
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RadiantRain, Aug 10, 2008.

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  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    yeah.. this thread has basically become people telling stories and feeling sorry.. not that that is bad or anything.. but i will now leave this thread.. and only post if there is something important lol
  2. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Then why did you post here:confused:

    Oh well... People

    :haha: Yay for smilies :lol:
    Knight Kninja likes this.
  3. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    there playing halo what kind of female interaction do you think 80% of them have?
    RadiantRain likes this.
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    What are you saying, I think I'm taking this the wrong way, but did you say that Females are not suppose to play Halo 3 :surprise:mg:.

    Mabye you meant the Males having no interaction with Females, which I guess you are right on that part.:lol:

    The real reason I play is because my brother got me playing it the moment it came out... Now I play independently...
  5. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Misogyny. That's all there is to it. Males at the ages where puberty occurs are very aggressive, and a large portion of the males on Xbox Live are Misogynists. There's also racism, weight-based discrimination, age-based discrimination, and a whole boat-load of other forms of group-hating. In the case of misogyny, it shows as an aggressive form of superiority instead of flat-out hate, because all these young men want one thing (something that they can't get from the other hated groups).
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    lol, knowing Bnasty....
    But no, he is just saying guys eat up chicks playing Halo 3 on xbox live.
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    ... They want to be dominant? That seems like Animal behaviour :happy:

    This is making sense now... But why do they do this on Xbox Live, in school I did not run into these situations. Mabey it was because we were in school....
  8. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    That's right. As I said earlier, it's the anonymity that makes them fearless. In a face-to-face situation, who knows what could happen? Yes, it's a very animal-like behavior, but that's how guys are. They're just physically highly evolved animals. Take it from me, I have all the appropriate parts. I know how all those thought processes work. I know what it's like. The difference from me is that I have self control and manners. Golden rule and all that jazz.
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Well thanks for that info, is there anything I can do to be able to talk without getting harrassed... I want to talk too. :joker:
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    It all depends on the people you talk to and what you say. I hate when girls are with their boyfriends so they automatically hate every other guy who talks to them. But just try to make jokes or something, and if they make fun of you, go after their manhood. It always works
  11. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Hope for the best? There's nothing you can really do, but luck might work in your favor. I mean, you could try and be bitter and offensive yourself, but that can either be uncomfortable (it is for me), or it could lead to fights (it has with me). One way or another, your gonna end up having to deal with these kinds of people at some time. We all do. The best thing for yourself is to learn to ignore the offenders and use the mute function. It can make it easier to tolerate.
  12. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Well, yeah thats messed up if you don't report them post there gamertags here we will.

    Anyways, I got 'sexually harrassed on UNO' there is so many gay guys on there its .. amazing.


    Yeah, and one time me and my girlfriend were making out well halo was on... and the mic was tiny tad to close now everyone thinks I'm a girl in recent players.
    #52 Steeveness, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  13. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Only the first sentence had to do with this thread...:monitor:
  14. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Haha wow. Where was I then? Do that next time we have a game

    To Radiant: it's mainly the voice that makes people start their comments. It's the same with young kids. Just asking, how old are you?
  15. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I've learned a couple of thngs today...

    Which means I'm just going to have to stay quite...
  16. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    You don't have to stay quiet. That's why people are like this. There aren't enough girls on Halo or at least talking
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I don't know if you meant to sound patronising, but I'm afraid that's how it comes across. The fact is that humans, male and female, are animals, strictly speaking. We're subject to the same sorts of hormonal impulses and tendencies, true we have a much more developed consciousness potentially capable of controlling them, but they're still there.

    Arch3m's views on the subject seem to be a pretty solid summary, and its perfectly understandable why this bugs you so much since its such a high degree of bigotry that relies solely on the anonymity of the internet. But can I remind you that there are many other instances where the tables are turned? You can't deny that groups of young girls can be really mean and condescending towards male minorities. The fact is that puberty is the time when people, male and female, realise the significance of the gender division in what they had formerly grouped as "people" for most intensive purposes. This realisation often promotes defensive hostility due to a lack of understanding of the opposite gender, and a misplaced sense of superiority.
  18. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    While Females do sometimes treat minorities with disrespect, I'm sure they don't go off saying "Lick me clean" In fact I'm sure they don't say anything sexual... Whle I understnad where you're going, with the animal behaviour, I still don't see why this must be done using sexual terms.
  19. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    We ARE animals silly......sadly the fact that there not recognizable in real life in any way shape or form is what promotes this hormone driven behavior. As long as there are more men than women this behavior will ensue. You will sadly just have to use the mute and report functions. I wish I could give you better advice but I really can't at the end of the day all you can do is mute and report.....sorry:( furthermore if it makes you feel better theres somebody worse off than you such as the near several hundred people who died as I typed this up...poor guys (and women)
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    No, you're right, they don't often say things like that. But that's kinda my point, each goes with what they know. Your previous pic is actually pretty apt here. Since the hormonal focus on sex during male puberty is so strong, are you really surprised that sexual insults are the way their hormonal defensive aggression finds its way out? Not to mention that, when it comes to generally being rude and obscene, sexual terms are the strongest tools to hand in most cases.

    Conversely, young females go with what their good at. My theory runs that females (in general, obviously this is far from universal, but is a useful generalisation for the purposes or argument) develop a stronger social consciouness earlier on than males. As such, their weapon of choice is a deeply personal, condescending and cutting remark. From an objective viewpoint, the only difference between this and young male sexual language is your personal hangups about being talked to in this way, or sworn at. I'm not saying that this isn't valid personal objection, and you have every right to be addressed with respect. But saying that what males do is somehow 'worse' because it involves coarse language seems a little flawed to me.
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