." *BOOM* "What was that!!?!" "It came from the storage area Miranda, let's go." Comet Crash Site: Time to Humanities end: 1 year: "What is it?" "Tom, I think we found a comet." "Yeah, but aren't their tails supposed to stop going after they crash?" "Let me feel it." *Miranda reaches out closer to the comet, and get's flung in the air* "WOAH. I think the tails reverses gravity." "Miranda, I'm calling the government, they might wanna see this. The Comet is surrounded by scientists. Slowly, each of them die without reason. The warehouse is abandond, mid-construction. Part One Complete Comet center is a map for 1v1. I made a strategy against every weapon, and a strategy against every strategy so it doesn't get unbalanced. The power weapon is the rocket, but it only has 1 clip, the original. There is also a mauler of interest, as sometimes it get close quarters. However enemies with the mauler can be lured into the open, where the assault rifle and BR dominate. There is a comet in the map, which pushes you up to the rocket spawn. Also there are plenty of leftover crates from experiments for the comet to hide behing. I am quite sure it is impossible to spawn camp, and only a short time if possible at all. _________________________________________________ The comet. The unfinished section of the warehouse. One section of the map, behind right door is BR spawns. Behind other doors are plasma pistols. Rocket Spawn. Center Area with destructable pillars. Forest of Crate Cover. Mauler in top left corner. _________________________________________________ Thanks you for inventing geomerging movable objects forgehub. Download Comet Center The action on the ship. Created by Redearth Supported Gametypes: All gametypes, but my customs work especially well. Map Description it's been five months. People have been dying. The army however needs research to find a cure. However, humanity has become selfish in it's time of need. We have split into two groups. Cometarians, and Naturaltarians. The cometartians will take the radiation left by the comet, and use it to mutate themselves. The naturaltarians want to find an antidote to the radtion. They battle harshly over the radiated land. Part two complete. I'd of written a better part two, but I'm running out of time. This map is based around the fact of making it hard to get close to your opponents. It's made for teams of 1-4. There are two ships, and they are just faraway enough from each other so they cannot merely jump from one side to the other. However I have planned 4 methods of getting from one ship to the other. From least to most dangerous. Least dangerous, take the mancannon while risking missing your target landing zone. Two, grenade jump over. You throw your grenade wrong, and not only did you waste a team's grenade, your shields are weak. Third: Buddy jump of someones head. You'll have shields going over, but again miss and you will most likely die. 4. Jump into the pit and run to the teleporter allowing you to get back onto a ship next to your enemies. I have given the team two sections. A higher and lower. The higher is the only one you spawn at.There are two sections of cover up here. A crate, which respawns every 60 seconds if moved, and an upsidown double box. Underneath you have to endure the radiation, but there are two upside down double boxes. Being on standoff all are open. In both of the two bottom boxes their are each one piece of equipment that never respawns. 1, a bubble shield. Two, a deployable cover. Use each wisely. I have created gametypes for all games except juggernaut and infection. You can use standard infection games. Juggernaut doesn't work. Or any FFA. Team only. _________________________________________________ Overview of one ship. Symmetrical. Deployable cover and bubble shield. Undersection. _________________________________________________ Thanks for everyone talking about Boarding Action, gave me the idea for the map. Download the ship. Download Slayer Download Oddball Download KOTH Download CTF Download Assault Download VIP Download Territories The third map. Sneak peaks coming soon, check the page daily.
wow how did you get the ball there wouldn't it just fall each time or is the grave lift keeping it up any way this looks like a very well made map good job
I didn't delete the wall after the geomerge of the soccer ball. It spins if you shoot the side. Suprisingly the grav lift falls through without a problems. I added a comet to my friends map for a clan too.
this map pack looks really cool i like the concept too i like the story also, the first map, the comet, is really really cool ive never seen that before even with the geo'd moveables, i never would have thought, it sounds pretty cool the 2nd i dont like that much srry
He used the Merging MOVABLE Objects with Map-Geometry which can be found HERE I like how somebody actually utilized the technique in a map. By the way guys, you can also hit the ball, and it will spin. Other than that though, I see no wow factor. I think it could use some touch-ups before the final release of the third map. Although it doesn't look all that great at the moment, it looks like it has alot of potential. The things that I see wrong with it are lack of interesting geometry, its a bit generic and a bit bland. I would like to see a version 2 of these maps though. Sorry if I offended you OP, it was not intended but I just wanted to tell you what you could do.
I admit their lacking. I was just trying out some techniques. The second one can be escaped from to the main map, but I ran out of materials. But you half to know where. Maybe a version two of my second one, on blackout in the sky. Just did it on the free maps so everyone can enjoy a little,
the comet is superb great forging on that the first map looks good, i like it the second map is a little lack luster is it just four open boxes and some bridges or is there something i am missing?
i like how you put a soccer ball in the ground as the meteor. anyways the first map has pretty good forging while the other map looks like good gameplay its a mix
the first map looks really cool, woth some awesome aspects, such as the geomeged soccer ball, i wish i know how, im gonna try to find someone to sow me. second map looks a little messy, maybe ass some more pics to show your mad skkills.
i like the frist map the most. it is such a cool idea. the second one is okay. 3/5 for the whole map pack
Your missing it's hard to get from one ship to the other because of the death floor. I'm gonna redo it on blackout.