Well, the title really states the question I'm asking. I'll just delve deeper into it, I guess... What I mean is like...If you're playing a gametype that doesn't force you into a color, like FFA games or some Infection gametypes, will the color of your armor help you blend in and/or make you less noticeable on specific maps? I've done some visual tests, and some maps, like Avalanche, Sandtrap, and other maps that consist of pretty much just one or two colors, are actually able to help you camouflage pretty well (as long your armor is the right color, of course) for me. So, my question is, do you think that the color of your armor can help you camouflage, or is it pretty much just a waste of time?
um i guess it could. we were playing team on guardian one time just me and my brothers and my friends, and my brother was AFC (away from controller) for a few minutes, and going around the entire map i couldn't find him. turns out he was standing against a bush (he was green team). I guess you could camoflauge yourself, but thats not really what halo is about, so as for terms of a strategy, it wouldn't be that great.
No it doesn't really. It could if you are crouching still but as soon as you move it's obvious where you are.
Mine doesn't. I'm orange. Orange people don't need to camouflage. We're... ****, I forgot the motivation speech...
HELL YEAH!!! W00T! Here we go, I remembered it: We are man enough to stand out from the crowd. Sure, we could have gone with Steel or Brown armor if we wanted to camouflage better. But we're no sissies! We don't run and hide from a firefight. We're in the thick of battle, causing the carnage! We're orange, and we're coming for the rest of you! -Furious D 18 He was spotted sneaking into an enemy base 2 days later due to the colour of his armour. We will remember him. *Holds wide-brimmed hat to chest*
It's the description for the social group called "Orange People". I'm a member. If you're interested, see my profile.
My armor is in my sig. Aqua is very bright, so no, My armor.m If you mean just as general camoflauge, it would help alot when you have camo on
Yes and no. Consciasly, I know I spelt it wrong, when you see the player the color doesn't fool anyone. But subconsciasly, when you see him in the corner you'll think it's more environment for a half a second, and that half second can determine whether you live or not.
Really I'd suggest picking colors you like. Not worrying about camo. It's really not a hiding game. You'll have more fun fighting.
Not really... It can help somewhat but its not that effective... I would just keep it the same because it pretty much is a waste of time...
im green and grey, because i do think that it is harder to see me on guardian and the caves on valhalla.
Yeah I wear tan and brown armor on sandtrap and it always seems funyy to see enemies walk right past me with out noticing me I have to say yes colored armor works well as camoflage.
Yes it does sometimes, but your visor ruins it so i suggest wearing scout or rouge armor if you really want to blend. it probably isnt a problem in sandtrap though. That kind of reminds me, we dont have a small arena map in the desert, maybe thats something we need
From what I have seen, armor color doesn't help too much. It is easy to see red almost anywhere, but when I see blue guys like in dark areas, the suit makes them easier to see because it kind of shines.