Tournament (V2 will be out shortly) Created by TheRevXa7xX Supported Gametypes: Needs 3 Team Gametype Map Description This map consists of 4 main rooms, 3 on the sides and one big room in the middle.There has to be 3 teams of 2 or the game wont work. Ok on to the rooms, one player from each team will start in a room with another player from another team and will battle it out for victor of that stage (same with all the other players) then 2 minutes into the game a door for the three side rooms will open to the bigger room in the middle and the remaining players will fight to the end to see which team will be the victors. The only weapons are a BR that everyone starts with, but you can change to what ever weapon you want people to start with by editing the game settings.There is also a custom power up in the middle of the map. _________________________________________________ Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Overview Middle 1 Overview Middle 2 Door closed Door opened _________________________________________________ THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE Download Tournament Download 3 Team
uhmm i say a map exactly like this ten or so minutes ago, but the spawn rooms look different and the middle tower is much cooler, so idk if its a v2 or something but it looks good
Thats what i said, haha. Yes the rooms are changed around, and they look a little bit better. The other map woulda been great for paintball > For more Ascetics, ill give you a 3/5
It is an ok map idea the execution is decent. I see some nice interlocking in the tower as well as geomerging but, the map needs some more cover a lot of large open areas for a 3 team battle can cause a bit of trouble. I like how you used a door but it looks rather tacky to just have the whole things sitting there out in the open which makes it look a bit visually unappealing. Keep on forgeing you seem to have some good techniques down so just keep forgeing no one makes a great map after a few posts anyway.
I liked the other map, but this one is pretty dang good just like the other one, great interlocking and use of weapons I can play this map for more then one round because of the diffrent spawning rooms. Overall it is great.
This is a very nice idea that was definatly delivered in gameplay. Maybe anotehr one with 4 players on each team to come?
wait why didn't you just make the map and then put that both of you made it? insted of posting two maps that a really a like any way i do like the map it looks very nice good for slayer i would think
Um I could probably only use 3 people on each team because I can only fit 3 rooms on this map.I'll see what I can do in V2.