in this colleseum you get to pic your weapon out of the amoury pic your equipment and power up go into the colleseum and destroy your targets this map is meant for team slayer red vs blue teams the colleseum pics one and two destroyed enimes Download p.s.make shure to be either a red or blue team or it wont work out as well you will spawn outside the map if u dont i cant stress that enough
hey, wouldnt people be able to camp in the armory? or is it a fence box above the colliseum. which it probably isnt. if it was a fence box, it would prevent camping but may lead to spawn-killing. just my thoughts. 4/5
The map is way to empty, I can tell making the circle was hard, but you ruined the map by not making it into something better.
...besides the fact that this post is very not up to par (which I'm not going to touch), I think I'll give a comment or two on your map. For one, the screenshots provided make it out to be a very boring and rather poorly-executed map. Initially, it looks like a failed attempt at making an inescapable circular arena with very little cover (poorly executed because it's only a very distant relative of a circle - see my Circulation map for an example of a good circle and how to make one). It doesn't look like there was a lot of interlocking used, and as of yet I can see absolutely no geomerging in the map. There is also a lack of weaponry available on the map itself, which makes me think that you didn't put any thought into the gameplay of the map (maybe you should use a special gametype to force the end of the round after the first kill, and block the teleporters into the arena for 60 seconds so contestants are forced to wait to enter the arena until the same moment). And just so you're aware, that is only the tip of the iceberg. I'll give you a 1.5/5, because at the very least you did use some interlocking and had the cojones to post it on ForgeHub. It's also got a fair bit of potential, so keep the concept in mind for when you become a better Forge Artist. EDIT: There is no real par for maps. Your post isn't up to par.
no i made shure they cant spawn kill they are in the amorys and they spawn on opposite sides of the map you can only get out of the amory you cant get in you have my word.
its not empty really in the amory and the outside of the map wich i put there to have some fun with the spartans just to make them squirm
Isn't that a little brutal, It's not Horrible. I think that maybe you should try interlocking ALL the Boxes turn the side under the boxe to the side the players will see so it looks better, Add a little cover and you'll be fine, but if you really want to impress people you'll have to go beyond thaat (by alot)
Looks cool. If you want to make the ark of your colosium perfectly circular, in forge, change to a gametype to one with a circular object, like a goal point, in VIP, and use that as a reference
Don't accuse me of not knowing how to read when you don't know how to post a proper sentence. I did read your post and saw the fact of the armories. For the gametype you're suggesting, though, if you're in the field and you kill your opponent, your opponent comes in with a fully loaded weapon while your ammo keeps depleting. It is good to have at least simple, common weapons on the field so that once the gladiators have options once they've killed one another. Now to prove that I'm not some coldhearted jerk, I'll offer you my assistance through the next two weeks in remaking it and helping you perfect it should you so desire, as I do believe this map to be full of potential if done correctly and with the right gametype. My gamertag is in my sig.
exactly you have to be strong to win so if you kill you get more ammo think ahead in these battles i know i did that little detail was the entire thing to this oh and in the colleseum there is a plasma grenade so dont worry