Debate The War in Iraq

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shanon, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    How much longer must this thread go on?!! The local citizens there were better off before America's presence in the Middle east. The U.S. is only sparking more issues. America's economy is spiraling downward at an accelerating speed, and the death toll is about 4,500 U.S. soldiers (not including Blackwater). What's not to get here people??!!! The war on terror is POINTLESS!
  2. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    War on terror, POINTLESS? I think not. If we continued saddam to go on his regiem then he would of killed more of his people, invaded countries and possibly had built nuclear technolog and actually threaten people Now.

    So watch you say about war on terror. Its not pointless its safety.

    God, why don't you people understand....
  3. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    The Bush administration tried to fabricate a link between al qaeda and saddam, just so they may invade for the oil. If you really believe what they tell you in the news, then you are just like the rest of the sheep in this rotting nation.
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I never support wars, I don't think they are needed, unless they are solely for the good of the nation or the world, for that matter. This is just one of selfishness and pointlessness and it pisses me off
  5. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Seems to be a good hour for people to think....

    How do you know anything going on in a place you have never been to... either one of you?

    I know very little about the current situation and how its being fought..but I know this much How can you say its pointless unless you truly know whats going on... I know as much so that its Terror when a Minority rule over a Majority... thats what was going on in Iraq... now passing that thought on... how can you say ... our governments wrong in doing good ..when you yourself will not do a good deed...I mean... We Scream about ECONOMY ... AND Decline... ever looked at this information on a true scale..I mean sure..we are in a negative slide but by how much and by how far... simply panicking and flipping a car for a simple squirrel in the road isn't truly a good idea...but a deer in the headlights... could leave a bill in the morning... I mean You guys need to dig a bit more oppions and facts in this debating ... isn't voting and the most people that agree with you win...Its being right ..and proving yourself as well being able to explain it to others...
  6. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    To be totally honest, I think that war in general is a pointless, terrible thing. There is no reason why we can't all just learn to respect other people's views and love our fellow man. As for the war in Iraq specifically, when we went in, we destabalized the entire region and enraged all of the terrorist groups in the area. Now, because of what we started, it has become hard to back out for fear of it becoming a terrorist haven. Nice going, pres.
  7. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    Umm, all the news is liberal thats against the war sooo i dont see how thats possible but I guess you could say yea, liberal are ruining the country.
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    You don't have a clue what you are talking about do you?

    The media doesn't suggest what Chips was saying at all really. The things Chips said were along the lines of something that independent film directors make. The media simply covers the death toll, the explosions, the etc. They are all there, being paid by the gov't (especially FOX), doing what ever they are told to. Anyways, I care not to debate about this, as I don't have the care or time anymore. It's an injustice that we are there, and unfortunately, I am rather stubborn on that belief...
  9. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    Well let me put my ideas simply.

    Iraq war, great way to end terrorism.


    Countries and liberals hate the war and America for no real reasons and make excuses and false accusations so they can feal better in themselves

    2 large war crimnals have been punished for all there crimes

    French still probably deal under the table. SNf the thats the reason why the UN didnt back us up.

    [Imma end the post adult swim style]
  10. zaidf

    zaidf Ancient
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    This whole war is stupid.

    Why attack Iraq, when it was AL-QAEDA who flew the planes into the towers? Yes, Iraq have Saddam, but did he say outright that he had ANYTHING to do with the explosions? Bush and Bush Snr. are idiots.

    You say there is democracy in Iraq. What good is democracy when you are afraid to step out of your own house for fear of being blown up in a terrorist explosion?
    America said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They went in. They found nothing. Zilch. Nada. Do they pull out and admit they were wrong? No. They carry on. They are simply fueling Al-Qaeda's vendetta, and America will be Iran's first target when Ahmedinijad finishes developing his nuclear weapons.

    There's a post earlier in this thread which says something like "So what if we go for oil? We need it, and we have to defend it". What right does America have to just go into another country and steal their resources? Would you like it if Iraq invaded America and took everything they hold dear? Would you like it if they took their most learned professors, their most advanced technology, the things which make America such a developed place to live in? This is just stealing, not "defending".

    As a Catholic Iraqi who lives in the UK, I say that the war is wrong. Do I agree with Al-Qaeda? Absolutely not. Muslim extremists are probably the biggest threat to Western society at the moment. Yes, Saddam is dead. But have the bombings stopped? Are you 100% sure that if you step out of your house, you won't be assassinated?

    America has just fueled the Islam world. The Bible says that things like this are leading to the end of the world, Judgement Day, the Apocolypse. And these bombings will carry on, thanks to the lovely Mr. Bush. Bravo.
  11. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    You my sir need to look beyond the media...

    We attacked Iraq because there was a dictator controlling thousands of innocent civilians and killing the ones that spoke out for themselves. Oh and please research the Cold war. We gave weapons to the terrorists in the Middle East to fight the Communists in the 1980's. We then abandoned them and left them in ruins, this angered the newly armed terrorists who, in 9/11, decided to enact payback. Thus this conflict was started.

