hey i have no idea where to post this so im wondering who do i pm to get a thread deleted? this kid took my map after i kicked him off the map team. it was finished but i didnt have the time to post it since i had to go on vacation. when i came back he had already posted it and changed it to say he made it himself i have my fileshare date on it as proof though and a friend who helped make it and hes a credible source (he made the drawbridge that got featured) thanks guys
You could contact any of the moderators or one of the admins. Now is the other person on forghub or where is this "Map Stealing" taking place?
Contact either Shock Theta, Mallet, Draw the Line, or any other moderator. Those are some I can think of so pick one.
ya, tell me the kids name and i'll take care of him. is it MLG ninja. omg you made flare. and someone stole it. i'm gonna tell that kid off.
here, mlgpro, bungie, and it was on h3artificer but my friend who helped me on it is a high ranked member and got it deleted
he helped make v1 and v2 but then he got lazy and i kicked him off the map team. then he stole v3 and claimed he "made changes" after i told him i didnt want him to get credit for something he didnt do
Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share there it is. it says it was made by Dc0 Hezbolla, thats me but i just changed my name today since i started a clan with a buddy. it says it was made on the 4th