Yup me too. Its a guessing game, which fails. I speant months tweaking this map to make sure that it provided the best possible gameplay.
Wow I've never seen merging in the back alley before. How did you fit the box's in there? Did you merge through the wall first?
Yeah, I just merged the double box(using the door method) as deep as it could go, eventually it falls through. Then from their it was just using door to get it in the right postion.
It looks great. A nice healthy combination of open and closed spaces, a unique weapon set, and great interlocking. A definite DL. The only thing I don't quite like is that there aren't too many decorative features, e.g. cones and fusion coils.
Fusion Coils arent decorative, they affect gameplay. If I'd made this with Budget Glitch then it would've had a lot more little things. Thanks for your input.
Well it just takes practice. A good thing to do that can be quite helpful is to just open up a canvas map and practise merging. Use different techniques, different braces to see what works best for you. Try in different areas instead of just into the ground or walls.
Linu in all honesty I love your maps and this map has some amazing things for it. The merging shows what a person can do with it. like the double box in the back. but besides that I was actually disappointed with this map when i played it... its almost as if you tried to merge ever single piece whether you ended to or not. and in some areas it would have looked better un merged.. Game play is great though.
Thanks, I really tried to create an original experience with Pankration. When I started work on this map, I hadnt done a lot of merging in the past, so I knew that to pull of something like this, wouldnt be easy. Actuall the first part I made of this map was the merged single box in the crane. Then I just kept building. I understand where you're coming from, I did merge some objects "just because I could" Could you give me an example of which area(s) would've looked better un merged? Well, that's what I believe I do best.
looks really unique. thats pretty much all i can say right now other than ill dl and play it alot because it looks awsome. 5/5 great job you deserve a cookie
This map looks like it took a lot of time on how everything I saw on the ground or next to a wall was merged into Foundry. Playing on this map is great elimination was pretty cool. Great job on making a map that's phenomenal for game play. 6/5. An extra for the merging in the back hall. Thanks Linubidix. Good luck on 3000 posts.
Why thank you, I do love cookies. As I've said, I highly reccommed you play elimination and flag rally with BR starts. With those it plays like a dream. When playing Black Cat Magic, the choke points seem to be, most of the time, the camo spawn or the little bunker near the curve. Thanks, my new map will be up for 3000. I spend a lot of time on my maps, I really take my time. I put a lot of effort in. THis was the first map where I really used geomerging, I am quite proud of what I acheived with it. With the back alley merging, I had just practise it with Headlessbarbie and decdied to incorporate it into Pankration, after I did it; I realised to my knowledge that this hadnt been done before and that it was going to be quite popular. There's no strong consistency to the layout, its supposed to resemble as if a bomb has gone off. If anything its theme/strong point is great gameplay. Indeed it does make foundry seem bigger. I seem to have used the majority of Foudry in the last few of my maps. I guess I am more familiar with that style of map making. On a side not, hooray for this thread's revival. I was fearing it was soon to die.