    Source: Cold War (7.1 Insurrection)

    And about your hate for Both the Bush: If you remember back a few years when 9/11 occured, the election following BOTH candidates were campaigning FOR the war, EVERYONE in the US wanted it, we needed to fix the wrong we started in the Cold war. But then what happened? Politics. The Democrats campaigned for the end of the war to gain support, not to say that if the democrats were in support that the republicans would not have done the same. But the point is, everything is becoming too much politics and not enough common sense...

    What good is democracy? What good is living if you are trapped by an invisible veil that whenever you try to escape you are sent back. A veil of chains that is oppression, something that keeps thousands from giving their opinion, having freedom to think for themselves. What is the point of living in poverty to make a selfish dictator rich? Democracy supports the views of a majority, when the few rule the many, this is a problem. We are fixing that in Iraq. There will be much pain and suffering along the path to freedom, but that freedom WILL come.

    Why didn't we find any weapons? 169,234 miles of sand, that is why. Do you know how easy it would be to dispose a nuclear weapon? Especially in a dictatorship where all he needs to do is command it and it will be done. And with all their suicide attacks, how will they win? They are running out of soldiers...

    Do you know what MAD stands for? It goes back to the cold war too. It stands for Mutually Assured Destruction. That means that if one country launches Nuclear weapons, the other will too and everyone will die, something a dictator does NOT want to happen. Remember they are greedy, they don't fight just because. If Iran did anything, lets just say bye bye world... those poor people in the space station.

    We didn't go there for oil, end of story. If we did we would have killed everyone.

    The bombings havn't stopped, but they are fewer, I am 99.9 repeating percent sure that I won't die stepping out my front door. Don't Clump the hate to muslims, it is just the extremists taking their teachings out of context and proportion.

    That will be good for now. Thanks for reading my brick ppl :)
  12. zaidf

    zaidf Ancient
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    You got me wrong. When I said are you sure about stepping out of your doorstep, I meant in Iraq. But I imagine it somewhat applies to the USA too, now.
    And I also said "Muslim extremists are the biggest threat to Western society", not Muslims.
    You say "there will be much pain and suffering, but freedom will come". I don't know if you've read Harry Potter 7, but in there, the issue of doing something for "The Greater Good" comes up. We all assume that it's a noble thing to do, etc. etc, and that all the people who are affected along to way to ensure that the end achievement is great will be honored in the end. However, when you have to live, day in day out, with a threat like that, you start to wonder if you are concerned about the greater good. Americans see the greater good as protecting the world (and themselves); at the moment, the "good" is stopping the extremists and trying to bring about a free-er Middle East which would result in a better world.

    And no matter what you say to me, I don't accept that they didn't go for the oil. Iraq has huge oil reserves. War is a way to exploit them.

    P.S You said I "need to look beyond the media". I don't pay attention to the media. I listen to the people I love who go through these situations every day because Bush decided that he wanted even more power and respect from the world.
  13. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    My question is why are we still in Iraq?
    Most of the treats come from Iran and Afghanistan because those are the major terroristic groups. I mean look, Iran is tring to produce Biobombs and other large scale warheads and we're still tring to build things in Iraq that they don't really want.
    Every time we try to build a school, or a bridge, so extremist go and blow it up!
    I say the war in IRAQ is wrong, but the war on terrorism is not

    And BTW We DID in fact find Radioactive chemicals in Iraq, Holed up by Al-Queda, it's just Bush was enough of a man to keep it quiet.
  14. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    If we went there for oil, why were prices rising...?
  15. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    the prices are rising because of Big Oil, nothing to do with the war
  16. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    China is taking all the oil and Saudi isn't producing any more oil then they already are. Because of the olympics, China is driving less and not using up so much gas. That why prices are lowering.
    It's freakin 3.65 over here now
  17. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    war is always funny because if you look at some of the ways some of the past wars have started, they've started only because of one of the sides being threated by the fear of change.
  18. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    What!!! The UN would NOT like that and neither would we. I support out troops, I believe that the saying "thank you for your service" was lost the way it was during the Vietnam War. Everyone told the soldiers that what they did was worthless. WORTHLESS, A WASTE OF TIME!!!? No, that is ridiculous, those men in that war saw many of their friends die, and to be told that after so many years of battle that their efforts had no meaning was HORRIBLE!

    The US did partially target Iraq for their oil, nobody should doubt this as possible. It's why we refuse to jump into Darfur and save hundreds of thousands of lives. We refuse to go because we need justification and on top of this, are already in a war.

    To sum this all up, our Government didnt have the best leadership. They should ultimately learn from their mistakes and move on.
  19. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    The leaders of our government should have been arrested for misleading the public into a very costly war (men, women, and money). Where does a government get off suspending our rights and lying to us about WMD's which tricked us into this war (btw even the intelligence reports said there were no WMD's in Iraq)? The only problem is who to arrest. So much fingers being pointed and denial of evidence makes our country go 'round. What prevents us from doing this same thing in the future?
  20. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    i kinda hate whats happened to this country's government... it's so much more...... whats the word for it..... messed up?.........and other words.... can't think of any more right now

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