2008 Foundry Olympics

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Soldier62994, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    EDIT: Only these two top links work atm!



    This is one of my maps that I consider to be a "Ministhetic" map. 99% of you are probably wondering "Say what?" Well, its really not that hard, it is simply an Aesthetic map that features multiple, playable mini-mini-games. I say min-mini because these games are not what you expect, they are little games for you to play when you are bored, but you can play by yourself, or with a guest. They are not meant for large parties but to please the aesthetic nature of the map. If you would like to join a group dedicated to "Ministhetic" maps, or you make Mini-Game and/or Aesthetic map, then check out my sig or click this link: Ministhetic

    3 olympic games on foundry. Skeet, Fencing and Hurdles. Honor rules are required for all three sports, honor rules for events above its picture.

    Hurdles. Run around the track jumping over the hurdles(sender nodes). Hitting the hurdles will teleport you back a little bit. In real olympics hitting the hurdles will cause you to gain time. Honor Rule: No assassinations and must stay in the court. 3 laps until winner

    In skeet you need at least two people, or you could use two controllers. One person take the stairs on the right(behind the track) to go to the skeeting platform(first picture). The other player takes the left stairs and throws the discs(second picture). The discs are trip mines that are deployed, they are on instant respawn and there are four different spots for you to launch the mines from. The objective is to shoot the discs while they are in mid air. There are three different events, BR Beam and Human. Beam rifle is proabably the hardest, with the human sniper in the middle. The BR is the easiest Honor Rule: Take turns and try not to snipe the other players

    Last but not least is Fencing, which requires the most honor rules. Honor Rules(Everything Below): Since the gametype(explained later) makes player invunerable, the only way to tell if the other player is hit is by having a third party player there. Since you can't dive in Fencing, you can only use your B button to fight. This makes backing up more tactical then if you could lunge. If the swords touch, it doesnt count. Hitting the other player's body counts as one point, you need three to win. After hitting them you must move back to your respective side.(Like in epees)

    The Bleachers, for viewing The Hurdles and Skeet. Also the Torch(See below) To get to the bleachers you need to enter from the bottom Barriers.

    And of course the Olympic Torch. To get there you must take the secret entrance behind the bleachers. Marked by the plasma pistol shot in the picture.

    It will take you to the platform above the Hurdles. Where you pick up the Custom Powerup and jump onto the "wall" and grab the flamethrower.

    You then walk across the "wall" and shoot a SINGLE burst of flame into the left side of the "torch".

    It cause the flames to erput and stay in a constant loop. Note, that after about a minute the torch gets screwed up. Also, sometimes the flames will bounce out and hit spectators.

    The gametype, Medals, gives you plasma pistol at start and 200% gravity(for the hurdles) and invunerability.

    All of my maps are unique in design. Originality is a must in a map, that combined with great aesthetics and a plan makes a map. Check out my four other maps, each of which have never been done before.

    • The Carnival: A Ministhetic map that houses five different carnival games. Each is playable and is exactly like its' counterpart in real life.
    1. Milk Bottles: Step right up and grab yourself a power drain. Can you knock down the stack of barrels?
    2. Cone Shooting: With only three shots of your magnum, can you find the hidden gun under the sixteen cones?
    3. Test of Strength: Pick up a grav hammer and test your strength! Hit the wire spool as hard as you can and try to knock the soccer ball into the wizzing machine.
    4. Basketball: Three stickies for $2, three stickies for $2! Can you get two points?!
    5. Dunk Tank: Get up on the platform and grab a nade. Get it through the hole and knock down your guest!​

    • 2008 Foundry Olympics///☺\\\(Currently Viewing): Yet another ministhetic map comprised of three minigames all inspired by the Olympics! Not to mention a FULLY working torch, that you light just at the Chinese did in the Olympics! The torch even stays lit in a constant loop, no fusion coils used!
    1. Hurdles: Can you clear the teleporters while running around in an oval? What if you had 200% gravity?! Go around three times and see who is the fastest of your friends!
    2. Skeet: One man throws the tripmines into the cannons, the other snipes the little discs as they go flying by. Best of ten wins!
    3. Fencing: Grab a sword and try and hit your friend is this round of Epees! Feint, Lunge and Swipe!

    • Trapnesium: The zombie has taken over the control board! Escape the streets and get to higher ground. Watch out though! The zombie has found out how to use the automated defense systems!
    1. The Jumps: The zombie has opened up two pits in the path! Jump to the other side, watch out though you have higher gravity in this alternated world!
    2. Wall of Pallets: The zombie has found the lever! Watch out for the truck that shoots from the wall, it might be your end!
    3. Loop Coil: Time your run and get behind the S.H.I.E.L.D.! The explosion keeps falling, it may push you over the edge!
    4. Grav Truck: Cross this perilous bridge carefully! The purple button might just send oncoming traffic your way!
    5. Trash Shooter: The red and blue buttons control the trash system. Seems the zombie has turned these dumpsters against you!
    6. Last but Not Least: Choose your path wisely! One leads to certain death, and the zombie chooses which one!
    The Door Room: One door brings you to another in this room of FFA madness! Grenades are everywhere and the explosions never stop! And get this! The chandelier has been replaced with a Rocket Launcher!
    #1 Soldier62994, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008
    Obibital, Jimbodawg and redearth like this.
  2. Cheshter

    Cheshter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pictures don't work but sounds really good
  3. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Hadnt put them up yet, just did. Do they work?
  4. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    yup, they work,
    and i like this
    even though its full of honor rules its really creative

    i especially like the skeet
    very clever!
  5. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
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    Yeah, your pictures work and they're great! The hurdles event is very well recreated. I love how you used tripmines instead of fusion coils, makes it more realistic. Fencing is also very well recreated. I love how you can pick up the torch and then run along the wall to light it like in the real olympics. Great job. 5/5!
  6. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    nice i liket eh concept seems really cool , the hurdles r kinda old but the skeet is a real good idea, so yeah nice idea
  7. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    welll done i really like the skeet shooting
    way to interlock essentially everything
    cool mini game
  8. drak

    drak Ancient
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    I LOVE THE TORCH MECHANISM!!! congrats on a map well done, 5/5!
  9. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I am downloading now. This is a spectacular remake of the Olympics. Especially the wall walking part. +rep 5/5.
  10. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Great concept. I love the map I'll have to download and give it a try. Also how do you know the players will follow your rules?

    4/5 (For the question mentioned above)
  11. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments, appreciate it. And to Homie, thats why theyre called honor rules, youre supposed to honor them and actually follow them.
  12. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    I really like the torch is there like a teleporter in the box or somethin? any ways i like the hurdles idea its pretty cool.
  13. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Yeah, theres a teleporter inside the box. If you look closely you can see the corner of the teleporter, in the crack between the two boxes
  14. Cheshter

    Cheshter Ancient
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    Now i can see the pics i wonder wjat was going on earlier looks really good i like the hurdles and the skeet
  15. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    wow this is a really good idea it looks very well made as well i bet i would win gold lol nahh this is a really nice map great job
  16. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    That reminds me, I forgot to put in the winners podium
  17. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    omg this map is ossum
  18. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    love the skeet. i also like everything else lol. 5/5 for such a cool and funny idea
  19. Zaffaman

    Zaffaman Ancient
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    This is awesome! Very original!
    P.S. That torch is awesomesauce... Propane tanks, right?
  20. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Hey. even if its not the most amazing map i give you alot of props for everything, its the best olympic map i've seen so far, and i like your torch.

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