Once you go interlocked, you dont go back. When you figure out forge, interlocking and such, you start to get better and better, you pick up new techniques, you challenge yoursefl and forge with your capabilities. The old saying "Practise makes perfect" is one of the most truthful things you will ever hear.
Well theres necessary interlocking and unnecessary interlocking, necessary benefits game play, unnecessary benefits aesthetics. However a lot of people think interlocking for aesthetics is necessary. A lot of interlocking can show people that you have put a large amount of effort into making the map.
Personally, I'm one of those people who thinks aesthetic interlocking is necessary. Those who say, "Screw it, I don't have the time" aren't putting their best into the map. When you post something on Forge Hub, don't you want it to be your best? So yeah. Now I need to learn how to merge with geometry.
Interlocking for me isnt really for making it look good but making it play well. Before interlocking I would try to move stuff around just to squeeze an item into place. For me interlocking is more of a conveniance rather than a way to make aesthetics (sorry for my spelling if I spelled anything wrong)
Interlocking is definitly important you are very limited without it and with it it is almost possible to creat anything you can think of right now. All you have to do now is build it
If you honestly don't enjoy a single map in the featured section then you don't know what "fun" is. Perhaps you're bitter that your own maps haven't been very popular.
well, few were fun, but today, there mostly aesthetics now "looks at matrydom" they were better before foundy came out
Oohhhhhhhhh burrnnnn! Lol well anyways lots of the featured maps are fun to play on. Troika is one of my favorites too.
So according to people that say interlocking means a lot, gameplay isn't as good without it, ect., most mini games must suck. not trying to hate, I do interlock but there are some maps where you really dont need to.
Mini games are completely different than competative maps. Mini games are much more leasurely in their nature. Their construction often shows that. Competative maps require much more time and effort.
without interlocking some foundry maps just feel like you're playing on a bunch of items thrown together in a map editor. with interlocking (merging especially) the maps 'feel' like an actually unique map, like the items are a part of foundry.
Sorry draw the line, I didn't know we were talking about competitive maps. Then I will say interlock only when necessary and not for aesthetics and then when your map is done, use your remaining resources and budget to create good aesthetics.
It would depend on the situation, I think. If it's a tiny bump on a side wall that no one in their right minds would be hugging against, then it wouldn't matter. If it's a major bump on the ground that forces you to do a mini hop, or blocks you completely, that needs to be interlocked.
I think interlocking in really important. what if you're standing on a double box, you try to grenade jump on to a single box on top of it, and the grenade falls through?