All I said was good job… Which basically means I should say nothing to avoid conflict. Thanks Well, trash talking is not necessarily bad. But it’s good to know… As for the hard boiled eggs? :lol: Sure, just add RadiantRain, or send me a friend request. I would not bother playing with anyone! :joker: Off course they would act differently, it’s just sad that if they know they won’t get into any trouble they would do that. :cry:
Hmm Rain..I disagree, the majority of people on XBL would talk to you like that regardless of male or female, though females would take more **** from them. Now I can joke around and stuff, but truth be told, it's because these guys have never had a girlfriend. Girls don't talk to them, they aren't a "catch". They go to college, are virgins and get full McDonalds pops thrown at them. So they take out their frustration on XBL, and even worse when they find a poor innocent girl who they think it will be easier and more fun too be an arse too. Best thing you can do is kick their ass, and than be like ahah you suck you got beat by a girl, because trust me, those type of people don't like losing in their one talent to a girl. Or you can do what I do, play with a set 3-4 people, mute the other team in social always, and file complaints like it's nobodies business. I'm sorry that you have to go all through that though. I had this girl on my FL for a bit..3 days after she made her account she had like 80 14 year old boys harassing her. Well I hope things go better for you Good luck.
Oh yeah, the hard boiled egg thing. Don't even ask. Call duty 4, too many migraine pills, and 4 am never does good things to ya.
I won't even bother reading the whole topic. All nine pages. Anyways, I read the first couple of posts and I understand your pain. I'm pan-sexual and made fun of it. Most of the jokes are about gay, like would you to suck a **** right now? My point is, don't let it get you down. Try to mute them, report them, whatever you gotta do besides not talking on your mic. If you don't talk on your mic, you won't be able to experience your xbox live friendship. Sorry for acting like an ass earleir with the picture, I was just joking around and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings if I did. I already sent you a friends request because I want to make your xbox live feelings alot better.
Well, i'm a 14 year old male, but I don't do that. In fact, I have several girls (yes I admit it) on my friends list because I think it's cool that they play video games despite the majority of players being male. One of them is a level 48 in lone wolves and can whip my ass anyday at halo. No, i don't send friend requests to every girl I meet, the same principles apply to a male player. If I have a good conversation with them I will. The people you were playing with were jerks like many people I meet on xbox live. It doesn't necessarily mean that all males are like that, so please do not lump us into one group. I hate it when opposite sexes do that to each other. I have had several arguments with guys on xbox live who all seem to have the same sexual jokes too. I'm thinking that those kinds of jokes and mean remarks are really easy to come up with and that's the only reason that so many people use them.
Well, you disagreed at the beginning and are now agreeing? I would love to File a complaint to everyone but then I’d have to file about 100 a day, I’m not even over exaggerating. What picture… If it was the picture on page 8, there is not problem. And I don’t really support Homosexuals, but I won’t rank on you or hate you… :joker: Ironically this thread is making it feel like I’m lying about the majority of males being aggressive… I have not had one person say anything negative to me, and we have 9 pages of responses.:happy:
That's cause this is forgehub. I dare you to make this thread on bungie. I dare ya. OMFG PEER PRESSURE!!!!one!!!1
Oh, don't worry we know you aren't lying. We've seen this all before. That's what most of the pages are saying, that most people are just acting like assholes on xbox live. How dare you hate on homosexuals too. Pan means a further pushing of Bi-sexual. It also means the person who would have sex with Transexuals as well. But you're a christian person who doesn't support the natural order of life great homosexuals. >_>
The natural order of life? lol Don't try to steal the topic. If you want attention for your pan-sexualness go make your own topic. Anyway, I'm also suprised there's another girl on Forgehub. I thought it was just Tooch. So do you forge, or do you just like to get maps here to play customs? I would suggest you fill up your friends list with mature people who treat you normally and just play customs. Or get into a matchmaking game with your friends and set your communications status to friends only. That way you won't be harrassed, 'cause about 90% of the guys who play MM will talk **** to you because you're a girl.
I wasn't trying to steal the topic. I was just making an example because you got to admit gays and girls are the most made fun of on Xbox Live. Also, there is one more other girl but I think she left because I haven't seen her since a long ass time! Her name was Emo Asian Girl... Strange enough I don't get why the hell she would pick a name like that. I think she doesn't forge because I see her posts and I haven't heard anything like forging from her. The third paragraph I agree. Trust this guy!
True, but how would anyone in MM know if you were gay unless you were blabbing it to the whole world? It's more unfair for girls 'cause they can't even speak without being harrassed. Oh yeah! Emo Asian Girl! I forgot about her. Where did she run off to? I don't even remember her making a dramatic "I'm leaving" thread, so she can't have left. She's hiding somewhere. lol
Lol. Anyways, I think we should leave the topic to ti's original point. We could just send PM's or talk on the off topic section if we just wanted to spam. Also, last question before I leave you alone for a while. Why aren't you premium now?!
Aw crap! Sorry Radiant. I get sidetracked easily. haha. Um.. good luck filling your friends list with decent people. That will take time. I suggest clearing out a lot of people you don't play with often and slowly filling your friends list with people you meet who treat you nicely. You should hook up with Drawingman and Tooch. I bet they could introduce you to a lot of decent people. And you could send a friend request to me too. I'm looking to fill up my friends list so I stop getting random spam f/r's. lol I also have a few friends who are girls that I could introduce you to.
You've played with the wrong guys. Those are the assholes who think that on the internet it doesn't matter who they are or how old they are and can act however they want (I.E. 12 year olds and recently dumped guys) Oh and if you remember the names, report em. And tell us so we can watch out for them here at FH to treat them like what they are.
it's just what happens when you give a moron an internet connection and a mic. i wouldn't be surprised if the involved people are regular posters on this forum.
Yes how ironic is it that your status reads stouf761 is [Too Long] for her :haha: Aww… That is the sad part, but really your just mean! :lol: How ironic that a loyalist runs off topic, I don’t mind. Problem is that my brother and I share the same account, so we have a bunch of friends who are intertwined and it’s getting full. :sick: